Another Nineteen: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects

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By Kevin Ryan

The Wall Street Journal recently commented on the upcoming military trial of Khalid Sheik Mohammed (KSM).  The article claimed that KSM and four other terrorists were somehow making a mockery of the U.S. justice system by trying to “use the open military trial to promote jihad and discredit American institutions, including the military system of justice.”[1]  Unsuspecting readers might think that an “open military trial” would actually be less reflective of American institutions than the (actually open) civil trial requested for KSM by many of the 9/11 victims’ families.  But the more important question is – are the right terrorists being brought to trial?

That question is not welcome in polite conversation.

For example, last August I was invited to appear on National Public Radio (NPR) to discuss the lasting phenomenon of 9/11 skepticism.  The show’s regular host was replaced by a woman who had clearly made up her mind about the subject.  Ironically, throughout the show she made snide comments about “conspiracy theorists” when referring to the millions of people who don’t believe the official conspiracy theory.  Her other guests, from the Hearst Corporation and Canada’s National Post, joined her in using some variation of this phrase every thirty seconds during the hour long show.  As the sole representative of 9/11 skeptics, I was allowed five minutes to speak until it was clear the conversation was not going as intended.[2]

Richard Gage will be in Dallas on August 16th to Screen "Experts Speak Out"

Richard Gage will be in Dallas on August 16th!!

Richard Gage of “Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth” will be at The Unity Church ( 3425 Greenville Ave – just south of Mockingbird Ln ) to deliver the hard hitting presentation and film: “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out”.
Thursday August 16th at 7pm.

See the Event flyer here.

Be sure to watch the film trailer

— If you thought that the fires at the World Trade Center twin towers, set off by the horrific jetliner impacts of September 11, 2001, were the cause of the destruction of those iconic skyscrapers, you may be mistaken. Experts now cite evidence showing that high-temperature incendiaries and explosives were planted throughout the twin towers and the lesser-known 47-story Building 7, also destroyed later the same day.

New 9/11 Timeline Entries: Hijacking Exercises, Air Force One's Movements, Laura Bush on Sept. 11, and More

From the History Commons Groups blog:

A large number of entries have been added to the Complete 9/11 Timeline at History Commons, most off which provide new details about the events of the day of September 11, 2001.

One new timeline entry describes a training exercise based on the scenario of a possible terrorist attack that was run on the morning of September 11 by the US Coast Guard in Tampa Bay, Florida, quite close to Sarasota, where the president was at the time. Another entry deals with a meeting scheduled to take place at the Pentagon that morning, regarding a planned "disaster exercise" at the nearby Navy Annex building.

An entry reveals that a number of FBI agents had, for reasons that are unknown, already arrived at the Navy Annex when the Pentagon was hit. Later on, the Navy set up a new command center at the Navy Annex, after its original command center was destroyed in the Pentagon attack.

Several entries describe the futile attempts of intelligence officers at NORAD's Northeast Air Defense Sector (NEADS) to obtain information about the first hijacking. After learning of the hijacking, a NEADS intelligence officer called the FBI's Strategic Information and Operations Center and the National Military Joint Intelligence Center at the Pentagon, but neither of them could provide any information. Searches on the SIPRNET--the US military Internet system--also revealed nothing. Furthermore, the threat briefing at NEADS that morning had included no indication of an increase in the terrorist threat level.

Some NEADS personnel have said they were monitoring Flight 93 long before the time at which the 9/11 Commission concluded the military was first alerted to this hijacked aircraft. Also, a commander at NEADS complained that an officer from the NEADS battle cab had come down to the operations floor, where he had been "circumventing my system." What is more, NEADS personnel only learned that the president's plane, Air Force One, was airborne about half an hour after it took off from Sarasota.

Statement For 9/11 Justice, Please Sign

To America, and the world.

We were lied to about 9/11. About the financing of the attacks, about foreknowledge of the attacks, about the air response that morning, and about many other aspects of the 9/11 atrocities.

Each investigation into 9/11, including the Joint Congressional Inquiry, the PENTTBOM investigation, the CIA IG, the DoD IG, the 9/11 Commission (especially the 9/11 Commission), and other investigations each had their own version of corruption and compromise.

Because we don't have subpoena power, access to all of the documentation, and access to all of the people that we would need to speak to, it is impossible for us to determine what actually happened that day, and who was ultimately responsible.

