May 2011

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U.S. announces charges against five 9/11 terror suspects By Agence France-Presse Tuesday, May 31st, 2011

U.S. announces charges against five 9/11 terror suspects

By Agence France-Presse
Tuesday, May 31st, 2011 -- 7:07 pm
Print 3

WASHINGTON — US military prosecutors at Guantanamo were expected to file fresh charges on Tuesday against the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and four alleged co-conspirators.

The recommendations, which must still be approved by a military tribunal official, set the stage for the high-profile Al-Qaeda suspects to finally face justice almost a decade after the attacks, which killed nearly 3,000 people.

President Barack Obama's administration last month abandoned plans to try the five in a civilian court just blocks from the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York, felled by Al-Qaeda hijackers on September 11, 2001.

A letter sent to families of 9/11 victims said fresh charges against Sheikh Mohammed, Walid bin Attash, Ramzi Binalshibh, Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali, and Mustapha Ahmed al-Hawsawi would be filed at Guantanamo on Tuesday.

10 steps dictators perfected by learning from previous tyrants. Full length documentary. On how to ruin a free society.

10 steps dictators perfected by learning from previous tyrants. Full length documentary. On how to ruin a free society.


Official GPS Data Reveal Superior Aviation GPS Service Provided To WTC & Pentagon During 9/11 Attacks

As the aircraft attacks of September 11, 2001 unfolded at the World Trade Center (WTC) and Pentagon buildings, maximum and near maximum augmented GPS positioning quality for the entire daylight period was provided to the geographic coordinates for the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Arlington, VA. Based on output graphs generated by Trimble’s free and highly regarded downloadable GPS planning software [1], which utilizes GPS “almanac” data transmitted by the GPS constellation on September 11, 2001 and now archived at the website for the United States Coast Guard [2], conditions such as GPS satellite visibility and geometric “dilution of precision” are both shown to be at maximum or within minutes of maximum during the aircraft impacts at the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Such augmented GPS service is now in routine use by the U.S. commercial aviation industry to allow aircraft flight management computers to utilize precise aircraft positional information, accurate to within just several meters. This GPS service was activated on a conditional basis by the FAA just one year before the September 11, 2001 attacks [3]. This service provided virtual aerial guidance corridors only 243 feet wide and a 95% confidence that an aircraft's true position will fall within any such designed corridor. The augmented GPS service was also utilized to precisely survey the Ground Zero site immediately after September 11, 2001. [4] Such corridors can be navigated entirely by autopilot and flight management systems scheduled in 1996 and 1998 to be contained by United and American airlines Boeing 757 and 767 aircraft like those used during the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

New York's other Memorial Day Comes and Goes; Nothing Changes

Another day to remember is pointed out by the AP:

While Americans grieved the 9/11 attacks and U.S. troops went to war in Afghanistan, another army, one made up of ironworkers, heavy equipment operators and mason tenders, toiled day and night to clear away the destruction of the World Trade Center's twin towers in lower Manhattan and recover the bodies of the dead.

In just 8 1/2 months, an estimated 1.8 million tons of twisted steel and pulverized concrete were painstakingly removed, transforming a mountainous pile into a 16-acre hole that became known as The Pit.

By Memorial Day, it was all but over. The day after the holiday, workers cut down the last column of steel still standing at the site.

The War Prayer By Mark Twain 1904'

The War Prayer Pt. 1

The War Prayer Pt. 2

The War Prayer

By Mark Twain

Remember the Lies and Liars that Killed Them.

An alternative view of Memorial Day


Remember the Lies and Liars that Killed Them.

Posted May 30, 2011

Truth hurts Lies kill -.Real truth behind the phony wars by Dr. Dahlia wasfi.

Truth hurts Lies kill -.Real truth behind the phony wars by Dr. Dahlia wasfi.

It's Memorial Day.

4,454 US troops have been killed since the beginning of the
Second Gulf War.

1,582 US troops have been killed in Afghanistan, in the longest
war in US history.

Almost *2 million innocent Iraqi civilians* have been killed since 2003.

*90% of US war deaths are of innocent civilians, 30% of whom
are children.*

These wars are against the interests of US Citizens, not to mention
those of the millions of foreign casualties, their families, communities
and nations.

These conflicts benefit a handful of depraved corporate entities.

These illegal wars, which have financially and morally bankrupted
America must cease, immediately.

Projection "The black box of September 11 2011" in Paris Friday 27/05/11

"The black box of September 11 " (The 9/11 black box)  

May 27 2011

This film gave me the same effect of an  energy drink; it achives (in my opinion) the rare combination of erazing the mountain of silly things and dishonest vindications poured on Theiry Meyssan since the beginning of his revelations embarrassing over  11-September!  It is, do not hide it, an ode on Thierry Meyssan, which is so pleasant for whoever supports this journalist with his exceptional  courage, known in the whole world for his work over  11-September.