Reprehensor's blog

False Flag on the Radio Today

Dan Abrahamson of False Flag will be on RBN today (Friday 9/8/2006) from 2-3 Eastern.

Towers of Deception: a review

Towers of Deception – a review by reprehensor

The Author

Barrie Zwicker is a household name among the growing chorus of people who have trouble accepting the “official story” of 9/11 – the story that is more or less embodied by the 9/11 Commission Report. Zwicker has been both a producer and critic of mainstream media for 30+ years.

Zwicker’s skepticism of the official story began on 9/11/2001, which puts him in a fairly small category of doubters. I think it’s fair to say that most people who take issue with the official narrative didn’t start seriously questioning things until later, some within days, for some it took years. For Zwicker, the alarm bells started going off after the second plane hit the Twin Towers. Zwicker has some related experience with air defense, he was an Air Cadet in Canada in his youth, and as a journalist he followed the evolution of NORAD very closely. To Zwicker, there is no incompetence theory that NORAD can concoct, which will explain away years of drills, SOP (Standard Operating Procedures), and literally hundreds of commercial aircraft intercepts that were successfully undertaken by North America’s air defense system prior to 9/11.

Eric Margolis: A letter to Rummy

By ERIC MARGOLIS - Sun, September 3, 2006

To U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld:

Dear Rummy: In your speech to the American Legion in Salt Lake City last week, you compared critics of your wars abroad to appeasers of Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

Allow me to disagree, Mr. Secretary.

I’m also a member of American Legion — Post 7, Toronto — and I don’t agree with all those well-meaning but insular vets who cheered you in Utah. What most of them know about Iraq or Afghanistan wouldn’t fill a golf ball.

So you may hornswoggle these good souls by claiming the administration is re-fighting World War II against “Islamo-facists,” i.e., reborn Nazis disguised as wicked Muslims.

What ever would we do without those all-purpose Nazis?

I hear you called Saddam Hussein a Nazi. Excuse me, were you not the Reagan Administration official who went to Baghdad in 1983 to offer Saddam military, financial and intelligence support in his war of aggression against Iran? Time for your memory pills, Rummy.

I opposed keeping U.S. forces in Afghanistan, fearing, as has happened, that they’d get stuck in a no-win guerilla war. Before you invaded Iraq, I wrote Saddam had no WMDs, and predicted the U.S. would face guerilla and civil war, and a financial debacle, not flowers. Today, I say get out of these lost wars before another American soldier dies.

Why Mexico Matters

Looking South: Organized and Passionate Activism

by Michael Collins

Mexico matters because the people and leaders knew election problems were coming and they did something about it. They protested in massive numbers, again and again. The Mexican people are offering the largest resistance to election fraud in modern history. Think of the demonstrations in the Ukraine, Belarus, the Georgia Republic, or any other post election protest. Over a period of 15 days, there were three Assemblies sponsored by Lopez-Obrador and the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD). These demonstrations attract over a million people (in a nation of 100 million). The corporate media tried to downplay the crowd size with Bloomberg News failing to mention a 1.1 million estimate it got on July 16 from police authorities. These are vibrant, involved people who work with their leaders, particularly Presidential candidate Lopez-Obrador, to develop plans and fend off attacks by the ruling party.

Mexico matters because the people and leaders refused to give up when the system failed to give them a real recount. The independent election institute tried to pass off a Calderon victory without investigating the numerous and substantial allegations of election fraud. For example, the institute tried to announce a victory by President Vincente Fox’s hand-picked candidate, Calderon, until an audience member pointed out ballots that they failed to count — at least 2.5 million of them. That type of "error" is rarely an error; rather, it shows bias and intent to deceive. The electoral tribunal resisted but was ultimately pressured into a recount of 9% of the vote. The tribunal then refused to order a total recount of the paper ballots even though it found that 130,000 were either missing or invalid — in only 9% of the precincts! The projected total for 100% of the precincts would be over 1.3 million ballots. Yet the full recount failed to materialize.

Opium cultivation out of control, U.N. says

(Just like the bad old days...)