That being said, there are many provable lies and omissions concerning what we were told.

Therefore, we believe there is no justification for the "Post-9/11 World," and everything that entails.

We believe the "9/11 Card" that is often played by our politicians and the media no longer has merit, if it ever did.

We believe there needs to be real justice and accountability for what happened that day, and not the kind you find at GITMO.

The “War On Terror” Has Changed, and Not One In 1,000 Americans Has Noticed... We're now fighting alongside Al Qaeda.

Posted on by WashingtonsBlog

What You Should Know about this “Unthinkable” Development…

In George Orwell’s novel 1984,  the country of Oceania has been in a war against Eurasia for years.

Oceania suddenly switches sides, naming Eastasia as its enemy and making its mortal enemy, Eurasia, its new ally.

The government uses propaganda to convince people that, “We’ve always been at war with Eastasia”.  The dumbed-down public doesn’t even notice that they’ve switches sides, and blindly rallies around Eurasia as its perennial friend and ally.

The same thing is happening in real life with Al Qaeda.

Western governments and mainstream media have admitted that Al Qaeda is fighting against the secular Syrian government, and that the West is supporting the Syrian opposition … which is helping Al Qaeda.

Similarly, the opposition which overthrew Libya’s Gadaffi was mainly Al Qaeda … and they now appear to be in control of Libya (and are instrumental in fighting in Syria.)

The U.S. also funds terrorist groups within Iran.

Of course, Al Qaeda was blamed for 9/11, and the entire decades-long “War on Terror” was premised on rooting out Al Qaeda and related groups.

So the fact that we now consider Al Qaeda fighters to be allies in any way, shape or form is positively Orwellian.

9/11: AE911Truth Action Group Leaders Embark on Cross-Country Bike Ride

9/11: Journey for Truth
Written by Marta Nielsen

Orcas Island resident Rena Patty embarks today on the journey of lifetime – a bicycle ride across America.   Patty, with traveling companion Pamela Senzee from Phoenix, AZ, expects to take 90 days to reach their destination New York City. Both women are Action Group Team Leaders for the nonprofit Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth). Their journey is dedicated to all who have died and suffered loss on account of 9/11. Their mission is to educate the public about the scientific forensic evidence of the destruction of the three World Trade Center (WTC) hi-rises on 9/11 and to introduce people to the experts at AE911Truth.

Rena Patty will be educating Americans about the 9/11 evidence as she treks from coast to coast

The women have concern about the accuracy of reports produced by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the government agency tasked to analyze the destruction of the WTC hi-rises on 9/11. WTC building 7 was the third hi-rise to collapse on 9/11. At 5:20 p.m., WTC 7 collapsed suddenly into its own footprint in about 6.5 seconds, the first 2.25 seconds at a rate indistinguishable from free-fall. NIST claims the building fell because of normal office fires. Structural engineers from AE911Truth requested to see the computer model used by NIST to explain the sudden collapse of WTC 7. NIST refused, saying that to release the computer model would “jeopardize public safety.” More than 1700 credentialed architects and engineers have signed the AE911Truth petition calling for an independent investigation into the destruction of the WTC hi-rises on 9/11. 

Pam Senzee has coordinated several successful events for AE911Truth in the Phoenix area

On their journey, Patty and Senzee are distributing a new documentary, “9/11: Experts Speak Out.” The documentary features interviews with the most highly credentialed AE911Truth petition signers. Experts like Richard Humenn, former chief electrical engineer for the WTC complex, and Roland Angle, a civil engineer who was responsible for designing blast resistance of the Minuteman Missile silos. Patty says, “This bike trip is not about us, it’s about introducing people to these experts.” The idea of a bike ride arose two months ago as Patty and Senzee brainstormed ideas of possible legal nonviolent actions to bring attention to this issue. Patty says, “My college degree is in science. The scientific evidence presented by AE911Truth looks extremely important to me. We wanted to do something big enough to let people know how important this issue is to us.”

Anticipating traveling 40–80 miles per day, the women will cross the North Cascades on Highway 20 and continue across the Rockies in northern Montana. They expect to arrive in New York City by late October. Patty visited the WTC site in October, 2011, while participating in the Occupy Wall Street protest in Zucotti Park in New York City.

