Michael Ruppert: Peak Oil, 9/11 and Sustainability


Rubicon alleges that the attacks of September 11th, 2001 were accomplished through an amazing orchestration of logistics and personnel. Crossing the Rubicon discovers and identifies the key suspects and persons of interest - finding some of them in the highest echelons of American government - by showing how they acted in concert to guarantee that the attacks occurred and produced the desired result.

Length (h:m:s): 00:38:06
Date Recorded: 2006-04-08
Location Recorded: Snuneymuxw Territory, BC, Canada

Media Spins Sheen's Comments As Minority View Despite Polls

We ARE the majority, speak your mind...

Thanks to recent reports from Infowars.com readers, it has become clear that several media outlets are now attempting to contort the impact of the comments Charlie Sheen made recently on the Jimmy Kimmel Live show.

The most egregious of the spin appears on Slashfilm where the site states that, "The public attacked Sheen after asking questions about 9/11 on a national radio show. The general viewpoint being that he was just an actor, what right does he have to make such accusations."

Planes Simply Do Not Vaporize - Why Didn’t They Show Us the Wreckage?

Ask questions, demand answers:


As each day passes, more and more Americans are becoming aware of the startling evidence that clearly contradicts the official explanation of Sept.11th, 2001 offered by the Bush administration. In fact, as more and more evidence comes to light, incongruities in the official explanation become increasingly and undeniably apparent.
Many questions still remain about what actually took place at the Pentagon on September 11th 2001. That’s fine, because the goal of the 9/11 truth community is to raise these questions for further investigation. The problem arises when researchers feel that it is their responsibility to explain what happened at the Pentagon. It is NOT. Rather, it is their charge to highlight the doubts that have been legitimately raised regarding what exactly hit that building.

Beginning of the Week Open Thread

What's the word?

Open thread, have at it!

Veterans For 9/11 Truth

I'm a big fan of Cathy, so this means a lot:

Dear Somebigguy,

I want to thank you so very much for posting my recent blog column It Only Takes One - Vets for 9/11 Truth.

As I understand it, apparently what happened is that someone saw my article on your website and posted it to the Scholars for Truth member forum. This is where a Vietnam vet reportedly saw it and in very short time created a group called "Veterans for 9/11 Truth" with a website around this theme. This great new website for vets can be found at: www.v911t.org/ .

911TruthSeekers.org Post 2 New 9/11 Media Clips

Just got an email from Brian over at 911truthseekers.org regarding two new media downloads they have available.

BYU Professor Steven Jones Gives Update On 9/11 Research

Professor Steven E. Jones spoke in Provo to a group of about 50 people on April 6, 2006. He gave the audience an update of his 9/11 research. One interesting point he mentioned is a video of the South Tower that shows what looks like yellow/white hot molten metal, which could possibly be thermite or thermate (used in explosives). Download the DIVX video file by clicking on the picture below:

Dr. Steven Jones Utah Lecture DVD Screening in D.C.

This is part of an emerging D.C. 9/11 group, here are the details:

Presenting DVD of Steven Jones' lecture at Utah Valley State College
Monday, 4/17, 8pm
7014 Westmoreland Ave
Takoma Park, MD

A website for the new D.C. group should be on the way shortly as well.

Weekend Grab Bag

Hi all, better versions of the Charlie Sheen interview on Jimmy Kimmel have been uploaded to www.911podcasts.com. Thanks to Neil at stoplying.ca for that.

While we're thanking people, send Jimmy Kimmel and ABC a message here:

And thank Charlie here:

And why not drop a line to Oprah, and ask her if she wants to break this story wide open, or would she rather have Ellen do it:

Charlie Sheen on Jimmy Kimmel Live

Late night TV discusses the unanswered questions of 9/11. Charlie Sheen suggests people do their own research and decide for themselves:


Corporate Media Willfully Ignores Charlie Sheen's Challenge

Rumor has it, Alex Jones has some big news this weekend. After today's strikeout, that would be nice!!


The London Observer carried an article in this week's edition by movie critic Mark Kermode which again wholesale refused to address any of the evidence that Charlie Sheen had raised to clarify his stance on 9/11.

Charlie Sheen is an actor who has exhaustively researched 9/11. Mark Kermode is a movie critic who, judging from his pathetic hit piece, has swallowed without question what the US government told him happened on 9/11 without one iota of independent investigation.