Jerry Mazza
Jerry Mazza- Media Matters for America... or does it?
h/t to Jonathon Mark.
NEWS MEDIA Last Updated: Dec 3rd, 2010 - 11:29:12
Media Matters for America -- or does it?
By Jerry Mazza
Online Journal Associate Editor
Dec 3, 2010, 00:28
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“Media matters for America,” as wiki tells us, “is a progressive media watchdog group which describes itself as ‘dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.’ Set up as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, MMfA was founded in 2004 by journalist and author David Brock. Author and journalist Eric E. Burns has been MMfA’s president since 2006.” Sounds laudable but here are just a few caveats.
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Reclaiming the "Boston Tea Party" for 9/11 Truth
Reclaiming the “Boston Tea Party” for 9/11 Truth By Jerry Mazza Online Journal Associate Editor |
Sep 29, 2010, 00:24
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'Manchurian Candidate' Shahzad confesses all
Another special article by Jerry Mazza, who often leads the pack in investigative journalism. Jerry wrote me when he sent me the article link: "Why do I smell a rat when Shahzad confesses (and forfeits all his legal rights) in a "terror bombing" that totally fizzled? Could it be mind control or its analogue, torture, given the repeated statement that he continuously "cooperated with authorities."' Jonathan Mark -
'Manchurian Candidate' Shahzad confesses all By Jerry Mazza
Killing Baghdad civilians and Reuters journos from the air!
This is similar to the My Lai Massacre, with hopefully enough of an impact to make others sick to the stomach to stop the take-down of the US Republic for the NWO Warlords. We are pretty far down the path now, and only a reversal of the 9/11 cover-up will get us to any basis to help transform this period of horrors for a better future. Time is running out. How much more obvious can the deceivers becoming until the next false flag shuts off the lights for many of us?
Flyby News
= = = = = = = =
Killing Baghdad civilians and Reuters journos from the air!
By Jerry Mazza
Online Journal Associate Editor
Apr 7, 2010, 00:25
It boggles the mind to watch the short YouTube videos of Wikileaks’ leaked video. To hear the clipped voices of the American helicopter pilots honing in on a group of civilians, including a Reuters photographer and his driver in a July 2007 attack in Baghdad, then killing them, mistaking the photographer’s camera for an AK-47.
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Shading corruption for the appearance of truth
The following is Jerry Mazza's review of Daniel Estulin's new book Shadow Masters: How governments and their intelligence agencies are working with international drug dealers and terrorists for mutual benefit and profit. This is a brilliant follow-up to Estulin's The True Story of the Bilderberg Group, which went through 15 editions, translated into 24 languages, sold in over 40 countries, and garnered millions of readers. I think the world-wide scope and erudition of Shadow Masters should make it a contender to match or surpass those impressive figures. Hopefully, the review will give you an inkling why.'
Shading corruption for the appearance of truth
By Jerry Mazza
Online Journal Contributing Writer
Mar 12, 2010, 00:27
Daniel Estulin was born in the heyday of Brezhnev’s Soviet Union (1964-1982), during which time Russia reached its political and strategic summit in relations with the US, sliding in 1979 into the U.S. baited trap, the tragic entry into the war in Afghanistan, which ended in humiliating, resource-draining defeat.
The battle of 9/11’s ailing first responders
As usual, Jerry Mazza writes another excellent 9/11 article; this one covering Janette MacKinlay, Dust to Dust, environmental issues, Nanothermite and more.
The battle of 9/11’s ailing first responders
By Jerry Mazza
Online Journal Associate Editor
Feb 12, 2010
As Susan Edelman reported in the NY Post’s billable billions, the legal battle of ailing 9/11 first responders for compensation at Ground Zero will bring literally billions in billable hours to defense lawyers. These fees could amount to half of the money payable to some 10,000 first responders and recovery workers from toxic injuries, whose suits could total some $4 billion.
Of course, the workers were not racking up triple- to four-digit hourly fees plus expenses. They did get to inhale for some period of time Ground Zero’s toxic brew straight from Pandora’s open box. That would be . . .
* Over 400 tons of asbestos, which inhaled in any quantity, cannot be expelled by the lungs.
* 90,000 liters of jet fuel containing benzene, a carcinogen that suppresses the immune system and causes leukemia.
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No money to treat 9/11 workers, $3 billion a week to fight Iraq?
No money to treat 9/11 workers, $3 billion a week to fight Iraq?
By Jerry Mazza
Online Journal Associate Editor
Dec 20, 2006, 03:14
Is this a new 9/11 conspiracy The New York Times is reporting? That “roughly $40 million that was set aside by the federal government to treat rescue workers, volunteers and firefighters who became ill after helping with the 9/11 cleanup and recovery will run out in months, physicians and federal officials said yesterday.” And the fund goes broke while the war meter ticks in Iraq at nearly $3 billion a week?
On top of that, that sanctimonious Contra criminal, Robert Gates, sworn in Monday as defense secretary warns us that failure in Iraq would be a “calamity” that would haunt the United States for years. Well Bobby, we’ve got a “calamity” here in New York (still part of the United States) that has haunted us for five years and won’t go away. So take your “commanders' assessments” “unvarnished and straight from the shoulder” and you know where to put ‘em.
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