November 2008

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David Ray Griffin Debunks Popular Mechanics

David Ray Griffin Debunks Popular Mechanics
from the Osaka 9/11 Truth Conference, November 1, 2008

Barack Obama's sense of Humor

Obama roasts John McCain at Charity Dinner, some two weeks before the election. Very funny.
Obama is a truly talented comedian, and John McCain has a hard time concealing that he enjoys it. Wonderful to see.

Question: Can this sense of humor and timing be useful as President? Let us hope so.

Now That Obama Has Won . . . There is No Excuse

Now that a Democrat has been elected president, the Democrats in Congress have no excuse. They can no longer pretend that they have to "hold back" to win the election.

They have no excuse to delay war crimes charges against Bush, Cheney and company for Iraq.

They have no excuse to delay war crimes charges for torture.

They have no excuse to delay criminal charges for spying on Americans.

They have no excuse to delay criminal charges for 9/11.

Now is not the time for Democratic machine politics. Now is the time to implement true American values - cherished across the political aisle - of liberty and justice.

There can be no liberty in America unless the tyrants who have tried to imprison us and enslave us are prosecuted.

There can be no justice in America unless the high and mighty are held accountable for their actions.

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is President Obama

I didn't post this before because I saw it as an opportunistic policy decision for the election. Of course, now that he's presumably won, well... - Jon

Obama backs 9/11 health bill


By Josh Rogers

Barack Obama’s campaign said last week that he supports an $11 billion bill to provide care and monitoring to anyone who is having health problems because of 9/11.

“Yes, Obama does support the bill,” Blake Zeff, New York communications director for the presidential campaign, wrote in an email to Downtown Express last Thursday. Obama’s support for the bill was first reported at later that day, Oct. 2.

The bill would reopen the 9/11 victims compensation fund to provide health money for people who can demonstrate health problems from the toxic chemicals and dust that covered Lower Manhattan after 9/11.

Obama's Speech To The Chicago Council On Foreign Relations from April 23, 2007

On April 23, 2007, Barack Obama delivered a speech to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs (a.k.a CFR).

Obama talked about 5 ways America will begin to lead again when he's President.

A few talking points included:

- Killing all those shadowy networks of terrorists that attacked the US on 9/11.
- Beefing up our military - "That’s why I strongly support the expansion of our ground forces by adding 65,000 soldiers to the Army and 27,000 Marines."
- A troop surge in Afghanistan.
- Looking to strike Iran - "we must never take the military option off the table"
- "Strengthening" NATO by urging other nations to deploy more troops around the world

A few excerpts from that speech read:


"The second way America will lead again is by building the first truly 21st century military and showing wisdom in how we deploy it."

Bush Administration Committed War Crimes Against Prisoners, Reveals Physicians for Human Rights

From NaturalNews The Bush administration has committed war crimes in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay in its practice of torturing prisoners, according to the conclusions of a medical examination conducted by the organization Physicians for Human Rights.

"After years of disclosures by government investigations, media accounts, and reports from human rights organizations, there is no longer any doubt as to whether the current administration has committed war crimes," wrote retired Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba in the preface to the report. "The only question that remains to be answered is whether those who ordered the use of torture will be held to account.

Taguba was the general who led the investigation of allegations of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. After releasing a report documenting the torture performed there, Taguba was forced out of the army.

Philip Zelikow: Confronted By Lone Lantern - Chicago 9/11 Truth Activists

Philip Zelikow was in Chicago on Wednesday, October 29, 2008. He spoke at the Chicago Council on Global Domination, um, I mean Global Affairs. This is another name for the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations.

Lone Lantern - Chicago 9/11 Truth activists were there to accost him as he arrived.

After the confrontation, two activists infiltrated his speaking event and sat through his creepy speech on global governance. However, their cameras were prohibited and held at the front desk.


Jon Gold On The North Virginia Patriots Show - 11/3/2008

Click Here

Thank you to Brian and Ray for giving me the opportunity.

The North Virginia Patriots show is an interactive, live Internet political talk-radio show that focuses on libertarian views. Host Bryan and Ray cover all the topics going on in todays political world. The show airs Monday through Friday, 6-7 PM Eastern time. The show is hosted on

Restore the Republic Radio is a free, web-based platform that is broadcasting the message of freedom to a republic that is starving to hear something other than the spoon-fed propaganda controlled by the five major media corporations. Providing you with engaging hosts and up to the minute live coverage from events and actions across our republic. RTR Radio is your one stop shop for the latest news from the freedom movement. The stream can be heard 24 hours a day at

CTBUH stifles discussion on NIST's WTC 7 report

The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) recently published their comments on the NIST draft for final report on WTC 7, as reported on 911Blogger.

CTBUH's comments and NIST's investigation are discussed on this CTBUH forum.

When one reads the exchanges, it becomes pretty obvious that DScott, the CTBUH Chairman, displays no interest at all in discussing any of the difficult questions raised by several posters about NIST's report and WTC 7 investigation.

This becomes even more obvious when one sees what kind of a "putsch" took place after I challenged DScott on the issue of evidence destruction, and after Chris Sarns of AE911Truth had concluded that NIST had changed their previous statements about the use of shear studs in girders in order to facilitate their latest theory.

All four of my posts and Chris' latest post were deleted and the discussion forum closed. On CTBUH's homepage it now reads "The forum on this topic has now closed, however, click here to read over the comments that were posted....."

9/11 Truth Hits japan

9/11 Truth Hits Japan
2nd International 9/11 Truth Conference comes to Japan

James Corbett
The Corbett Report
03 November, 2008

The 2nd International 9/11 Truth Conference came to Japan this week, with sessions in Akita, Kobe, Osaka, Nagoya and Tokyo. The Corbett Report was in Osaka to report from the event and has obtained audio and video of the keynote speech by David Ray Griffin, as well as interviews with the conference organizer and attendees.

An interview with Yumi Kikuchi, organizer of the conference, is now available on The Corbett Report's YouTube channel. Click this link to go directly to the video or watch in the player below: