Sibel Edmonds

Sibel Edmonds is back in the News.

Two FBI Whistleblowers Confirm Illegal Wiretapping of Govt Officials, Support Sibel Edmonds Claims
by lukery
Mon Mar 05, 2007 at 11:22:33 AM PST

Sibel Edmonds has got her hands on an explosive official report from an FBI agent which demonstrates that the US Government was illegally spying on "high-profile U.S. public officials"

They were illegally using the rubber-stamping FISA court to do it (you know, FISA, the court they had to ignore in the illegal NSA wire-tapping case). FISA is supposed to be for "Foreign" persons only - not for domestic surveillance.

But here's the thing: Sibel worked for this particular agent when she was at the FBI - so this illegal spying uncovered all of the criminal activity that Sibel knows about "large-scale drug deals and of selling classified military technologies to the highest bidder" - and to top it off, no action has been taken, no arrests, no idictments, and they buried the enitre case by gagging Sibel, and congress - by claiming 'national security.'

Assets of reported CIA front-man frozen in Turkey





A court in Turkey has ruled to freeze the assets of reported CIA front-man Yasin al-Qadi (top). This story crosses paths with three 9/11 whistleblowers: Robert Wright (left), Indira Singh (center), and Sibel Edmonds (right).

A court in Turkey has ruled to freeze the assets of Yasin al-Qadi,1 a one-time acquaintance of Vice President Dick Cheney2 and reported “chief money launderer” of Osama bin Laden.3

Al-Qadi, prior to being publicly identified as a key al-Qaeda financer, owned a prominent U.S. technology firm and reported CIA front known as Ptech.4 He also escorted U.S. officials around during their visits to Saudi Arabia.5

“Council of State Administrative Cases Bureau on Thursday decided to annul a lower court's decision to rescind a cabinet order to freeze the assets of Saudi financier Yasin al-Qadi, who has been accused of financing terrorism,” the Turkish Daily News reported Saturday.6


So, where are those 9/11 whistleblowers?

70-page essay by that title is available as PDF, advertised here:

The description text and contents (below!) pretty much give away the argument to anyone who knows the issues and can use logic to reconstruct what he's saying, based on the issues raised. Nevertheless, you may decide that you'd like to read what looks like a well-organized treatment and give the guy a deserved $9.50.

I think it looks very interesting.


Where Are the 9/11 Whistleblowers?
Answering a Common Objection to Theories That the September 11 Attacks Were an Inside Job

A 9-11 Research PDF Essay
by Gregg Roberts, Associate Editor (of )

Note: Since there have actually been many whistleblowers -- just no one who credibly claims to be one of the perpetrators -- the present title is something of a misnomer. (...)


Testimony Of William G. Weaver, J.D., Ph.D. On Behalf Of NSWC

Thanks to Sibel Edmonds - Jon

House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2007
Testimony of William G. Weaver, J.D., Ph.D.
Senior Advisor, National Security Whistleblowers Coalition
Associate Professor University of Texas at El Paso*
Inst. for Policy and Econ. Development and Dept. of Political Science
February 13, 2007

PDF Document
Click Here

"The term “national security” has become talismanic, parting the courts and Congress like Moses did the Red Sea. But the term has become a hopelessly ill-defined, ever-expanding tool of executive branch avoidance of accountability."

National Security Whistle Blowers: The 'Undead'?

National Security Whistle Blowers: The ‘Undead’?


By Jeff Stein, CQ National Security Editor

You’d think a guy who helped bring down a corrupt congressman would get the thanks of a grateful government.

But you, of course, would be wrong.

Like so many other disillusioned ex-CIA, FBI and other erstwhile spooks, Haig Melkessetian’s career was derailed for telling the truth.

Today, he’s another casualty of Iraq, one of the growing number of national security “undead” in Washington’s intelligence demimonde, “entities that are deceased yet behave as if alive,” according to Wikipedia’s take on the horror flick creatures—“animated corpses,” bureaucratically speaking.

Melkessetian, a former security aide and Arabic translator to Jerry Bremer, the first American proconsul in Iraq, now works in a far lesser job for a U.S. government contractor in the Virginia suburbs.

His first sin: Telling Pentagon officials how screwed up things were in Iraq.