Swiss and Austrian experts speak out in mainstream television show

I believe this important discussion broadcasted in Germany, Switzerland and Austria has never been translated into English. So I chose some segments of this over one hour show and made a quick translation:

Main proponents for a new investigation in this talk are:
* Dr. Daniele Ganser: A Swiss historian researching 9/11 at the University of Basel -
* Prof. Dr.Friedrich Steinhäusler. An Austrian expert for physics and material science at the University of Salzburg -

Interestingly enough, Steinhäusler is also an advisor for NATO for the war against terrorism (at least they claim he is). Yet, he proposes questions concerning the collapse of the buildings like most physics studying the topic do. Considering that he is not only a physicists but also a academic in material science could make him another important expert in the debate.

During the whole show, the audience was clearly on the side of Ganser and Steinhäusler and the whole way the discussion was held and led was very fair. The main opponent to Ganser and Steinhäusler was the journalist Stefan Aust (former chief editor of "Der Spiegel"). He tried the usual way to discredit their trustworthiness, but did not succeed at all.

The station broadcasting it was ServusTV, a division of "Red Bull". It is available free to air in Germany, Austria and Switzerland via antenna or cable and via satellite even europewide. This is no small local tv station.

Final Roll Call for the First Generation of Truth Seekers (RIP VZ Lawton)

Final Roll Call for the First Generation of Truth Seekers (RIP VZ Lawton)

By Holland Vandennieuwenhof

The documentary A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995 was released in December of 2011, the culmination of sixteen years of active resistance to the official story of the Oklahoma City bombing. The filmmakers dedicated two years of their lives to production, pouring every spare hour and spare dollar into making sure that the truth tellers’ story was told. If anything, A Noble Lie is a testament to the strength of the truth, the weakness of the lie and the will of whatever forces govern this plane to see evil exposed. But that was nothing compared to the long years in the wilderness the truth seekers faced from day one. We were just privileged to tell their story. As for justice, well that is an ideal we can strive for, and should. But the very fact that these atrocities occur tells us that justice is fickle, elusive and pinned down perhaps only by whatever the next world holds for us.

And with that we note with honor the recent death of V.Z. Lawton, a survivor of the bombing and a man who resisted the herd impulse to ignore his own eyes and ears in the face of authority. V.Z., 81 years old, passed away on July 23, 2012 after succumbing to cancer. Few men can say that they have been truly tested. Fewer still can say that they prevailed. V.Z. did both many times, and cracked jokes in-between.

V.Z. faced his mortality with a determination and hope that still shone from his eyes, and with a lack of fear that defined his presence on this earth. He had confronted death before. On April 19, 1995, seventeen years ago, V.Z. was sitting at his desk in the office of Housing and Urban Development in the A.P. Murrah Federal Building when the structure began to shake, the lights went out and something fell from the ceiling fell and struck him in the head, knocking him out cold. When he regained consciousness, he saw that the floor had collapsed to within inches of his desk. He stood over the stilled maelstrom below, half the building lie in ruins, crushed bodies beneath. He turned around and immediately went to the aid of his injured co-workers. He guided, carried and led them down several flights of stairs and busted open a warped steel door with his shoulder. After getting checked out at the hospital, he began walking home. He picked glass out of his body for months.

FAQ #8: What Is Nanothermite? Could It Have Been Used To Demolish The WTC Skyscrapers?

Written by Adam Taylor   
Thursday, 19 July 2012 
As shown above, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) created nano-thermite composite materials with explosive properties by adding gas-releasing components

In order to understand what nanothermite is, we first must understand what ordinary commercial thermite is. Thermite is a mixture of a metal and the oxide of another metal, usually aluminum (Al) and iron oxide (Fe2O3), in a granular or powder form. When ignited, the energetic Al-Fe thermite reaction produces molten iron and aluminum oxide, with the molten iron reaching temperatures well in excess of 4000° F. These temperatures are certainly high enough to allow cuts through structural steel, which generally has a melting point of around 2750° F.

There is also a variant of thermite known as thermate, which is a combination of thermite and sulfur, and is more efficient at cutting through steel. This form of thermite is believed to have been used in the demolition of World Trade Center Building 7. Although conventional thermite has the capability to cut through structural steel, it is technically an incendiary and not an explosive.