Congressman Robert Wexler

Robert Wexler: "The Architects of Sept. 11 remain free."

At the Democratic National Convention in Denver on Wednesday, August 27th, 2008,Congressman Robert Wexler used a new term I hadn't heard before

"We entered into an unnecessary war and remain bogged down in Iraq, as Afghanistan backslides, and the architects of Sept. 11 remain free."

I found this encouraging because Karl Rove is nicknamed at times "The Architect" of the Bush Campaign. And the concept of Architecture relating to the collapse of the buildings is where it becomes obvious we aren't being told the whole story. I hope the day comes when the taboo is lifted and people start really wanting to know who the hell is stealing our elections, anthraxing our leaders, and responsible for 9/11. We'll see.

Here's the link to Robert Wexler's full speech at the Convention.

Couldn't find a YouTube clip of it unfortunately. Peace.

What Would You Ask Petraeus?

This is a letter I just received from Congressman Robert Wexler. I think he really could use our help.

What Would You Ask Petraeus?

Dear Eloy,

As President Bush stubbornly refuses to change course in Iraq, it grows increasingly frustrating for those of us who have been loudly demanding a withdrawal. I know you share my frustration. Every day, I receive letters and emails from patriotic Americans who want to - somehow – personally contribute to a solution.

Now it is your turn.

Next week, General Petraeus – the architect of the failed surge policy and our chief military leader in Iraq - will be testifying before the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

For too long the Bush Administration has been in a bubble – hiding from the truth and avoiding tough questions from outraged American citizens. This time I am turning the oversight powers of Congress over to you.

I want you to be the ones asking the questions to General Petraus.

Write me back with a short reply and tell me what - specifically - you would like me to ask. Please include your first name as well as your city and state.