Big Sibel Edmonds Update at 9/11 Timeline

The Sibel Edmonds chapter at the 9/11 Timeline has seen a lot of new entries recently and you can find the details of the whole story here:


January 14, 2002: FBI Special Agent Concerned That Translator Is Protecting Surveillance Targets and Involved in Espionage

New Cynthia McKinney and Sibel Edmonds pages ..

Please check out these two new pages summarizing Cynthia McKinney and Sibel Edmonds..

The Cynthia McKinney Page contains the video of her confrontation with Donald Rumsfeld including a partial transcript, an amazing interview with Alex Jones, the documentary film “American Blackout” and it’s trailer, and a summarized biography.

Cynthia McKinney


The Sibel Edmonds page contains a short video conversation with Daniel Elisberg, a summarized bio, an audio interview with Alex Jones, information about the “National Security Whistleblowers Coalition,” and relevant references from Paul Thompson’s “Complete 911 Timeline.”

Sibel Edmonds


Please help by linking to the website and spreading the word.. Thanks! :-)

JFK and 9/11- Insights Gained from Studying Both, by Peter Dale Scott

OK guys, here's Peter Dale Scott latest, great to have a man like him on our side!

Global Research Feature Article

URL of this article:

JFK and 9/11
Insights Gained from Studying Both

by Dr. Peter Dale Scott

Global Research, December 20, 2006

The assassination of John F. Kennedy took place 43 years ago on Friday, November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas. The following text is the transcript of a lecture delivered by Peter Dale Scott in Dallas on November 18, 2006.

When I first imagined doing this talk I thought well I probably knew more at this stage about 9/11 than most people here, who are professionally concerned with JFK.1 But in preparing this talk, which I only began last Monday, has been a real learning experience for me. Taking a lot of things which I had already knew about each, but which I had never really put together before -- when I did they gave me a clearer view of what was happening behind the scenes in both operations. Because certain things repeat themselves.


Much more to follow:

The Hijacking Of A Nation Part II By Sibel Edmonds

Part 2: The Auctioning of Former Statesmen & Dime a Dozen Generals


By Sibel Edmonds

“The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes.”- - Justice Felix Frankfurter

It used to be the three branches - congress, the executive, and the courts - that we considered the make-up of our nation’s federal government. And some would point to the press as a possible fourth branch, due to the virtue of its influence in shaping our policies. Today, more and more people have come to view corporate and foreign lobby firms, with their preponderant clout and enormous power, as the official fourth branch of our nation’s government. Not only do I agree with them, I would even take it a step further and give it a higher status it certainly deserves.

Operating invisibly under the radar of media and public scrutiny, lobby groups and foreign agents have become the ‘epicenter’ of our government, where former statesmen and ‘dime a dozen generals’ cash in on their connections and peddle their enormous influence to the highest bidders turned clients. These groups’ activities shape our nation’s policies and determine the direction of the flow of its taxpayer driven wealth, while to them the interests of the majority are considered irrelevant, and the security of the nation is perceived as inconsequential.

Whistle Blowers Breaking through Berlin Wall of Corporate Media

Whistle-blowers tell of cost of conscience

Updated 11/24/2006
By Catherine Rampell, USA TODAY

He knew there were problems. He didn't think he was one of them.

In 2002, decorated FBI Special Agent Mike German was investigating meetings between terrorism suspects. When he discovered other officers had jeopardized the investigation by violating wiretapping regulations, he reported what he found to his supervisors, in accordance with FBI policy.

At the time, Coleen Rowley, the FBI agent who had raised concerns about how the pre-9/11 arrest of al-Qaeda conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui was handled, was being hailed as a national hero. German says he had also just received a mass e-mail from FBI Director Robert Mueller, urging other whistle-blowers to come forward.

"I was assuming he'd protect me," German says.

Instead, German says his accusations were ignored, his reputation ruined and his career obliterated. Although the Justice Department's inspector general confirmed German's allegations that the FBI had "mishandled and mismanaged" the terrorism investigation, he says he was barred from further undercover work and eventually compelled to resign. FBI spokesman Bill Carter declined to comment.

USA Today Runs A Series On Whistleblowers

Whistle-blowers tell of cost of conscience


By Catherine Rampell, USA TODAY
Posted 11/23/2006 9:20 PM ET

He knew there were problems. He didn't think he was one of them.

In 2002, decorated FBI Special Agent Mike German was investigating meetings between terrorism suspects. When he discovered other officers had jeopardized the investigation by violating wiretapping regulations, he reported what he found to his supervisors, in accordance with FBI policy.

At the time, Coleen Rowley, the FBI agent who had raised concerns about how the pre-9/11 arrest of al-Qaeda conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui was handled, was being hailed as a national hero. German says he had also just received a mass e-mail from FBI Director Robert Mueller, urging other whistle-blowers to come forward.

"I was assuming he'd protect me," German says.

Instead, German says his accusations were ignored, his reputation ruined and his career obliterated. Although the Justice Department's inspector general confirmed German's allegations that the FBI had "mishandled and mismanaged" the terrorism investigation, he says he was barred from further undercover work and eventually compelled to resign. FBI spokesman Bill Carter declined to comment.

Filling In The Holes

In my amateur opinion:

I found the omission of Ms. Edmonds testimony highly suspicious. The Commission had a historical opportunity to explain how and WHY 9/11 occurred. If incompetence, a forgivable human failing was in fact a contributing factor in the successful execution of the 9/11 attack, then those who were "incompetent" should have been relieved of their positions. No? Forgivable maybe, but that does not mean people should have retained their sensitive positions NOR ESPECIALLY received promotion and praise.... as many did. WTF? Something stinks!

This "incompetence" was more than just a contributing factor, for without it, the success of the attack would have been greatly reduced. No?

In my mind, I therefor must view the "incompetence" as a large and necessary component of the 9/11 operation's extensive success. Am I talking a foreign language here? I have not yet said MYHOP (we'll talk about that later), for now, I am just establishing the simple fact, that the Commission FAILED in properly explaining that which they were created explicitly to do. Not just in the one example of Sibel, but also the role, or lack of, military defense and preparedness (our military has NOT been dependent on Morris Code and vacuum tubes for a long time, even though their response that day appeared equally and anachronically retarded).

The Hijacking Of A Nation By Sibel Edmonds

Part 1: The Foreign Agent Factor


By Sibel Edmonds

In his farewell address in 1796, George Washington warned that America must be constantly awake against “the insidious wiles of foreign influence…since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government.”

Today, foreign influence, that most baneful foe of our republican government, has its tentacles entrenched in almost all major decision making and policy producing bodies of the U.S. government machine. It does so not secretly, since its self-serving activities are advocated and legitimized by highly positioned parties that reap the benefits that come in the form of financial gain and positions of power.

Foreign governments and foreign-owned private interests have long sought to influence U.S. public policy. Several have accomplished this goal; those who are able and willing to pay what it takes. Those who buy themselves a few strategic middlemen, commonly known as pimps, while in DC circles referred to as foreign registered agents and lobbyists, who facilitate and bring about desired transactions. These successful foreign entities have mastered the art of ‘covering all the bases’ when it comes to buying influence in Washington DC. They have the required recipe down pat: get yourself a few ‘Dime a Dozen Generals,’ bid high in the ‘former statesmen lobby auction’, and put in your pocket one or two ‘ex-congressmen turned lobbyists’ who know the ropes when it comes to pocketing a few dozen who still serve.

Cheney Asks Judge to Toss CIA Leak Suit


Sibel Edmonds once said, "That's the beauty of it. You can start from the AIPAC angle. You can start from the Plame case. You can start from my case. They all end up going to the same place, and they revolve around the same nucleus of people. There may be a lot of them, but it is one group. And they are very dangerous for all of us." - Jon

By MATT APUZZO 11.14.06, 5:58 PM ET

Vice President Dick Cheney asked a federal judge Tuesday to dismiss a lawsuit brought against him by former CIA operative who says the White House leaked her identity to the press.

Cheney's attorneys criticized the lawsuit in court papers, saying it invented constitutional rights, intruded on national security discussions and came two years after the statute of limitations had expired.

Former CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson claims that she was outed as retribution for her husband's criticism of the administration's prewar intelligence on Iraq.

Gary Hood -- "Sibel Edmonds"

A musical interlude for 9/11 Truth:

Gary Hood, "Sibel Edmonds"

I, too, need to know what Sibel Edmonds knows.