Sunday Evening Grab Bag and Open Thread

DoD staffer's notes from 9/11 obtained under FOIA

[..]DoD staffer Steven Cambone's notes from meetings with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on the afternoon of September 11, 2001. Cambone's notes were cited heavily in the 9/11 Commission Report's reconstruction of the day's events.
The released notes document Donald Rumsfeld's 2:40 PM instructions to General Myers to find the "[b]est info fast . . . judge whether good enough [to] hit S.H. [Saddam Hussein] at same time - not only UBL [Usama Bin Laden]"

NewsFocus Asks 'How Did The WTC Towers Drop So Easily?'

How Did The WTC Towers Drop So Easily? -

One of the most sought after answers for many since the attacks on 9/11 revolves around the question, "How is it that World Trade Center towers one and two both dropped so easily?"

For many it's a moot point, not even worth the time to consider. After all, the 9/11 Commission already met and investigated the whole thing. Right?

If you think America has entertained all the facts on 9/11, you would sadly enough be quite mistaken. Those that have studied the numerous inconsistencies and peculiar coincidences of 9/11 have arrived at a strangely different conclusion than the official government line on the attacks.

A Half-Dozen Questions About 9/11 They Don't Want You to Ask

Thanks to Carol for submitting this:

The events of September 11, 2001 evoke painful memories, tinged with a powerful nostalgia for the way of life before it happened. The immediate tragedy caused a disorientation sufficient to distort the critical faculties in the direction of retrospectively predictable responses: bureaucratic adaptation, opportunism, profiteering, kitsch sentiment, and mindless sloganeering.

As 9/11, and the report of the commission charged to investigate it, fade into history like the Warren Commission that preceded it, the questions, gaps, and anomalies raised by the report have created an entire cottage industry of amateur speculation--as did the omissions and distortions of the Warren Report four decades ago. How could it not?

There is no war on terrorism

Thanks to Jon for this:

All the stories we see in the TV news, print and Internet media today are like mice in a small room occupied by a grizzly bear. We can see the bear, hear him panting and growling as he attempts to stomp on us, but everyone pretends he's just not there, even though he's eating all the food and we mice are starving.

The bear is the U.S. government and media cover up of the 9/11 attacks. They never came close to proving that foreign "terrorists" were involved. Of all four missing planes' passenger manifests, not one Middle Easterner was on any of them. A jihadist who is bravely going to his death for the sake of his beliefs in Allah and Islam is a martyr and wants the whole world to know it. Martyr's families receive reverential praise and support in their communities for decades. Yet not one of the "terrorists" the American government insists were on the aircraft used their real names or were listed on the passenger lists. At least seven of the nineteen 'hijackers' are still alive.

Maxim Magazine Covers '9/11 Truth Movement'

Four years later [..] a growing and increasingly prominent group of Americans believes that a government conspiracy is the only explanation of "the new Pearl harbor" that makes any sense. Armed with a spate of books, compelling videos, and a recent high-profile ad campaign, the loose community that some call the 9/11 Truth Movement has moved from the shadowy basements of the Internet out into the open. Across the board, the movement operates on the conviction that the U.S. government is keeping the whole truth under wraps. And that it either planned or allowed 9/11 to happen as a pretext for invading Afghanistan and Iraq and rolling back civil liberties at home.

Sept. 11 theorizing professor speaks out

A BYU physics professor said a group he co-founded will ask for a Watergate-style special federal prosecutor to look into unanswered questions surrounding the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Steven E. Jones gave a presentation at Brigham Young University on Thursday about his theory that World Trade Center Building 7 was destroyed by controlled demolition rather than a terrorist attack. Scholars for 9/11 Truth, which Jones co-founded, is putting together a list of questions and will ask for a special prosecutor like the one used to probe the Watergate scandal, he said.

Terrorist Threat

But while I have your attention, something else happened Saturday night which proves the Iraq War to be a colossal and bloody (19,000 American casualties!) failure.

The Bush administration has used the terrorist threat not only as an excuse to continue the war but also as a means to keep easily spooked Americans in a state of perpetual incontinence.
And while I'm on the cowardly ooga-booga thread, Bush cult members have been crowing about how it's no coincidence that there hasn't been an Islamic terror attack on American soil since 9/11.

9/11 Tipping Point

Here's an encouraging article on how best to promote the truth. Find out what you're good at and do it. Notice, nowhere in this article does it say arguing amongst each other is an effective way of spreading the truth.

Post your own ideas in the comments below...

Many people want to spread the truth about 9/11, but don't know how to do so.

Of course, it partly depends on where your talents lie. If you're a good writer but are shy around people, then write letters to the editor of your local paper. Or if you're a talented researcher, then find an aspect of 9/11 that hasn't been discovered or documented before, to help fill in a missing piece of the puzzle.

Spitzer Gets Heat for Blocking Aide From 9/11 Testimony

Spitzer blocks top aide from 9/11 Congressional testimony

News from The New York Republican State Committee

For more information: Ryan Moses, (518) 462-2601


Spitzer blocks top aide from 9/11 Congressional testimony

ALBANY, NY -- (02/15/2006; 1230)(EIS) -- New York Republican State Chairman Stephen Minarik today demanded Eliot Spitzer explain why he would brazenly prevent one of his closest advisers from providing testimony to a Congressional panel investigating the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

Jim Fetzer of Scholars for 911 Truth Interviewed on Al uh Looyah show 2/15/06

Al Interviews professor Jim Fetzer of Univ. of Minnesota, Duluth, a former Marine Corps officer, author or editor of more than 20 books, and co-chair of Scholars for 9/11 Truth.

We discuss why 911 is still the preeminent issue, how the events of that day can be scientifically proven to NOT be what the government tells us, and what we can do about it. Massive information!

Listen to the al uh looyah show live on wednesday nights on radioactive sandiego, 6 to 8pm, PST.

Audio: <