We Might Be Wrong

Jon Gold

During my recent debate with 9/11 Debunker Pat Curley, in his closing statement, after listing a plethora of different theories from a whole spectrum of individuals, including many I do not endorse, he asked, "would anybody in the 9/11 Truth Movement say, “well, OK, we were wrong?" if, in fact, a new investigation found that we were. He then answered his own question by saying, "and the answer is “of course not," so stop pretending that all you want is another investigation - you want another investigation that comes to the conclusions that you believe."

Just to show him that we're not the close-minded people he thinks we are, here's a list of some things we might be wrong about.

We might be wrong to think that people like Dick Cheney and George Bush should have wanted to investigate anything and everything that led to the horrible attacks of 9/11, instead of trying to "limit the scope" of those investigations, and fight against the families who wanted them, and rightfully so.

NOW OR NEVER 2008 NYC Documentary fundrasier for John Feal Fealgood Foundation

Matt Kazee from Truthmovment.com has produced this DVD to rasie money for the FealGood Foundation.

Have a Good Holiday everyone.

Texas Engineer Gets SAVAGE on 9/11 Truth

These "Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth" are relentless in the effort to reveal the truth about 9/11. Derek, an engineer from Texas, actively engages Michael Savage about 9/11 Truth. Derek encourages us all "to DO SOMETHING", to take an active role in disseminating 9/11 Truth.

Hemant Karkare - False Flag Investigator Killed in Mumbai Attack

Among the many people killed in Mumbai last week were some of the City's top anti-terror peace officers. Hemant Karkare, head of India's Anti-Terrorism Squad, was the most notable figure to be killed in action, and his story is doubly significant for visitors to this site, because he was in the middle of unraveling a False Flag terror attack, (which occurred on September 29, 2008), and was initially blamed on Muslims, such as the "Students Islamic Movement of India" (SIMI) or the "Indian Mujahideen".

However, in the course of his investigation of the 9/29 Malegaon bombing Karkare uncovered a surprising connection: an Indian Army officer, Lt-Col Shrikant Purohit was linked to the blasts, and was caught red-handed trying to cover his tracks;

Charges Dropped Against 9/11 Rescue Worker due to Hero Status

"McCormack toured the country with the now-iconic flag. He also became a frequently quoted critic of the government, suggesting that the 9/11 attack might have been an "inside job" and comparing the Bush administration to Nazi Germany."

by Mark Fass
New York Law Journal

A Long Island judge has dismissed charges of driving under the influence and illegally possessing a weapon against a 9/11 rescue worker, citing the man's status as an "American hero."

"The Court notes with admiration the Defendant's lengthy service to his country and to his community, and acknowledges the many letters and documents concerning his outstanding service on September 11, 2001 and his injuries," District Court Judge Paul M. Hensley of Suffolk County wrote in People v. McCormack, 06SU51940.

"[T]he Court finds that the Defendant has demonstrated the existence of compelling factors, considerations or circumstances which show that his prosecution or conviction upon the accusatory instruments herein would constitute an injustice."

Video Update: "Rescue Me" to feature 9/11 Plot Line

Video courtesy framingtheworld.com;

Last Night: Denis Leary Reveals New 'Rescue Me' Plot and Reminds us 'Why We Suck' @ Book Soup

by Erin Broadley
December 2, 2008 1:07 AM

Let's get something straight -- Denis Leary is not one for conspiracy theories. However, last night at Book Soup to sign copies of his new book Why We Suck, the actor dropped plot details about the upcoming season of his hit series Rescue Me. Possibly an exclusive, what Leary disclosed is sure to rev up the 9/11 truth seekers who religiously TiVo the New York-based firefighter drama to see what post-traumatic, survivor's guilt head-space Leary's character will tailspin into next.

When asked by a hesitant fan as to whether or not the actor thought there should be a reinvestigation into the events leading up to and surrounding the 9/11 tragedy, Leary's eyes lit up as he revealed that conspiracy and reinvestigation into 9/11 are, in fact, major plot lines in the first 10 episodes of Rescue Me season 5, set to premiere in April 2009 for a 22-episode run on FX.

