November 2008

(For a historical archive of our old site visit

Obama’s First Problem is US War Crimes By Andrew Sullivan November 30, 2008 "The Times"

A glimmer of hope here? And later, a segue into a real 9/11 investigation?

It's up to us (those living a truthful reality - not the one created by the Bush team) to rally the citizens to demand justice and accountability from the Bush crime family, and then work towards 9/11 Truth justice as more info is exposed to those currently unaware or in denial Americans . . .

We'll have a short window of opportunity here to help hold Obama's feet to the fire once he's in. A grassroot's pressure needs to begin now, as it is, and grow quickly through January, assuming something else doesn't happen (as it usually does) to alter our eyes on the ball . . .

Obama’s First Problem is US War Crimes

The president-elect has to take a stand on Bush’s dark legacy

By Andrew Sullivan

CIA Foreknowledge of the Mumbai Attacks

(911blogger users: please use this post as a continuation of the first Mumbai News Thread. -rep.)

Yesterday, reported that the CIA's station chief in Delhi approached one of India's intelligence agencies, the Research and Analysis Wing, and passed on a fairly specific warning;

"In mid-September this year, the CIA station chief in Delhi sought an urgent meeting with his counterpart in R&AW to pass on some critical inputs. This was part of an understanding that Indian and American intelligence had institutionalised in the aftermath of 9/11. From its assets in Pakistan and Afghanistan, American intelligence had come to learn that the Lashkar-e-Toiba was planning to launch a major terrorist attack in Mumbai, which would be carried out from the sea."

Later in the article;

"By the middle of November, as Indian intelligence continued to check out further inputs, the pieces of an intricate jigsaw puzzle began to fall into place. Sources say they learnt that the attack would come from the sea and that the Taj Hotel would be a major target. However, it was not known whether this attack would be carried out by planting bombs in the hotel or by terrorists carrying small arms. Indian intelligence assessments were tilting towards bombs being planted and security at the hotel was beefed up accordingly to prevent terrorists from planting bombs inside the premises."

UPDATE: Opportunity to Achieve our Goal ABORTED by CHANGE.ORG

(As of 5:17pm Central Time --11.30.2008-- "" has removed the request for a new 9/11 investigation from their website. -rep.)

Initial blog post published: 2008-11-28 17:46:16

In this week's International edition of Newsweek (Dec 1, 2008), there's an article entitled "President 2.0". In reading it, I discovered that a new site ( is collecting and posting ideas for the Obama administration and the top 10 ideas, the ideas that have received the most votes, will be presented to the President on Inauguration Day.

An idea was just added to suggest that a new investigation into 9/11 be conducted.

Please click the link below and VOTE for this idea. Then forward the link to everyone you know and ask that they vote for it too. It this is for real, it is an excellent opportunity to get out collective voice heard. Loud and Clear. Finally.

Thanks in advance.

(Image updated - 12.2.2008)

Obama "Change" Redirects 9/11 Investigation Petitioners to New Page

Re-Enter your Demand for a New 9/11 Investigation at:

Hello Harold,

We wanted to send you a note about an idea you submitted to the Ideas for Change in America competition titled "Obama Wants to Hear the Truth About 9/11"

We support calls for truth and transparency in our government on every subject and welcome you to directly petition the new administration about this matter, which you can do at However, it is unfortunately outside the scope of the Ideas for Change in America project, which aims to offer specific policy solutions rather than investigations into prior policies or past government action. As such, we regret to inform you that is not eligible to enter the second round of the competition.

So Much For "Change"

Jon Gold

Donna Marsh O'Connor, mother of 9/11 victim Vanessa Lang Langer, recently posted an "idea" at, "which was then promoted at both and 911blogger" for America to have a new investigation into the attacks of 9/11. Unfortunately, Donna's "idea" never picked up steam.

However, on 11/28/2008, Debora Blake posted a similar "idea" at, and for whatever reason, that entry "took off." Within 2 days, the "idea" for a new investigation into 9/11 was #1 on the entire site with 660 votes. The #2 entry, "Pass the DREAM Act Now!," posted on 11/24/2008, only has 347 votes.

They have since deleted every "idea" calling for a new investigation into 9/11, including the #1 entry. Here is the email I just received from

Hello Jon,

We wanted to send you a note about an idea you recently voted on in the Ideas for Change in America competition titled "Conduct a new, independent investigation into the attacks of September 11, 2001"

HOAX! >Was the WTC7 "collapse" really reported by FOX before it actually happened?

There is now this video circulating on the internet:

With the the title: Never seen before!: Fox news 5 reports WTC 7 collapse before it happens

New York Times Misleads on Taliban Role in Opium Trade by Jeremy Hammond

New York Times Misleads on Taliban Role in Opium Trade

The New York Times and other major U.S. media sources commonly report on the production of opium in Afghanistan as though it were under the control of the Taliban. The facts on the ground, however, tell a different story. Who dominates the Afghan opium trade? Foreign Policy Journal investigates.

November 29, 2008

By Jeremy R. Hammond

The New York Times reported this week that the Taliban have cut back on poppy cultivation and is stockpiling opium, grossly overstating the group’s role in the Afghanistan drug trade.

“Afghanistan has produced so much opium in recent years,” the Times reported Thursday, “that the Taliban are cutting poppy cultivation and stockpiling raw opium in an effort to support prices and preserve a major source of financing for the insurgency, Antonio Maria Costa, the executive director of the United Nations drug office, says.”

India's 9/11. Who was Behind the Mumbai Attacks?

India's 9/11. Who was Behind the Mumbai Attacks?

Washington is Fostering Political Divisions between India and Pakistan

by Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research, November 30, 2008
- 2008-11-29

The Mumbai terror attacks were part of a carefully planned and coordinated operation involving several teams of experienced and trained gunmen.

The operation has the fingerprints of a paramilitary-intelligence operation. According to a Russian counter terrorist expert, the Mumbai terrorists "used the same tactics that Chechen field militants employed in the Northern Caucasus attacks where entire towns were terrorized, with homes and hospitals seized". (Russia Today, November 27, 2008).

The Mumbai attacks are described as " India's 9/11".

The attacks were carried out simultaneously in several locations, within minutes of each other.

Trio turn 9-11 issues into a blockbuster for local theater

By Peter Duveen

PETER'S NEW YORK, Sunday, November 30, 2008--Frustrated with the lack of accountability for what happened on September 11, 2001, three concerned upstate New Yorkers recently joined forces to see if they could mobilize the public to critically examine the government's version of the events of that day. One of the three managed to convince the proprietor of a local theater that a showing of the controversial documentary Loose Change Final Cut, a film critical of the government's version of 9-11, would draw a sizable crowd. The others teamed up in a supportive role to publicize the event. The result was a screening of the film last Tuesday at the Charles R. Wood Theater in Glens Falls, New York, with a personal appearance by the film's producer, Korey Rowe. Attendance far exceeded that of any other film shown in the theater's history.

"That was a record," said the theater's executive director, Bill Woodward, of the 143 paid attendees who passed through the theater's doors. The previous high grosser was a film that brought out about 100 people, Woodward told Peter's New York.