Dr. Lueren Moret and her D.U. 9/11 Studies

In doing my browsing today I came across the name of Dr. Lueren Moret, an authority on depleted uranium, specifically an interview with her from early June. I noticed she made several comments about 9/11 in this recent article, hence my post.

She has made some pretty interesting comments about studies after 9/11 from the pentagon to ground zero on radiation and the possible use of depleted uranium. While I cannot vouch for her or her information I did find these comments interesting, and I thought I would see if others might be more familiar with her work and her associations. Besides, it is a slow day for 9/11 related news.

Midday Grab Bag

On The Record: The Controlled Demolition Of The WTC

This is a clip from the new documentary Loose Change, which features firefighters and other eyewitnesses discussing explosions at the World Trade Center and examines the physical evidence.

Brief Summary of Evidence Demonstrating that the Administration Orchestrated 9-11
Lengthy Summary by George Washington's blog on 9/11.

Morgan Reynolds Interview - LF Exclusive

Open Thread

Just turning on the news this morning.. Here is an open thread, have at it.

Joseph Wilson Not Satisfied with 9/11 Investigation

Joseph Wilson on Bush Crowd: "A Real Threat to Our Republic"
Citizen's for Legitimate Government sat down with Joseph Wilson for an interview today. At the end of their conversation CLG prodded Mr. Wilson for his opinion on the Bush administration's handling of 9/11.

CLG: I can't let this moment pass without asking you about 9/11 and the Bush Administration. Do you notice any oddities about how the Bush Administration handled the events, the aftermath or the investigation of 9/11? Do you see any holes in the government's explanation of events? (Obviously, we at the CLG do. See our page: http://www.legitgov.org/9_1_1_oddities.html.)

Structural Failure VS Controlled Demolition

Controlled Demolition Of WTC: Compare and Contrast
The guys over at prisonplanet.com have posted up a handful of building failures as well as controlled demolitions. At the bottom of the article you can find a 3+ mb animated gif of WTC7, and it should be readily apparent which department WTC7 falls into.

I had actually came across a lot of these same structural failure images before. If WTC7 was damaged only on one side at the bottom, and only had 2 pockets of fire in specific spots on 2 separate floors, then shouldn't we see a non-global failure? These images are good examples of how when a building fails it doesn't mean the whole thing turns to liquid:

George Washington Blog's Letter to John Conyers

Got an email today of a letter being faxed to John Conyers about 9/11. You can find the origional posting on George Washington's blog here.

Dear Representative:

Thank you for your efforts in investigating the Administration's misrepresentations regarding weapons of mass destruction and false rationales for invading Iraq. I support you 100% in your efforts.

You are now starting to realize that the Administration's claims concerning weapons of mass destruction were false, and were merely being made in order to justify a pre-planned military campaign. We attempted to alert Congress to this fact. However, Congress did not listen to us, and instead optimistically and hopefully believed our Commander-in-Chief and his cabinet.

One-On-One Interview With Ray McGovern, Former CIA Senior Analyst

One-On-One Interview With Ray McGovern, Former CIA Senior Analyst, Who Warns U.S. Headed Down A Fascist Road And Highly Critical Of President Bush and Neo Con Explanations OF WMD, 9/11 And Manipulation of Intelligence Gathering

"This is really all they have left but even 9/11 presents another serious case of many unanswered questions," said McGovern. "Why are there so many unanswered questions that George W. Bush will not answer?

Governor Jesse Ventura Troubled By Official 9/11 Story

Governor Jesse Ventura Troubled By Official 9/11 Story

And the problem I have with 9/11 is that. Where the heck was our defense? Who was sleeping at the wheel? While all of these planes... I mean, I've been to air traffic control when I was Governor, and you've got a dozen people there looking at these dials, watching every plane in their sector. They know where it's going and they know what direction it's supposed to be going

While I Was Out Roundup Grab Bag

Welp, I am back, had a nice little break, thanks for the comments, on to the round up.

9-11 Truth for Peace and Justice Art Contest Roundup
Carol Brouillet posted a wrapup of some of the art submissions they received, including one by a contributor here, Dem Bruce Lee Styles. You can find some of the other submissions here as well.

Emergency Truth Convergence, July 22-24
Further details have been posted about the upcoming Emergency Truth Convergence this July. Here is a brief summary:

Out of Pocket Holiday Open Thread

I will be out of pocket until Monday evening. I should be able to check in here and there throughout the holiday weekend, I'm just not sure how much.

I thought I would offer up this super hi-res satellite image of ground zero after 9/11. The image above is just a tiny zoomed out segment of the image, specifically of WTC7, and its surrounding buildings. Please feel free to share this image around as it is incredibly detailed and interesting.