Reprehensor's blog

From Russia With Love

Wayne Madsen has followed up on his earlier cryptic posting (WMR Dec. 26-27, 2006) about the deflection of investigation into Russian-Israeli mafia links to 9/11 by providing one of the links he's alluding to;

SPECIAL REPORT. Scaramella-Berezovsky link to World Trade Center security firm emerges in Italian law enforcement investigation.

...The connections now discovered by Italian and Russian investigators between the Russian-Israeli-Italian-British-US private intelligence network of former intelligence agents and billionaire mobsters suggest that the "serious crimes" committed may be more than the poisoning of Litvinenko and others with radioactive materials. The investigators are wise to pursue the links to U.S. security firms and former CIA personnel involved in pre-9/11 protection functions. The FBI cannot or will not investigate the actual perpetrators of 9/11. However, the Italian and Russian law enforcement professionals are beginning to get very close. It is a shame that American law enforcement is not interested in pursuing real leads in the biggest crime in American history." - (WMR January 2, 2007)

Tales of Infiltration!

"...there is a significant penetration of the so-called "9/11 Truth" movement by elements funded and supported by the Russian-Israeli Mafia and its supporters in the Bush administration and U.S. media. The reason for the penetration is primarily to deter the movement from looking at the role of the Russian-Israeli Mafia in the terrorist attacks and ensuring that more far out disinformation theories are accepted as credible explanations for the systematic and coordinated "failures" of the U.S. air defense, air traffic control, law enforcement, immigration, and intelligence systems." - Wayne Madsen Report, Dec. 26-27, 2006

"We shouldn't be secretly on the lookout for 'suspicious looking people'... because, they're not gonna be suspicious looking! ... Agents, will do anything to establish their credibility, up to and including cold-blooded murder. So, in our movement, they would tell any lie ... in other words, anyone of you could be an agent. I don't mean that in any mean-hearted way... I just mean it literally, and on the face of it ... the British at the highest level were accomplishing what they wanted, which is always, "Divide and Conquer"... 4 out of 5 dictators agree! Divide and conquer works! ... you guys who are agents in this room, you know... that you don't know, which other people in this room are agents. I know you don't know. And it's better that you don't know because if you met one of the other agents and something went wrong, and you spilled the beans, then there's a lot of damage done... it's all 'need to know' all the way up." - Barrie Zwicker, June, 2006

A few more Boston Videos.

From Patrick, who attended;

First Boston Video: 9/11 was an inside job

2nd Boston Video: Crates into Harbour

3rd Boston Video: Big Book into the Harbour

Thanks again to everyone who attended, took video/audio and worked around the deaf, dumb and blind corporate media.

Credulousity and Its Discontents


Credulousity and Its Discontents

If we ever find the time, perhaps we should conduct a group analysis of the hit pieces emanating from the intellectual/academic left against the '9/11 Truth Movement'. Among other similarities, they each exhibit a noteworthy "dual consciousness." In a 1997 interview, the great 20th century sociologist Pierre Bourdieu used the phrase to refer to the mindset of media professionals who publicly deny the insidious workings of the invisible structures of corporate broadcasting - masking it even from themselves to an extent - all the while they take advantage of the media tool at their disposal and denounce their critics, claiming they have uncovered nothing which hasn't been known for ages about the media.

Thus we can hear in one breath from Alexander Cockburn that US intelligence infiltrates terror cells and foments terrorism for the purpose of catching the terrorists in the act, and in the next also that even the suggestion that 9/11 could have had false-flag origination is "nutty." Cockburn admits that "Sometime (sic) an undercover agent will actually propose an action, either to deflect efforts away from some graver threat, or to put the plotters in a position where they can be caught red-handed." But according to Cockburn it’s completely nutty to even consider the possibility that these same murderous double and triple-dealers would be utilized to plan a terror event that will ultimately be blamed on official enemies for the purposes of gaining a stronger hold on power. Has he heard of Operation Gladio? Of course he has, so his puzzling insistence on limiting the range of possibility needs explanation.

Enver Masud and the "War on Terror"

The apparent clash between Islam and the West is not a clash of civilizations. It is a mirage deliberately created after the collapse of the Soviet Union in order to justify U.S. "defense" spending, and to provide a pretext for controlling the world's resources and markets through military aggression against Muslim-majority countries. This fabricated clash between Islam and the West may be summed up in three words: justice versus greed...

