Will You Help Me With My Next Film? ...a request from Michael Moore February 11th, 2009


Wednesday, February 11th, 2009
Will You Help Me With My Next Film? ...a request from Michael Moore


I am in the middle of shooting my next movie and I am looking for a few brave people who work on Wall Street or in the financial industry to come forward and share with me what they know. Based on those who have already contacted me, I believe there are a number of you who know "the real deal" about the abuses that have been happening. You have information that the American people need to hear. I am humbly asking you for a moment of courage, to be a hero and help me expose the biggest swindle in American history.

All correspondence with me will be kept confidential. Your identity will be protected and you will decide to what extent you wish to participate in telling the greatest crime story ever told.

Fealgood Foundation Appeal

Don't forget to call your Congressmen and tell them you support the James Zadroga Bill. - Jon

Fealgood Foundation President and Founder John Feal makes an appeal on behalf of 9/11 First Responders and Recovery Workers sick after toxic exposures at Ground Zero. He is joined byTheresa Quibell, widow of Responder Greg Quibell, and Glen Klein, NYPD Detective (retired).

Secret Government 9/11 Advocate

Valley 9/11 Truth is presenting a free film screening of the 1987 PBS program: The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis - narrated by Bill Moyers - February 11th, 2009; 7:00 PM at the Media Education Foundation; Northampton, MA

Plus, and promoting this event, a weekly alternative news/entertainment paper, The Valley Advocate, published my following letter:

Advocate Off Target

The Alan Bisbort article "Truly Alternative: Giving our shared humanity a media voice" [Jan. 22, 2009] brought home some deep unsettled feelings. This well-crafted story-in-a-story also brought to light what I found missing in the Advocate. Cynthia McKinney was the keynote speaker at an event to honor Martin Luther King Day. This came on the heels of an international incident on a ship named "Integrity" that, while bringing mercy supplies to Gaza (with CNN and others on board), was rammed three times by an Israeli navy speed boat. It began to take on water. My website, flybynews.com, has links to youtube videos on this incident.

FBI Believed that Bombs Were Used on 9/11


On 9/11, the FBI believed that bombs were involved in the attacks.

How do I know that?

Because, according to the FBI's website:

Following the massive terrorist attacks against New York and Washington, the FBI dedicated 7,000 of its 11,000 Special Agents and thousands of FBI support personnel to the PENTTBOM investigation. "PENTTBOM" is short for Pentagon, Twin Towers Bombing.

(see also this and this).

Indeed, a reporter for USA Today was told by the FBI believed that there were bombs in the Twin Towers.

Great Collection of Old Mainstream Media News Clips Dealing with Our Issues.


More information can be found at The Core of Corruption site:


The bro that is making this stuff is from the Loose Change forum boards I think. His name is Jonathan Elinoff. He directed this stuff. Seems awful legitimate to me. He give out credit to Jon Gold and History Commons. Take a look and see if you think its worth promoting and spreading. Peace.

Bamford Answers One Question: What NSA IG Report?

A couple of weeks ago I submitted several questions to James Bamford, who was doing a public Q and A to mark the showing of a PBS Nova documentary he had helped make about an al-Qaeda communications hub in Yemen, the hiding of two of the 9/11 hijackers from the FBI by the CIA and the warrantless wiretapping controversy.

Bamford answered one of my questions (as well as lots put by other people). It was:

"Did the NSA’s inspector general write reports covering the NSA’s failures before (a) the 1998 embassy bombings, (b) the 2000 USS Cole bombing, (3) 9/11? In each case the NSA had intercepted calls to/from al-Hada that could have been exploited to prevent the attacks, but did nothing with them. If the inspector general did draft such reports, what do they say?"

He replied:

"I know of no IG reports written on those incidents. In the past, most of the IG reports have dealt with employee complaints and not about failed policies."

Not a definitive answer, but helpful nonetheless.

Continued here

Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth coming to Denver

Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth coming to Denver

February 9, 1:55 PM
by James Curran, Denver Nonpartisan Examiner

February 13th, 2009, 7:00pm at the Tattered Cover Book Store in Lower Downtown Denver (LoDo) Richard Gage, AIA founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth will be discussing the destruction of the World Trade Center through a multimedia presentation that promises to be suitable for professionals and laymen alike. That’s right, Friday the 13th Denver’s skeptical are encouraged to join Richard Gage for some solid, documented evidence and disciplined thinking.

Gage will be examining the aircraft impacts, the fires, the official investigations by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and the evidence for the explosive demolition hypothesis. “…an extensive and myth-shattering analysis of the destruction of the WTC Towers and Building 7.”—Steven E. Jones, Physicist

September 11th Advocates Statement Regarding Guantanamo Quagmire And Accountability

For Immediate Release
February 10, 2009
The Military Commissions System at Guantanamo Bay was an attempt by the Bush Administration to create an “extralegal zone”, wherein the rule of law was ignored.  Many Guantanamo detainees were subject to detention without charges, rendition and illegal torture.  The Military Commissions System, which allowed evidence obtained through torture and coercive interrogation tactics, has been a dismal failure both legally and practically.  The Supreme Court has rejected the policies of this system each time it has reviewed them.  Because of the Bush Administration’s mistaken belief in its ability to craft a new legal system, which clearly created avoidable moral and legal challenges, justice may never be served.
President Obama has paused all proceedings at Guantanamo Bay for 120 days in order for his legal team to attempt to design a system in which the verdicts will withstand the scrutiny of the inevitable appeals process.  He is rightfully attempting to fix the quagmire that was created by the previous administration.

New PENTTBOM.com videos as of February 1st, 2009

from http://penttbom.com/

NE418: Pentagon witness saying he saw a plane land into the Pentagon, followed by another plane (C130).


more at http://penttbom.com/

In reference to our FOIA request, the FBI has sent us 13 additional PENTTBOM videos. This is the second round release (not counting the CCTV Pentagon, CITGO, and Doubltree video releases). Each DVD contains 1 video from the 'menu' list. Here is a summary of what was sent:

NE515: WTC ground scenes. Begins 5 minutes after first impact. Witness says he saw the first plane.
K3074: Footage of the second plane impacting the WTC. The video also captures the collapses.