
WTC 7: Fires Fuelled by Office Furnishings

. . .Be VERY afraid.


A short video I made utilising some of the same footage I used in my previous video about the Larry Silverstein "Controlled Demolition" quote (from the missing episode of History's Business). I also used some footage from AE9/11 Truth's 'Experts Speak Out' video and Massimo Mazzucco's film, 'September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor'. Just sharing it with everyone here. If you like it, please share it with others.

Fran Shure: A Spiritual Issue Not To Be Silent About 9/11


Fran Shure: A Spiritual Issue Not To Be Silent About 9/11

by Susan Dugan

Right after 9/11, I remember talking to my women’s group and saying I just don’t think this could have happened without someone knowing about it and allowing it to,” says Fran Shure. “It was totally intuitive, because I knew nothing. And that was received with a lot of censoring remarks. I just looked at them and said, you know, I have the right to think the unthinkable and I’m going to look into this. And lo and behold, a video came my way and then a book and I was in shock, like most people would be, reading about evidence that showed we were not told the truth about what happened on 9/11.”

FRAN SHURE WAS IMMEDIATELY SKEPTICAL THE ATTACKS OF SEPT. 11, 2001 could have taken place without some sort of advance knowledge. After studying extensive written and video evidence, she is convinced that an objective scientific investigation was never initiated.

New Kinematics Lab Kit based on the Motion of WTC 7

Kinematics Lab

In discussing my measurement of the freefall of Building 7 with one (reluctant) physics professor, the professor at one point protested, “I’ll take your word for it, for the sake of argument, but I have no way to confirm your claims for myself.”

That comment astounded me because I see the motion of the building as such a straightforward measurement. But upon reflection I recalled all the time and energy and collaboration that went into gathering all the necessary materials and information for the measurement: a suitable video, an appropriate software tool to make measurements on the video, calibration data, knowledge of video formats, etc. I realized that even with the requisite knowledge base and skill set, it would take a very motivated person to reproduce my measurements. I therefore collected together all the bits and pieces that went into my measurement and present them here as a kit that can be used by a physics teacher or handed to a motivated physics student as a lab assignment (or performed by a science-literate layman). The skills that will be learned in the process will serve a physics student well for other projects that might involve using video as a measuring tool.

Links to a zip file with the lab materials and links to the necessary software can be found at http://911speakout.org/?page_id=222

Dr. Daniele Ganser : NATO's Secret Armies - GLADIO and the Strategy of Tension

Dr. Daniele Ganser Interview

Interview published 30 January 2015

MP3 & Link to Show Notes: http://themindrenewed.com/interviews/2015/600-int-70

Our guest this week is Swiss historian Dr. Daniele Ganser, author of the seminal book NATO's Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe, who joins us for a fascinating (though at times unsettling) conversation on the subject of Operation GLADIO.

Barry McDaniel and 15 Reasons to Investigate Stratesec

Kevin Ryan blogs at Dig Within.

One of the men who led Stratesec, the World Trade Center (WTC) security company, has recently resurfaced on some small business websites. This is Barry McDaniel, the U.S. military executive who served as Chief Operating Officer (COO) for Stratesec from 1996 until 2002 and then briefly became the company’s CEO. The new websites provide rare photos of McDaniel and an opportunity to review some of the many reasons why he and his Stratesec partner Wirt D. Walker should be investigated for the crimes of 9/11.

New Saudi King Named In 9/11 Suits

Source: news.investors.com

Take note of my two recent articles on the subject.

You Can't Point a Finger at Saudi Arabia, and Not Have 5 Fingers Pointing Back to the U.S.

About those 28 Redacted Pages...

Read more about him at www.historycommons.org

I hope Obama enjoys his visit to meet with him. - Jon


Mideast: President Obama should think before bowing to Saudi Arabia's new king in his Tuesday visit. King Salman has a history of funding al-Qaida, and his son has been accused of knowing in advance about the 9/11 attacks.

The Inside Information That Could Have Stopped 9/11

Good confirmation of the presence of CIA Minders during commission interviews.

Original Source Link:

By: By Jeff Stein / January 14, 2015 9:24 AM EST

Just before Christmas, former FBI special agent Mark Rossini greeted me with his usual good cheer when we met for drinks in a midtown Manhattan restaurant. He told me his life had finally taken a turn for the better. He’s spending most of his time in Switzerland, where he works for a private global corporate-security firm. “Life’s good,” he said.

Good, but with a few major changes. Rossini was drinking club soda instead of the expensive cabernets he quaffed when I first knew him as a high-flying FBI official in Washington a decade ago, when he was a special assistant to the bureau’s chief spokesman, John Miller (now with the New York City Police Department). “I’ve cut back,” he said. “Feeling good.”

Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B and the Paris Shooting

Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B and the Paris Shooting

Published on Jan 21, 2015

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=13363

Sibel Edmonds of BoilingFrogsPost.com joins us today to discuss a range of issues, from terror operations in Xinjiang to Gladio B in Belgium and her reaction to the Paris shooting. We also talk about her new podcast, Probable Cause, and what she is hoping to accomplish with it.


We Were Lied To About 9/11 - Episode 18 - Bob McIlvaine


Bob McIlvaine is the father of Robert McIlvaine Jr., an Assistant Vice President of media relations for Merrill Lynch & Co. who was murdered on 9/11. Since 9/11, Bob has been very outspoken about a number of different issues. He has spoken around the country, and in different parts of the world. With the exception of one, Bob attended every 9/11 Commission Hearing. He has appeared on different news outlets, and has been mentioned in several news articles over the years. He has appeared in many documentaries that call into question what we were told about the 9/11 attacks.