Following the still-mysterious events of September 11, 2001,virtually every Muslim country supported the U.S. "war on terror" until it degenerated into an excuse for a crackdown on Muslims by governments across the world. Once it became clear that 9/11 had been a pretext for repression, tyranny, and pre-planned wars of aggression, voices of morality from all backgrounds and traditions began to speak out for justice. While leading Christian evangelicals, and the hawks in U.S. government, pushed for war on Iraq, predominantly Christian Europe opposed it. Church leaders including the new Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, questioned the legality and morality of an American-led assault on Iraq. And because of Likkud-governed Israel's increasing repression of Palestinians, which could not have happened without the so-called “war on terrorism” that 9/11 seems to have been designed to trigger, Presbyterians are divesting from Israel, and Anglicans have called for sanctions on Israel. Jews, Christians, Muslims, and others around the world have demonstrated together against the wars on the Iraqi and Palestinian people. More recently, as this volume shows, religious people from widely varying traditions have been speaking out for 9/11 truth and global justice.

David Shayler's "Sky News" Gig

Former MI5 officer David Shayler was on Rupert Murdoch's UK-based Sky News cable television channel for a solid 1/2 hour on the evening of Tuesday, December 7th, 2006. (Video links here, and here.)

I want to thank Shayler for hijacking the opinion segment that he was featured in, which was supposed to be largely about the assassination of Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko via polonium poisoning.

British and US media have been in an awful hurry to blame Putin for the assassination, but frankly, anyone with the dough can get a toxic quantity of polonium together, quite legally.

So, Shayler was definitely on-track when he insinuates that Litvinenko was more than likely taken out not by a vindictive FSB, but by agents friendly to the Western oligarchical elite, intent on silencing False Flag whistleblowers, and especially ones like Litvinenko, who know what it is, that they are talking about. (Litvinenko is known for exposing the Russian Federal Security Service as a player in acts of synthetic terror.)

Shayler then quickly moves the ball upfield, referencing Litvinenko's assassination as an ironic example of False Flag activity which he uses as a pivot point to tie in 9/11, possibly 7/7, and other terrorist acts as further examples of manufactured terror. He deftly rattles off a host of 9/11 anomalies which would surely make someone hearing them for the first time at least raise an eyebrow, and maybe even type a few keywords into a web search engine. He is bold enough to pin 9/11 on the US establishment, rapidly humming through the PNAC foreshadowing from memory.

(Continued below)

Gordon Ross is pretty sure he exists.


Apparently, I do not exist. According to a thread on the JREF forum, no one by the name of Gordon Ross has been born in Dundee since the latter part of the 19th Century. This came as quite a shock to me and no doubt will also surprise my father, who it seems has laboured for all his life under the delusion that he is also called Gordon Ross and was born in Dundee. My Great Uncle Gordon passed away several years ago and has thus been spared the trauma of discovering that he also did not exist.

In this article I will deal with some of the responses to my work as presented on this web site and elsewhere. At the end I will, in time, list some of the favourable comments, but firstly I will deal with the criticisms. Please forgive me for dealing with the easy ones first, but when such inviting targets present themselves, it is difficult not to take advantage, and they do provide some very welcome light relief. The JREF forum, a scary Twilight Zone kind of place where some strange fictions pass for facts, takes the prize for the most ludicrous assertions available. The "fact" presented there regarding the absence of any Gordon Ross in Dundee's register of births, would make me at least 120 years old, and I must admit that as I read through the site, I did begin to feel every day of that extended life span. So what was their explanation for my existence, or more correctly, my non-existence? According to the evidence presented there, I am actually Professor Jones masquerading as someone else.

Post 9/11 and the Afghan Drug Trade is Rockin' Like a Hurricane

Ellsberg: Hastert got suitcases of Al Qaeda heroin cash, should be in jail

INDIRA SINGH: I did a number of things in my research and when I ran into the drugs I was told that if I mentioned the money to the drugs around 9/11 that would be the end of me.

Who benefits from the Afghan Opium Trade?


WP: Afghanistan opium crop sets record
U.S.-backed efforts at eradication fail
By Karen DeYoung
The Washington Post
Updated: 2:03 a.m. CT Dec 2, 2006

Opium production in Afghanistan, which provides more than 90 percent of the world's heroin, broke all records in 2006, reaching a historic high despite ongoing U.S.-sponsored eradication efforts, the Bush administration reported yesterday.

In addition to a 26 percent production increase over past year -- for a total of 5,644 metric tons -- the amount of land under cultivation in opium poppies grew by 61 percent. Cultivation in the two main production provinces, Helmand in the southwest and Oruzgan in central Afghanistan, was up by 132 percent.