Opium cultivation out of control, U.N. says

Afghan crops total 92 percent of world’s supply, exceed global consumption

Updated: 3:59 p.m. CT Sept 2, 2006

KABUL, Afghanistan - Afghanistan’s world-leading opium cultivation rose a “staggering” 60 percent this year, the U.N. anti-drugs chief announced Saturday in urging the government to crack down on big traffickers and remove corrupt officials and police.

The record crop yielded 6,100 tons of opium, or enough to make 610 tons of heroin — outstripping the demand of the world’s heroin users by a third, according to U.N. figures.

Officials warned that the illicit trade is undermining the Afghan government, which is under attack by Islamic militants that a U.S.-led offensive helped drive from power in late 2001 for harboring Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida bases.

“The news is very bad. On the opium front today in some of the provinces of Afghanistan, we face a state of emergency,” Antonio Maria Costa, chief of the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime, said at a news conference. “In the southern provinces, the situation is out of control.”

False Flag News - Latest Terror Drills

Keep up to date on the latest Terror Drills and War Games at False Flag


Wisconsin: Large-scale WMD/Pandemic drill set for Sept. 8 (same day as Detroit "dirty bomb" drills)

Pandemic Tabletop Exercise on Sept. 7 in North Dakota- Major drill on Oct. 5

Statewide pandemic flu drills in Minnesota Sept. 14

False Flag Alert: Dirty Bomb terror drills Sept. 8-9 in Detroit, MI

Virginia: Massive Flu Pandemic drill Sept. 7 (same day as Chicago terror drills)

Boston, MA: Terrorist drills Sept. 17 to simulate "Dirty Bomb," coordinated explosions

Bank of England, London FX, CLS bank plan financial outage terror drill Sept. 26

RED ALERT: Terrorist attack drill Sept. 7 in Chicago, IL-

San Diego, CA "Seahawk 06" naval war games, disaster drills from Aug. 21-Sep 4

Major disaster drill at fairgrounds in Holbrook, AZ on Sept. 22

War Games

Macedonian, US soldiers to hold two-week joint exercise Sept 9-23

Third stage of Iran 'Blow of Zolfaqar' war games start Sept. 2, simulating attack along Azerbaijan

Navy-CFFC exercise "Solid Curtain 2006" on September 6

NATO/UK-Kazakhstan joint training exercises Sept. 9-24


Eric S. Margolis 28 August 2006

The latest big lie unveiled by Washington’s neoconservatives are the poisonous terms, `Islamo-Fascists’ and `Islamic Fascists. They are the new, hot buzzwords among America’s far right and Christian fundamentalists.

President George W. Bush made a point last week of using `Islamofacists’ when recently speaking of Hezbullah and Hamas – both, by the way, democratically elected parties. A Canadian government minister from the Conservative Party compared Lebanon’s Hezbullah to Nazi Germany.

The term `Islamofascist’ is utterly without meaning, but packed with emotional explosives. It is a propaganda creation worthy Dr. Goebbles, and the latest expression of the big lie technique being used by neocons in Washington’s propaganda war against its enemies in the Muslim World.

This ugly term was coined - as was the other hugely successful propaganda term, `terrorism’ – to dehumanize and demonize opponents and deny them any rational political motivation, hence removing any need to deal with their grievances and demands.

As the brilliant humanist Sir Peter Ustinov so succinctly put it, `Terrorism is the war of the poor, and war is the terrorism of the rich.’

9/11 and the Paranormal

(Lifted this from

There was a lot of paranormal activity going on that day. Predictions, mind reading, and sixth sense activity... oh my.

The following is for entertainment purposes only. Any other use is a thought crime, a violation of the law that will be prosecuted to the full exent possible.


At a "terrorism meeting" that morning Rumsfeld predicted that a shocking event would occur
in the near future. He didn't say how near, however.

I had said at an 8:00 o'clock breakfast that sometime in the next two, four, six, eight,
ten, twelve months there would be an event that would occur in the world that would be
sufficiently shocking that it would remind people again how important it is to have a
strong healthy defense department.

That same morning, after the attack on the WTC, his ESP tells him that there will be another attack, and Pentagon may well be the target. Though, for some reason, after the Pentagon is hit he goes outside to "determined what had happened". I guess he didn't trust his intuition as much as he should have.