But when another fan pushed it too far and asked Leary's opinion about the conspiracy surrounding Building 7's collapse, the actor and author was quick with his response. "You guys don't want to get into that with me," Leary said, suddenly serious as he explained that he "knew several of the guys who had been there working to hold that building up." Leary then paused, politely changed the subject and returned to meeting fans...


Obama's Kettle of Hawks

December 2, 2008

Barack Obama has assembled a team of rivals to implement his foreign policy. But while pundits and journalists speculate endlessly on the potential for drama with Hillary Clinton at the state department and Bill Clinton's network of shady funders, the real rivalry that will play out goes virtually unmentioned. The main battles will not be between Obama's staff, but rather against those who actually want a change in US foreign policy, not just a staff change in the war room.

When announcing his foreign policy team on Monday, Obama said: "I didn't go around checking their voter registration." That is a bit hard to believe, given the 63-question application to work in his White House. But Obama clearly did check their credentials, and the disturbing truth is that he liked what he saw.

Pentagon plans to station 20,000 troops for 'domestic security'

Agence France-Presse
Published: Monday December 1, 2008

The US Department of Defense plans to deploy 20,000 troops nationwide by 2011 to help state and local officials respond to terror or nuclear attacks and emergencies, The Washington Post said Monday.

Citing Pentagon officials, the newspaper said the plan calls for three rapid-reaction forces.

The first 4,700-strong unit, built around an active-duty combat brigade, is based at Fort Stewart, Georgia, and is already available for deployment, according to General Victor Renuart, commander of the US Northern Command, it said.

Two additional groups will later join nearly 80 smaller National Guard and reserve units made up of about 6,000 troops to support local and state authorities nationwide, The Post said.

They will all would be trained to respond to domestic chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or high-yield explosive attacks.

CIA Foreknowledge of the Mumbai Attacks

(911blogger users: please use this post as a continuation of the first Mumbai News Thread. -rep.)

Yesterday, Outlookindia.com reported that the CIA's station chief in Delhi approached one of India's intelligence agencies, the Research and Analysis Wing, and passed on a fairly specific warning;

"In mid-September this year, the CIA station chief in Delhi sought an urgent meeting with his counterpart in R&AW to pass on some critical inputs. This was part of an understanding that Indian and American intelligence had institutionalised in the aftermath of 9/11. From its assets in Pakistan and Afghanistan, American intelligence had come to learn that the Lashkar-e-Toiba was planning to launch a major terrorist attack in Mumbai, which would be carried out from the sea."

Later in the article;

"By the middle of November, as Indian intelligence continued to check out further inputs, the pieces of an intricate jigsaw puzzle began to fall into place. Sources say they learnt that the attack would come from the sea and that the Taj Hotel would be a major target. However, it was not known whether this attack would be carried out by planting bombs in the hotel or by terrorists carrying small arms. Indian intelligence assessments were tilting towards bombs being planted and security at the hotel was beefed up accordingly to prevent terrorists from planting bombs inside the premises."

UPDATE: Opportunity to Achieve our Goal ABORTED by CHANGE.ORG

(As of 5:17pm Central Time --11.30.2008-- "Change.org" has removed the request for a new 9/11 investigation from their website. -rep.)

Initial blog post published: 2008-11-28 17:46:16

In this week's International edition of Newsweek (Dec 1, 2008), there's an article entitled "President 2.0". In reading it, I discovered that a new site (http://www.change.org/ideas) is collecting and posting ideas for the Obama administration and the top 10 ideas, the ideas that have received the most votes, will be presented to the President on Inauguration Day.

An idea was just added to suggest that a new investigation into 9/11 be conducted.

Please click the link below and VOTE for this idea. Then forward the link to everyone you know and ask that they vote for it too. It this is for real, it is an excellent opportunity to get out collective voice heard. Loud and Clear. Finally.


Thanks in advance.

(Image updated - 12.2.2008)