A Review of "The Terror Conspiracy"

In The Terror Conspiracy, author Jim Marrs does what he does best; condenses a massive amount of information on an interesting topic, and fashions this information into a highly readable narrative. 2006 has been a remarkable year for writing on 9/11, especially in book form. Beginning with Elsevier's "The Hidden History of 9-11-2001", this was quickly followed by Barrie Zwicker's powerful "Towers of Deception", and the tight combination of "9/11 and American Empire" - Vol. I, and Vol. II.

Marrs' volume is well placed this close to the end of the year, as it covers so much information, and touches on many of the topics covered in the previous 9/11 books. The Terror Conspiracy is very much an expanded version of Marrs' previous book "The War on Freedom". "The War on Freedom" was ahead of its time in 2002, so much so that Marrs' publisher killed the book because they "did not want to upset the families of 9/11 victims". If you've seen 9/11 Press for Truth, then you know that claim is pretty far from accurate. Apparently, the publisher wanted to leave the job of upsetting the families of 9/11 victims squarely in the hands of the United States government.

Final COPA viddy - John Hankey, creator of "JFK II - The Bush Connection"

The final video I am uploading is of the talk by John Hankey, researcher, writer and teacher, creator of the films "JFK II - The Bush Connection" and "The Assassination of JFK Jr. - Murder by Manchurian Candidate".

Not really 9/11 related, but really interesting, nonetheless! His talk focuses on his research surrounding "The Assassination of JFK Jr.". The video quality is a bit dodgy, but watchable. Unfortunately, the audio drops a bit at the 41:00 mark, so you'll have to bump it up a notch. - A new video on the manipulation of FEAR.

(Embedded Quicktime viddy... auto-launches.)

A mash up of the UNKLE track “Fear” with some political commentary set to visuals. A video montage exploring the dark nature of fear and its use aginst free people everywhere, ends with a warning of things to come...

Pretty cool.

JFK and 9/11 - Insights Gained From Studying Both

Peter Dale Scott gave an excellent talk yesterday at the COPA (Coalition on Political Assassinations) Regional Meeting in Dallas, Texas. Scott points out similarities that he has encountered as a researcher studying JFK and 9/11, and covers a wide assortment of anomalies and evidence in this one hour presentation.

Scott talks about Continuity of Government, the a priori existence of "lone nut" profiles to offer cover for covert operations, and how drug trafficking lurks in the background all the while - how "Al Qaeda" is linked to this drug traffic, how it was dismissed by the 9/11 Commission, and the relevance of the case of Sibel Edmonds as well as that of Indira Singh.

COPA Regional Meeting Coverage

I'm attending this year's COPA (Coalition on Political Assassinations) meeting in Dallas, TX, and will be video blogging the event. Last night we were supposed to have a keynote from Cynthia McKinney, but she had to cancel at the last minute.

Below is footage of opening statements by Peter Dale Scott, John Judge, RFK archivist Pat Sikora and Summer Reese, who is acting as Sirhan Sirhan's current legal representative.

The footage features a short tribute to McKinney and Phillip Melanson by Scott, a long tribute to Melanson by John Judge, an award received by Pat Sikora on behalf of the Melanson family and news about Sirhan Sirhan's current status.

Scott talked briefly about 9/11, and will give a detailed talk on 9/11 and JFK today that I will hopefully upload tonight.

Really tacky fireworks.

Wow. I mean, how wrong is that? They are "Made in China", BTW.


And lest we forget... "Shock and Awe" fireworks... also "Made in China". Man are those guys ever patriotic. USA! USA!

"Forbidden Truth" authors apologize to Bin Mahfouz

An apology by Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquié to Sheikh Khalid Bin Mahfouz and Sheikh Abdulrahman Bin Mahfouz

by Jean-Charles Brisard, Guillaume Dasquié

2 November 2006

We, Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquié, are the authors of Forbidden Truth, a book circulated widely since it was first published in the autumn of 2001. I, Jean Charles-Brisard, am also the author of a Report entitled Terrorism Financing published in December 2002.

The Book and the Report contain very serious and highly defamatory allegations about Sheikh Khalid Bin Mahfouz and Sheikh Abdulrahman Bin Mahfouz, alleging support for terrorism through their businesses, families and charities, and directly. As a result of what we now know, we accept and acknowledge that all of those allegations about you and your families, businesses and charities are entirely and manifestly false.

The allegations were based on information which we have now been able to establish has been largely withdrawn or refuted in the intervening years since Forbidden Truth was first published, and to our knowledge has never been verified. We did not anticipate at the time the Book and the Report were written that the information which we relied upon would later be withdrawn or refuted. Notwithstanding research into terrorism financing, we have learnt nothing since the publication of the Book and the Report which suggests there is any evidence supporting the allegations. We therefore now unreservedly withdraw all of the allegations about you both in the Book and the Report and confirm that we will never repeat them.