Republican Party

New Web Site for Taking Over the Republican Party, from the Ground Up ( also of use to Democrats )

I've written about electoral politics and the failure of activism (of many worthy types, not just 911 Truth activism) from time to time, at 911 blogger, JREF, and elsewhere. E.g., recently, I wrote a diary here, and commented here.

Even though I'm all over the map, politically, and don't like categorizing myself (other than independent), the blogs and fora that deal with electoral politics, that I follow, are on the progressive side of things. (I'm also a member of the Progressive Democrats of America, even though I've never been a Democrat. Make of that what you will. :-) ). Conservative web sites that I have long considered 'best of breed' are and, but they don't have much to say about electoral politics.

Boehner posts terrifying video with 9/11 images, implied support of torture

From Rawstory: "House Minority Leader John Boehner has posted an alarming new video on his YouTube page that includes images of the Pentagon burning on Sept. 11, 2009, and implications that the Congressman, or those who created the video, support torture techniques used on terror war prisoners during the Bush administration."

Note that Sept. 11, 2009 should have read Sept. 11, 2001, but I've quoted Rawstory verbatim, errors included. They or may not correct it soon.

Latest Convention-Protest Coverage on No Lies Radio! On the Streets and on the Floor!! Amy Goodman arrested! Police Riot!

Pacifica Election CoveragePolice
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DemocracyNow Weekday Coverage:5am & 7am Pacific- 8am & 10am Eastern- 12 Noon & 14:00 GMT
Pacifica Network Coverage - Daily - Sept 1-Sept 4: 5pm Pacific - 8pm Eastern - 00:00 GMT (4 hours)

Breaking News: Flash...Amy Goodman and other reporters arrested, preventative detention of protesters, protesters injured..thousands demonstrate....hear the latest reports on the Convention Police State on No Lies Radio....and we will have coverage from the Ron Paul counter convention.

Daily LIVE Convention Coverage on No Lies Radio! On the Streets and on the Floor!!

Pacifica Election CoverageDNC
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Democratic National Convention: Aug 25-Aug 28: 5pm Pacific - 8pm Eastern - 00:00 GMT (4 hours)
Republican National Convention: Sept 1-Sept 4: 5pm Pacific - 8pm Eastern - 00:00 GMT (4 hours)

Breaking News: No Lies Radio will have coverage from the Ron Paul counter convention and outside on the streets at the RNC.
Listen to both the Democratic and Republican Conventions, then check out the only 911Truth Candidate for President, Cynthia McKinney, who is running on Green Party Ticket. Then act to support the party of your choice and be sure to vote in November!

'It's up to you now': Sheehan quits

I was at first going to highlight specific segments of this article in bold letters but have decided instead to endorse the whole thing. It certainly serves as a wake-up call to all activists -- both of anti-war AND 9/11 truth.


'It's up to you now': Sheehan quits

By ANGELA K. BROWN, Associated Press Writer

Cindy Sheehan, the soldier's mother who galvanized an anti-war movement with her monthlong protest outside President Bush's ranch, said Tuesday she's done being the public face of the movement.

"I've been wondering why I'm killing myself and wondering why the Democrats caved in to George Bush," Sheehan told The Associated Press while driving from her property in Crawford to the airport, where she planned to return to her native California.

"I'm going home for awhile to try and be normal," she said.

In what she described as a "resignation letter," Sheehan wrote in her online diary on the "Daily Kos" blog: "Good-bye America ... you are not the country that I love and I finally realized no matter how much I sacrifice, I can't make you be that country unless you want it.