mark's blog

Montreal 9/11 Truth is committed to educating the public about the truth of the attacks on the United States on September, 11 01

Montreal 9/11 Truthers Assaulted and Menaced with Death Threats by Associates of Jaggi Singh

Part two on the Bush protest saga. Jaggi Singh, anarchist media darling calls 9/11 truthers crazy and anti-semitic at the protest for George W. Bush's visit to Montreal. Associates of Jaggi Singh assault and threaten to kill the truthers. Montreal 9/11 Truth attempted to find out why Jaggi and his friends had so much hostility to 9/11 Truth.

Richard Bergeron, Montreal Mayoral Candidate, Falls Silent on 9/11 Truth

We Are Change Boston Questions Paul Volcker About The Bilderberg Group

10/15/09 A public address by Paul Volcker the current Chairman of the Obama administrations Economic Recovery Advisory Board. Paul Volcker was Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board from 1979-1987. To view the entire forum video feed go here:

We Are Change Boston. Dan Balz and Haynes Johnson asked about Obamas reaction to 9/11 questions

We Are Change Boston. Dan Balz and Haynes Johnson asked about Obamas reaction to 9/11 questions

September 11th First Responders Testimony. Recorded 8/11/09.

If you wish to contact this brave man he requested that messages not be sent to him directly at this time. He has made a brave decision to tell me his side of the story. Please respect his wishes and if you must attempt to contact him please do so by first sending the messages to me at . My name is Mark. Or you can make comments on this youtube channel and he may or may not end up reading them.

We Are Change R.I./ Boston Obama Vacation News Infiltration

This edit keeps the language clean; many threats were made against us, and it is all on tape. We would like it to be known that strong emotional responses to the issues we raise should always be treated with compassion, sympathy, empathy, and love. Protect yourselves with the camera and your heart first.

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs is Reviewing 9/11 Thermite Paper !

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs received the Thermite paper on August 11, 2009. Contact Mr. Gibbs to find out what he is doing with this information. Here is the 9/11 Thermite document:
Download it and share it with any and all people especially government officials.

Congressman Barney Frank Dismisses Scientific Report About Explosive Residue in 9/11 Dust

Congressman Barney Frank Dismisses Scientific Report About Explosive Residue in 9/11 Dust

US Congressman Ed Markey gets a copy of 9/11 Nano Thermite Scientific report

US Congressman Ed Markey gets a copy of 9/11 Nano Thermite Scientific report
Please contact Congressman Ed Markey to make sure he and his staff review the documents delivered to them that are listed below. Here is his web site with links to contact him and or his staff.
Please comment here or at if you have made attempts to get a response regarding this crucial information.

Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino Disregards Questions About 9/11/01

WeAreChangeBoston: Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino Confronted at Boston 2009 Peace Hip Hop Fest

The musical performer Whodini got a free DVD of America Freedom to Fascism and Alex Jone's Endgame as well as a flier. If you know him ask him if he has seen the movies yet.

We Are Change Boston: Live News Infiltration of DHS Camera Story

I had absolutely no idea what story the newscasters were doing at the time I found them about to go live on the air. I support the banning of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) cameras.

Richard Perle Bilderberg Attendee Confronted at John Deutch MIT B-Day Bash

Richard Perle Bilderberg Attendee Confronted at John Deutch MIT B-Day Bash

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