crime scene

Destruction of evidence raises a presumption of guilt

I found this on Information Clearing House s one of the lead articles

By William Sumner Scott, J.D.

12/16/07 "ICH" -- -- It is a natural tendency to remember the good and forget the bad. If that tendency is allowed to play out its course, George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney may go down in history as two of the greatest leaders of all time because they initiated the first military action against Middle Eastern religious zealots commonly called “terrorists”. Terrorism must be stopped, but the methods used by Bush and his henchman, Cheney, were based upon violence against the American people, murder of innocent Middle Eastern civilians, cover-up of the truth, lies, torture, and wrongful detention and surveillance. No impeachment proceedings will expose the American people to similar despotism from its future leaders.

With the exception of Senator Frank Leahy’s leadership of the Senate Judiciary Committee that led to the resignation of Alberto Gonzales, the lawyer who condoned Bush’s wrongful action, the American government has failed to properly protect its citizens from harm.

Naomi Wolf - "There hasen't been a real investigation of 9/11."

"it's bad to have an untouchable area ( 9/11 questions ) in a democracy,." - Naomi Wolf

I know some of you have attacked her for not taking a solid 9/11 truth position,. however I belive that by not taking such a position she is reaching more people that would simple dismiss such a decided position and is indeed getting them to think about 9/11 and question it.

What are your thought?