9/11 Truth Starting to Break Through Leftwing Gatekeepers


Is 9/11 truth starting to break through leftwing gatekeeper media? Stories questioning the official version of 9/11 have run in the last couple of days in:


Common Dreams


Air America's Charles Goyette and

9/11 Backlash Comes From Hollywood, Not Government


The 9/11 movement has been lax in not anticipating the direction from which their most vociferous flak will be thrown. It's not government appointed commissions, politicians or Popular Mechanic debunking spreads.

The real counter-backlash is coming from TV movies and big screen blockbusters, serving up a diet of spoon fed propaganda that reinforces the official version of events.

A television movie about one of the doomed Sept. 11 airplanes was A&E's most-watched program ever, a sign that audiences may be ready for a coming spate of movie and TV projects dramatizing the terrorism of five years ago.

New Flyer for Upcoming Northern California Event

(172KB PDF)

Question 9/11 - A Call to Activism
Thurs. Feb 23, 2006 - Grand Lake Theatre
7-10PM (Doors Open @ 6PM) 3200 Grand Ave., Oakland, CA

You can find more about numerous events in Oakland this month here and here.

Beginning of the Week Open Thread

Well, another week is here.

A few things to point out:

Mike Malloy Has No Doubt The 'Bush Crime Family' Is Responsible For 9/11 - MP3 Download

Videos from OK Truth Convergence 2006

Have at it!

U.S. Plans to Use Fake U.N. Plane Over Iraq?

Bush 'plotted to lure Saddam into war with fake UN plane'

George Bush considered provoking a war with Saddam Hussein's regime by flying a United States spyplane over Iraq bearing UN colours, enticing the Iraqis to take a shot at it, according to a leaked memo of a meeting between the US President and Tony Blair.
"I think no one would be surprised at the idea that the use of spy planes to review what is going on would be considered," Mr Sands told Channel 4 News last night. "What is surprising is the idea that they would be painted in the colours of the United Nations to provoke an attack which could then be used to justify material breach.

Open Thread - A Word On Comments

Over the last 9+ months we have been pretty lucky here at 911blogger to gain a good group of people who frequently add useful comments, references, further information, and post related links. While we have had disagreements in the comments every once in a while, the comments section in general has been pretty useful for a lot of us getting to know one another.

With that said, over the last 2-3 weeks we have received an influx of comments, and unfortunately some have been pushing the line on what is and what isn't acceptable for posting here. Over the history of the site I have deleted 2-3 comments, and edited another 2-3, however in the last week alone I have had to delete 2 comments, edit 1, and temporarily ban 1 user.

Former EPA Administrator Denies Misleading on Air Quality After 9/11

'Outraged' Whitman defends 9/11 stand

"From the moment the planes hit the World Trade Center, the men and women of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, relying on decades of experience in responding to natural and manmade disasters around the world, began to do everything in their power to protect the people of New York," Whitman said in her statement.

"Every action taken by the EPA during the response to this horrific event was designed to provide the most comprehensive protection and the most accurate information to the residents of Manhattan," Whitman said. "To imply otherwise is completely inaccurate."

Alternet Discusses Conspiracies and 9/11

Decoding the Secrets of JFK and 9/11 - Alternet.org

But have the dots been connected? Has the conspiracy behind 9/11 been decoded?

Bush evinces no doubt. "We now know," he says, "that two of the hijackers in the United States placed telephone calls to Al Qaida operatives overseas. But we did not know about their plans until it was too late."

In a nutshell, in his State of the Union speech, Bush presented the official version of 9/11. Through a combination of incompetence and complacency, and the cunning of a determined enemy, the sworn guardians of the American people were "too late" to stop a conspiracy that resulted in a devastating attack. Were they?

Dr. Steven Jones Utah Seminar - Slides

You can find all 73 slides posted by Reprehensor on Democratic Underground here.

Also, one of the comments on Reprehensor's blog linked to a WTC7 video which I had not seen prior, you can check it out here.

Check out the slides and feel free to post some comments.

Update: I have zipped up the slides and hosted them for your convenience, you can grab them here (4.6MB).

Supporting the President

As always, please see the original for links to supporting documents, and spread it around!!!


Many Americans support the President because of September 11th. 9/11 started a war on terror, and Americans know in our gut that we need a strong leader to fight that war and protect us.

Therefore, it is important to understand exactly what happened on September 11th, so that we may explain it to others. We have summarized 6 important and little-known facts about 9/11 for this purpose: