Article Discusses Democrat's Refusal to Address 9/11

Dems and Integrity, the Moon and Green Cheese -- Detect a Pattern Here? - Dissident Voice

For those who continue to suggest the Democrats can somehow save our wretched and forsaken land, I beseech thee: Wake up and smell the corruption.
You are also clearly on the correct side, because if there were ever anything in this heavily gray area-tinged world that is laid out in stark black-or-white, right-or-wrong terms, it’s Us the Good Guys and Gals vs. the neocon-driven Bush Bastards.

But you have a curious -- and maddening -- blind spot that is a big-time time-waster, a non-starter, an energy sucker-upper, the Mother of All Dead-Ends: You still engage in the fantasy that if we work really hard, even harder then we all worked last time which was damn ass-busting hard, we can get the Democrats back in power, buy some breathing room and start the long uphill climb back to semi-respectability for America.

Details on Upcoming World Crisis Radio Shows

High-Profile 9/11 Expert Guests Scheduled on Webster Tarpley's World Crisis Radio Show

Saturday April 8: David Shayler and Annie Machon, MI-5 whistleblowers, authors of Spies, Lies, and Whistleblowers.

Saturday April 15: Prof. Jim Fetzer, distinguished philosopher and co-founder, Scholars for 9/11 Truth.

Saturday, April 22: Thierry Meyssan, pioneering 9/11 researcher, author of 9/11: The Big Lie, Pentagate, and of a forthcoming new book on the role of the followers of neocon guru Leo Strauss in US politics since 1975; President of Réseau Voltaire.

Late Night Grab Bag and Open Thread

Time for another grab bag, if we missed anything post it in the comments. Just trying to catch up on the emails.

9/11 Truth On The Ron & Fez Show

The Week The USA Went Down The 911 Rabbit Hole

We always knew that one good news event exposing the official deception of 9/11 could be the catalyst to unravel the Big Lie. We didn't know there would be several news events in one week! Now we see what it looks like when the truth breaks loose.

Opie and Anthony Yell At Jason Bermas About 9/11

Opie and Anthony had Jason Bermas from Louder than Words, creators of Loose Change 2nd Edition, on their show today. Unfortunately the show was little more than a yelling match with little real discussion, but what else would you expect from such a show?

Here is a synopsis from Jason:

Yesterday, I was contacted by a gentlemen who said he was from XM radio who would like to set up an interview. This has become par for the course for Louder Than Words, we get several radio interview requests a day now. Seems more and more people are interested in the facts behind 9/11 rather than the fiction we have been spoon fed. They didn't identify who it was or who we were going to be doing the interview with. I also ended up doing an interview for LBC Radio in London at 4 am that morning!

Op Ed Rant on Cheney and 9/11


It's becoming more and more obvious that something is deceptively evasive in the government's version of 9/11 and that automatically leads me to the master of deception ~ our very own Darth Vader, Dick Cheney.

This is the scenario which makes sense to me and is born out by the actions of the FBI and others on and since 9/11.

Cheney was and still is in charge of a Cheney Administration in which Bush is the cheerleader and purposely left out of many decisions. Cheney knew an attack was eminent and was determined to use it to establish an explosive fear-based rationale to implement his neocon agenda ~ which he certainly did.

9/11 mystery for humankind

9/11 mystery for humankind - The Daily Beacon

Americans don’t love a good mystery. We prefer an action drama with an explosive, reassuring ending, even though it’s nuclear.

In some ways, 9/11 is the most important unsolved mystery that will ever be faced or ignored by humankind. It involves ultimate questions of human trust in governance, of trust in the power of state both to manage generally, and to manage public perception of realities big and small in a time when the public has unprecedented information it could access. Of course the most expansive mystery our own country has ever not solved is the 1960s.

It Only Takes One - Vets For 9/11 Truth

Cathy Garger

Folks, I believe it is now (past) time to put together a group of Veterans for 9/11 Truth. I know one or two web designers who would be more than a tad interested in bringing this effort to the attention of the American public.

But there's just one uh, little problem. In order to start this effort, we need to ask first for just ONE Veteran to stand up and announce that such a group has been formed. Once this effort has begun, others will certainly follow.

Might you be that ONE?

I would do it, but unfortunately? I am not a vet.

Late Night Open Thread

We had a bunch of good posts today, so check them all out and leave some comments.

If you have anything off-topic post it here.

Open thread, have at it!

Bill Maher and Guests Discuss Bush's Response on 9/11

Wow, this clip is definitely worth the watch. It seems that neither the host Bill Maher nor Dana Rohrabacher (Rep. California) had any clue what they were talking about. Both continually showed their lack of knowledge on the subjects by stating imaginary information as fact. Unfortunately the two other guests, Seth Green and Erica Jong, barely got in a word edgewise - but at least they weren't just pulling 'facts' out of the air. 1 Year Anniversary + Introducing

While there are over 18 months worth of archives now, April 5th marks the official 1 year anniversary since we launched the domain.

A few notes of thanks

In the first year we have made some good strides. To date we have had 700,000 page views, sent out terabytes of media, received $2000 in donations to run 22 blogads (including our most recent at, received thousands of emails, and developed a growing community of 9/11 activists from different opinions and persuasions. We have come a very long way since the launch of this site last April, and I want to thank everyone who has contributed to the growth of this site over the last year. Almost all of our news, events, media, links, and donations have been submitted by all sorts of 9/11 activists, and I want to say thanks for everyone who has helped us out.