FluxRostrum on YouTube

From FluxRostrum;

Here's the UTube post.

there is now a bit torrent available for the big phat file. You can get the torrent on my site.

I'm currently trying to enter it into Arrianna huffington's "Contagious Film Fest"
but the upload keeps crapping out...

If I can get it listed there a plug to vote for it would mean a lot...


Nafeez Ahmed: US Army Contemplates Redrawing Middle East Map to Stave-off Looming Global Meltdown

US Army Contemplates Redrawing Middle East Map to Stave-off Looming Global Meltdown

by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed

In a little-noted article printed in early August in the Armed Forces Journal, a monthly magazine for officers and leaders in the United States military community, early retired Major Ralph Peters sets out the latest ideas in current US strategic thinking. And they are extremely disturbing.

Ethnically Cleansing the Entire Middle East

Maj. Peters, formerly assigned to the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence where he was responsible for future warfare, candidly outlines how the map of the Middle East should be fundamentally re-drawn, in a new imperial endeavour designed to correct past errors. "Without such major boundary revisions, we shall never see a more peaceful Middle East," he observes, but then adds wryly: "Oh, and one other dirty little secret from 5,000 years of history: Ethnic cleansing works."

Thus, acknowledging that the sweeping reconfiguration of borders he proposes would necessarily involve massive ethnic cleansing and accompanying bloodshed on perhaps a genocidal scale, he insists that unless it is implemented, "we may take it as an article of faith that a portion of the bloodshed in the region will continue to be our own." Among his proposals are the need to establish "an independent Kurdish state" to guarantee the long-denied right to Kurdish self-determination. But behind the humanitarian sentiments, Maj. Peters declares that: "A Free Kurdistan, stretching from Diyarbakir through Tabriz, would be the most pro-Western state between Bulgaria and Japan."


From the makers of PentagonStrike, a damning indictment of US/Israel Foreign Policy.

Tarpley on Bin Laden/CIA links

(Original context: Peter Bergen: Bin Laden, CIA links hogwash)


Peter Bergen needs to take time out from parroting his MI-5 and MI-6 printouts and address a few facts. As I show in my book, 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA, the al Qaeda organization was most emphatically the “Arab Legion” created by the US and the British to counter the Soviets in Afghanistan in the early 1980s. The concept of this Arab Legion is found in the memoirs of former CIA Director Robert Gates. Bin Laden personally is of course an eccentric, a dreamer, and a basket case, but there is no doubt that when he went to Peshawar, Pakistan during those years he was surrounded by CIA and MI-6 handlers who steered him in the desired direction. Bin Laden has always received comprehensive support services from US-UK intelligence. His legal services came from the US State Department: when Bin Laden was in Sudan, and the government there wanted to turn him over to the US, Madeleine Albright argued that the US could not take him, since there was no criminal indictment against him. This, in a legal system which notoriously can indict a ham sandwich. No defense attorney could have served OBL better than did Madame Secretary. When Bin Laden required medical services like kidney dialysis, these were provided under CIA auspices in an American hospital in the Gulf, as Le Figaro and Radio France have reported. When Bin Laden needed to make a move from Khartoum to Afghanistan, the US Special Forces of Fort Bragg obligingly sent him a personal assistant in the form of Sergeant Ali Mohammed, a former Egyptian Army major, who organized the move. Sergeant Ali Mohammed also cased the US east African embassies and showed Bin Laden the photos he had made. Bin Laden’s travel bureau was the US consulate in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, as whistleblower Michael Springman has testified: that consulate was ordered to issue US visas to all manner of criminal patsies under a standing order. As for Bin Laden’s public relations office or flaquerie: while still a serving CIA officer, Michael Scheuer, the head of the CIA’s Bin Laden station (now abolished), published the infamous book Imperial Hubris, which argues that Bin Laden was not the pathetic ignoramus, misfit and bungler many who knew him have described, but an awesome figure, the greatest political genius of the twenty-first century and the Abraham Lincoln of the Arabs! When CIA honcho Buzzy Krongard, whose name had surfaced in the 9/11 short selling caper, finally left the CIA, he recorded his gratitude that Bin Laden had never been caught – of course, as he hastened to add, lest somebody really radical might have emerged. In this sense, we may safely say that the Bin Laden Fan Club has its headquarters at the CIA in Langley, Virginia. The CIA loves Bin Laden so much that it has made sure that there are many of him: a fat one for the winter, a thin one for the summer, a calm one, an excitable one. “Osama Bin Laden” is a name properly applied, not to a biological individual, but rather to a team or stable of doubles (Doppelgänger) and patsies who represent OBL on the world stage, much as that duplicitous old sinner Winston Churchill used body doubles for deception, and voice doubles to read his speeches. Like El Cid, OBL has fought many a battle after his own demise.

