Lullaby Academy's blog
Alex Jones Interviews Flight 253 Witness Kurt Haskell - 12/29/09
part 1
part 2
part 3
Ventura’s ‘Conspiracy Theory’ show probes 9/11 mysteries covered by RAW STORY
By Stephen C. Webster
Saturday, December 12th, 2009
Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura has seen some stuff that will blow your mind.
Or, at least that's the tagline to "Conspiracy Theory," his new show on US cable station TruTV. In episode two, the one-time wrestler and movie star goes after one of America's greatest sacred cows: the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
It is, as far as this reporter can tell, the first time a syndicated program on U.S. cable has given a serious look at arguments made by members of the 9/11 truth movement.
In the show, Ventura speaks to key 9/11 truth figures such as former BYU professor Steven Jones and William Rodriguez, a nationally-acclaimed hero credited with saving dozens as he tried to escape from the World Trade Center towers on Sept. 11.
Russ Baker on the PBS station WGBH, with host Emily Rooney - 11/11/09
This blog post is more of a shameless plug for Baker's book, Family Of Secrets, just out in paperback, and of which I am about halfway through. I'm sure many here have already read it, but I wish everyone would. It is amazing. I picked this video up at
Russ Baker appears on the PBS station WGBH, with host Emily Rooney, to discuss an in depth look into the Bush Dynasty detailed in “Family of Secrets.”
Interview topics range from the secret life of George Bush senior during his time with the CIA, the Bush family’s connections to the John F. Kennedy assassination and Saudi Arabia oil companies. Watch Now!
Growing Up Bin Laden: Osama's Son Speaks,8599,1932318,00.html
By Andrew Lee Butters
Tuesday, Oct. 27, 2009
For Omar Bin Laden, the fourth eldest of Osama bin Laden's 20 known children, the awful realization that his own father was a terrorist mastermind plotting a global conspiracy that would destroy the lives of thousands of innocent people and even his own family came gradually. Of course, there were warning signs: Omar's childhood was marked by regular beatings and survivalist training; there was the growing army of ruffians and retainers who called his father "Prince"; and then there was that Afghan mullah who had given his father an entire mountain in Tora Bora.
We're all eccentric balloon-enthusiasts! Balloon Boy Hoax mixes a rich gravy...
"Father Richard Heene is described in press reports as a "retired wetherman" but he's also a well-known conspiracy enthusiast. He believes that recent photos of Mars show the remains of a civilization (including buildings), that mysterious Japanese mafia connections are using Magnetic fields to manipulate weather and that the U.S. government is either responsible for or hiding the truth of the "real story of 9/11.""
'Balloon Boy' Story Fools TV News
by Rick Ellis
I know that it's difficult for a TV news producer to do much research while a breaking story is taking place. You're much too worried about live shots and camera coverage and updating scripts to devote much time to vetting the participants in a news story.
But I find myself a bit perplexed by the overall lack of effort that was expended when it came to researching the story of the so-called "balloon boy," Falcon Heene.
Russia Today covers NYC CAN, interviews Daniel Sunjata - 10/6/09
“Government explanations of 9/11 make no sense"
American actor and 9/11 activist Daniel Sunjata says that he supports an independent 9/11 investigation because there are too many disturbing questions that remain unanswered.
“I can point out one thing in particular – the 9/11 Commission. Not one word in the 9/11 Commission report on the collapse of Building Seven,” he said. ”That is just one particular item.”
“Seventy per cent of the questions proposed by the victims’ family members during the 9/11 Commission were completely ignored. That fact alone backs for a real investigation into the matter,” Sunjata added.
Brad Friedman interviews Philip Giraldi, Peter Phillips - 9/30/09
Brad Guest Hosting Malloy Wednesday Night!
Tonight's guests...
PHILIP GIRALDI, former CIA officer and author of American Conservative's explosive new cover story interview with FBI translator turned whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, detailing allegations of bribery, blackmail, theft of nuclear weapons technology by high-ranking U.S. officials and the Turkish and Israeli governments
PETER PHILLIPS & MICKEY HUFF, co-editors of Project Censored's new Censored 2010: The Top 25 Censored Stories of 2008-09 on the most important stories you haven't heard or read about in the corporate media.
*listen, view full post here:
Attorney: OKC bombing tapes appear edited
(video at source);_ylt=ApOUOXF0fzbfcMOmeDmmznWs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNiY...
By TIM TALLEY, Associated Press Writer
OKLAHOMA CITY – Long-secret security tapes showing the chaos immediately after the 1995 bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building are blank in the minutes before the blast and appear to have been edited, an attorney who obtained the recordings said Sunday.
