May 2011

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9/11 Revelations - Robert Bowman & Mike Gravel on Community Currency Radio

What does the latest official pronouncements about the foundational myth for the "War on Terrorism and the 9/11 Wars" reveal about credibility of the U.S. government? Who can be believed in a time of war and psy-ops? What are the real problems that face Americans and humanity? Where are the solutions? How can people rein in militarism and government abuse and corruption?

Hear two former top officials who have left government to champion for empowering people and reining in the fusion of government, corporate, media and military power today, Thursday May 12, 2011 from 5-6 pm (EST) on Community Currency on Progressive Radio Network.

MIKE RUPPERT German radio interview a week before Barack Obama announced the killing of OBL.

The German radio interview which follows was recorded approximately a week before Barack Obama announced the killing of OBL.

Intelligence and Law Enforcement Experts on Ever-Changing Bin Laden Death Script by Sibel Edmonds

Intelligence and Law Enforcement Experts on Ever-Changing Bin Laden Death Script by Sibel Edmonds

Dandelion Salad
Originally published by Boiling Frogs Post
May 9, 2011

Not All Sources and Experts Are Equal- Here Are some Real Ones!

There are ‘experts’ views,’ and then there are experts’ views. There are ‘government sources,’ and then there are government sources. Not all experts are equal. And, not all sources are reliable. Am I talking in riddles? Of course not; give me a chance and I’ll explain.

Port Authority of NY/NJ FOI Records For Pre-9/11 WTC Elevator Modernization Project

Linked below are Freedom of Information records of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey regarding pre-9/11 elevator modernization work within World Trade Center towers 1 and 2, reportedly performed by the ACE Elevator company.



Obama Did Not Osama Being Killed

Real-Time Raid Hoax Exposed As Photo Op
Panetta: Obama did not see bin Laden being killed
May 03, 2011
By Michael Winter

In an interview with the PBS NewsHour, CIA Director Leon Panetta said that although President Obama was watching some "real-time aspects" of the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound, he did not see the al-Qaeda leader being killed.

Here's part of the exchange with Jim Lehrer:

JIM LEHRER: Did you have access to video of what was actually happening in the compound, etc.?

LEON PANETTA: We had live-time intelligence information that we were dealing with during the operation itself.

JIM LEHRER: Did you actually see - or did you actually see Osama bin Laden get shot?

Responses to questions regarding thermite, nanothermite and conventional explosives used in the WTC destruction.

Here I field questions that come to me fairly often, to help get the facts out and to counter misrepresentations and misunderstandings. I expect to make edits for a while and welcome comments.

1. Can nanothermites (also called superthermites) be explosive?

The definition of “explosive” can lead to endless debates. Is a flash of light required? Is a loud sound required? How loud? What rate of energy generation is required for a material to be called an explosive? Where is the line between low explosives and high explosives?
Rather than getting mired into ad nauseum debates, I will use the term “explosive” in conjunction with superthermites/nanothermites IF the national defense laboratories which developed these materials use the term. Here we go.

Beyond the Lunatic Fringe- Wall Street Journal book review " Among The Truthers" by Jonathan Kay

By Sonny Bunch - Book Review - "Among The Truthers" By Jonathan Kay
The most disheartening aspect of the 2012 election cycle (so far) has been Donald Trump's effort to press the "birther" argument, claiming that President Barack Obama may not have been born in Hawaii in 1961 but somewhere else—Kenya, perhaps. A survey in February recorded that 51% of GOP primary voters believed Mr. Obama to be a non-native son. In a victory for common sense, support for the position plummeted with the recent release of Mr. Obama's long-form birth certificate.

Liberals should avoid crowing too loudly, though, since they have their own share of nutters. In 2007, pollster John Zogby asked Democratic voters about the terrorist attacks of 9/11; 42% of respondents said that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney either allowed the attacks to happen or deliberately caused the attacks to happen, presumably for political gain or to reap a financial windfall by waging a war for oil in the Middle East.

Bin Laden dead in 2001 or 2011 ?

Herblay FRANCE

Bonsoir, good evening,
indeed I am a bit lost with the information on the death of Bin Laden because with the information that I had up to the end of April 2011, Bin Laden was dead in December 2001 related to his renal illness ( see °1) . The French media told us that in his bunker in Tora Bora he had a special hospital to treat his illness.

The national journal Figaro said he had been dialysed just before the mass murder of 911.

The other Bin Ladens in the vidéos and audio which followed his death being more invented by the techniques seen in the film "Wag the Dog".,or.r_gc.r_p...

Margie Burns: Bin Laden, Pakistan, and corporate media narrative

I wanted to share this article regarding the public narrative about bin Laden, Pakistan and how its being sold. The full article can be found here:

Pasted May 6, 2011; Margie Burns;

With thousands of Afghanis, Iraqis, and U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan and Iraq since Sept. 11, 2001, Osama bin Laden, the fugitive icon of terrorist networks, was finally tracked down and killed in Pakistan. And not just in Pakistan, either, but in the city of Abbottabad, in the neighborhood of the Pakistan Military Academy.

Let’s say this clearly, just once: Part of the unnecessarily prolonged failure to catch bin Laden, and a very large part of the tragic diversions of two bloody wars, can be laid to the account of the large media outlets in the U.S. Foreign policy under the Bush administration was dictated by selfish concerns, and corporate media outlets almost entirely went along. Foreign policy was influenced—to put it nicely—by politics, and politics was influenced—again, to put it nicely—by money, and the big media almost entirely went along