The Liquid Bomb Hoax: The Larger Implications

The Liquid Bomb Hoax: The Larger Implications

by James Petras
August 25, 2006

The charges leveled by the British, US and Pakistani regimes that they uncovered a major bomb plot directed against nine US airlines is based on the flimsiest of evidence, which would be thrown out of any court, worthy of its name.

An analysis of the current state of the investigation raises a series of questions regarding the governments’ claims of a bomb plot concocted by 24 Brits of Pakistani origin.

The arrests were followed by the search for evidence, as the August 12, 2006 Financial Times states: “The police set about the mammoth task of gathering evidence of the alleged terrorist bomb plot yesterday.” (FT, August 12/, 2006) In other words, the arrests and charges took place without sufficient evidence -- a peculiar method of operation -- which reverses normal investigatory procedures in which arrests follow the “monumental task of gathering evidence.” If the arrests were made without prior accumulation of evidence, what were the bases of the arrests?

The government search of financial records and transfers turned up no money trail despite the freezing of accounts. The police search revealed limited amounts of savings, as one would expect from young workers, students and employees from low-income immigrant families.

The Mexican People: Heroes of Democracy

The Mexican People: Heroes of Democracy

The Mexican peoples’ democracy movement and their leader Andrés Manuel López Obrador are modern heroes of democracy and to all who demand clean elections. They recall the heroics of the Ukrainians with one important difference. There are no “great powers” supporting them. In fact, the American regime is hostile to a victory by Obrador and the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD). The increasingly unpopular and isolated White House cadre may have done its best to obstruct such an eventuality in ways which by now are predictably familiar. The Mexican people are alone, on the street, fighting the brave fight for people everywhere who believe in the inherently inalienable and natural right of men and women to determine their own destiny through free, fair, and transparent elections.

Supporters of democracy in Mexico are making a stand in the nation’s capitol. They just had their third major demonstration with more than a million participants. The American press tried a theme of demonstrators growing weary recently, just before the latest seven figure gathering. The demonstrations tell Mexicans and the world that the election was so questionable, an investigation is mandated through a thorough review of the most direct evidence: the ballots. The PRD’s demand for a “ballot by ballot, precinct by precinct” recount is fully warranted.

Liquid Bombers Prove: "They Hate Our Freedoms!"

Liquid Bombers Prove: "They Hate Our Freedoms!"
by Edgar J. Steele
August 19, 2006

"You can fool some of the people all of the time
And you can fool all of the people some of the time,
But you can't fool all of the people all of the time."

--- Abraham Lincoln, 16th US President (1809-1865)

"Fool me once, shame on — shame on you.
Fool me ... unnnhhh ... you can't get fooled again."
(sound clip, click here)
--- George W. Bush, 43rd US President (Nashville, Tenn., 9/17/02)

My name is Edgar J. Steele. This is a Nickel Rant.

Muslims were planning to blow up a bunch of jetliners enroute from London to America - or so say George Bush and Tony Blair.

Muslims without tickets.

Muslims without passports.

Muslims without bombs.

Muslims without a clue ... and they aren't the only ones, it turns out. Without a clue, that is.

What kind of bombs? TATP bombs, short for triacetone triperoxide. What's more, Bush and Blair told us that Muslims favor the TATP bomb, mixed on the spot with separate liquids. With that lie, both Bush and Blair foreclosed any possibility that the Muslims involved actually were guilty. With that lie, both Bush and Blair disclosed themselves for the treasonous, lying criminals that they are. Why? Glad you asked.