"The real story is what's missing," said Jesse Trentadue, a Salt Lake City attorney who obtained the recordings through the federal Freedom of Information Act as part of an unofficial inquiry he is conducting into the April 19, 1995, bombing that killed 168 people and injured hundreds more.
Trentadue gave copies of the tapes to The Oklahoman newspaper, which posted them online and provided copies to The Associated Press.
Media hypes terror plot, despite the fact no one is charged with terror
By John Byrne
Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009
It has a familiar ring: “Investigators are looking for about a dozen more people in connection with a wide-ranging terror investigation that has already netted arrests in Colorado and New York City, a source familiar with the investigation said Tuesday.”
That’s the lead sentence of a CNN “breaking news” report filed Tuesday about a frantic search for alleged terrorism plotters within the United States. But a closer inspection of the story — and that of others in the past week — reveals that despite the hoopla, federal authorities have yet to charge the men they’re accusing of a terror-related crime.
In fact, they’re only actually charged with lying to federal agents. But you wouldn’t know that from reading the headlines.
John Farmer, Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission, interviewed by Brad Friedman - 9/11/09
Guest Hosting the 'Malloy Show' (Friday)
TONIGHT: Sr. Counsel to the 9/11 Commission and commemorating the 8th anniversary of 9/11
HOUR 1: John Farmer on how what the 9/11 Commission, public and media was told by military and government officials, 'was almost entirely, and inexplicably, untrue. Also, he answered the unspeakable questions that Glenn Beck felt merited the resignation of Van Jones from the Obama administration. He was offended by none of those questions.
*listen to the show here:
Ed Begley Jr. Ain't Our Friend No More...
Although he is apparently still concerned with the air-quality lies, he wastes no time in muddying the waters of 9/11 Truth in general, saying he was "lured in" to the movement "by the tin-foil hat crowd". Many of you out there remember that Ed introduced Bob Bowman and others at an event called "Confronting The Evidence" in 2004. My how things change. Here he is today playing wise-ass on Fux & Fiends...
Raw Story's Stephen C. Webster on 9/11: "I have no answers. All I have is doubt. My only conclusion is to question."
A comment on Van Jones and the 9/11 Truth 'movement'
The Webster Retort
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Following several days of relentless assault by the right-wing media, Obama's Green Jobs "czar" has called it quits. After right-wing blogs uncovered his signature on a 9/11 Truth statement, Fox News went into overdrive, and boy, did it ever get ugly.
Here's a brief sample, aired Saturday, Sept. 5, 2009:
Sacramento News & Review: Suspicious minds
The truth is out there, and America’s conspiracy theorists aim to find it
Just in time for the eighth anniversary of 9/11, author and UC Davis professor of history Kathryn S. Olmsted presents Real Enemies: Conspiracy Theories and American Democracy, World War I to 9/11 (Oxford University Press, $29.95), a chronological accounting of the paranoid mindset and its evolution during the past century.
Perhaps “paranoid” overstates the case. As the saying goes, you’re not paranoid if they really are out to get you, and if one-third of the country believes Dick Cheney and his band of merry pirates planned an attack on American soil, Olmsted says, “It is only because it has happened before.”
"Collapse" - New documentary on Michael Ruppert coming soon
Chris Smith is the director of one of my favorite films, "American Movie". Not much info on this new project but here's what I have...
New Chris Smith Doc on 9/11 Skeptic:
found this at From The Wilderness (scroll down for film info):
and there is a website (unfortunately no content there as of yet):
intriguing! peace, L.A.
9/11 families to get day in court with actor James Woods as possible witness
BY Thomas Zambito
Wednesday, July 29th 2009
Actor James Woods may testify that he spotted the Al Qaeda terrorists on an August 2001 flight when the first wrongful-death trial from 9/11 kicks off in April.
Manhattan Federal Judge Alvin Hellerstein on Tuesday set April 12, 2010, for the start of a trial spurred by lawsuits filed by the families of victims who died aboard hijacked planes that crashed into the twin towers on 9/11.
Hellerstein gave the families' lawyer, Donald Migliori, until Friday to choose which case or cases will start in April.
Only three families are left of the 100 who decided to pursue legal action against the airlines and airport security companies rather than accept a settlement from the Sept. 11 Victim Compensation Fund.
The fund recipients divvied up $500 million in settlements.
Hellerstein said a jury a month later will hear the first of dozens of lawsuits filed by individuals who blame their respiratory illnesses on exposure to toxins released into the air when the towers fell.