Fateh Kamel: Seeding the evidentiary trail for the next 9/11?


Is a crucial "terror" figure in the pre-9/11 propaganda campaign being pre-positioned in Canada for use as a propaganda tool after a post-9/11 attack? Back in October 2003, I posted an article in which I noted the key importance of the December 1999 arrest of Ahmed Ressam in establishing a crucial evidentiary trail that would later be used most effectively in linking al-Qaida to the attack on September 11.
Put quite simply, the "bait" of Fateh Kamel was absolutely crucial in laying down the evidentiary trail that eventually linked Ressam to the al-Qaida organization. This link, in turn, was one of the main planks used almost immediately after 9/11 in casting bin Laden as the central suspect for the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Letter from Steve Moyer

Anyone in the Vermont area, here's a candidate worth checking out. His website actually states that he believes there was a conspiracy to invade and occupy Iraq. The fact that he's willing to use that word shows he has some courage. Unfortunately, from what I've read, he does not believe the democrats share in any of the blame.

Hello. I'm a candidate for the U.S. Senate in Vermont and
I support the truth about 9-11 and everything else that's
gone on in our Republican-dominated government.

Let's speak the truth to each other. Any chairman of any
committee in Congress could launch an investigation into

A Valuable New Tool - Google Print

Google launched their book search engine this week. From what I have read they are scanning an average of 5,000 books a day, all of which are fully available online.

This new search tool is probably a bigger deal than most will initially recognize. While websites contain massive amounts of content, hundreds of thousands of online books will thicken out the detailed reference materials for researchers.

In any event, go check out Google Print now, and post anything snazzy which you come across. You will probably be amazed at the new amount of 9/11 related materials at our fingertips.

Transcripts from Cynthia McKinney's 9/11 Congresional Hearings

Got an email today from Allan letting me know that he had transcribed several speakers from the 9/11 Congressional Briefing held on July 22nd by Cynthia McKinney.

Here are the speakers' sections he has transcribed so far:
Cynthia McKinney
Lorie Van Auken
Anne Norton
Mel Goodman
Peter Dale Scott (global research)

Recent Foreign Press About 9/11 Mysteries

Burried Truths: The Big Issue in Scotland - Street News Service

Four years on from the attacks of 9/11, cracks are beginning to appear in the ‘official’ version of events. A growing movement, backed by respected thinkers and political figures, is demanding an independent public enquiry into what really happened.

‘The most unbelievable of all the possible conspiracy theories about 9/11 is the official one about Osama bin Laden and 19 fanatic Muslim hijackers taking the government of the United States completely by surprise and getting ‘lucky’.”Robert M Bowman doesn’t mince his words.

We Don’t Need Them

9/11 isn't mentioned once in this article, yet it has everything to do with what we are trying to do:


I’ve never understood the idea of speaking truth to power. The truth, surely, is that in almost all countries of the world, political and economic systems are designed to benefit only the rich and powerful, at the expense of those with less money and power. This is how the world works, and I see no reason to think that the powerful don’t already understand that. After all, they designed it; they maintain it.

Drunken firefighter crashes stolen truck into movie set

Due to the long term lung damage the firefighters have been enduring, have they finally reached their breaking point?


A drunken probationary firefighter who is a Harvard University graduate stole a delivery truck Friday morning and crashed it into an idle movie set in Chelsea where Oliver Stone's Sept. 11 film is being shot, police and sources said.

Fire Starts at Petronas Towers in Malaysia

Yet another example of how fire does not cause steel framed high rises to disintegrate:


Fire in a movie complex in Malaysia's iconic Petronas Twin Towers late Friday night triggered panic among patrons who fled screaming and coughing in the thick, acrid smoke, witnesses said. There were no reports of injuries.
The glass-and-steel Petronas Twin Towers, once the world's tallest before being upstaged by a building in Taiwan, are located in downtown Kuala Lumpur and are Malaysia's most famous landmark, symbolizing the country's economic progress.

May 2001 - The National Energy Policy Development Group

Thanks to Gold at yourbbsucks.com for this info:


Actual Document:

By Michael Ruppert

This secret task force, which fought all the way to the Supreme Court to keeps its records and deliberations secret from the public, is for me the place where the deepest darkest secrets of both the September 11th attacks and government's awareness of Peak Oil lie buried. The task force convened just as the first 20 out of 25 wells drilled in the Caspian Basin came up dry holes. In "Crossing the Rubicon" I discuss the meager seven pages of NEPDG records released after lawsuits which confirm the group's obsession, not with oil discovery, conservation (economic stagnation) or energy substitutes, but with where the known oil was, who owned it and apparently who had to be dealt with to get it. The public report of the NEPDG told us, just four months before the 9/11 attacks:

Bin Laden Staying Quiet; Experts Remain Wary

Although this is an "alternative" 9/11 news blog, some statements in this article are perfect examples of the propaganda we've all been subjected to since 9/11 that, oddly enough, seem to coincide with the drops in Bush's approval ratings.


Usama bin Laden has been publicly silent for the longest period since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The question for U.S. intelligence: What, if anything, does it mean?
"This is the first time things have changed in years. Messages have generally come in a consistent pattern, and now they are not," Venzke said. "It is likely that these changes in messaging by Al Qaeda (search) are the result of planning and a P.R. strategy, as opposed to their computer broke."