A Call To The Elders Of The Movement, And Newcomers

Hi all...

I would like to have online 9/11 classes available to the serious newcomers. The idea came to me after I heard the good news about Michael Wolsey's class in Colorado. 10 people signed up, and the average is 3-5 for new courses.

The idea is to have some of the "Elders" (2+ years of experience) of the movement take the lead on certain 9/11 related topics. If you're interested in taking the lead, or are interested in taking a class, please email me at Gold9472@comcast.net

Full CNN Charlie Sheen Coverage in iPod Format

All Charlie Sheen coverage on CNN Headline News available here in iPod format. You can subscribe to this Podcast using iTunes software or an iPod using this url.

If you have a video iPod, subscribe to this Podcast, download all the segments, and let people who haven't seen coverage watch it on your iPod.

Let us know if you have any trouble with this Podcast, spread the word!!

What's The Truth-Updated

Here's an updated video from Dem Bruce Lee Styles, check it out:

WMV Format
If you have an iPod or iTunes, subscribe to it and let us know what you think.

David Griffin Live Audio Stream March 30th

Just got the following information:

The David Ray Griffin talk, '9/11: The Myth & The Reality', on Thursday, March 30th at 7pm PST (10pm EST) in Oakland CA at the Grand Lake Theater will be web-streamed live. You can go to KMUD.org that night and click on the 'Listen Now' link.

For more information about the event, please go to www.pdeastbay.org/911MythReality

It is great to see that all of us will be able to tune into the next major speech by Dr. David Ray Griffin. For those of you unfamiliar - Dr. David Ray Griffin is the author of The 9/11 Commission Report - Ommissions and Distortions in which he points out not only the failures of the 9/11 Commission report but the massive conflicts of interest by all members, most notably Philip Zelikow, as well. This book is a great place to start for newbies, and I know a lot of us will be tuning in for his next speech.

Our Canadian Friends Weigh in on Charlie Sheen's 9/11 Coverage

Charlie Sheen Steps Up To Bat - stoplying.ca
This is a pretty hillarious article, be sure it check the whole thing out.

Get ready for a flood of talking heads bashing Sheen for how he broke wind at a McDonalds back in the 90's. While at the same time parroting every press release from a lying coke head president with a D.U.I. Then, of course, there is still the majority of the media that constantly asks you to trust them with their 'up to the minute accurate reporting', who won't even touch the topic (hey CBC... enjoy my emails?).

Third Night of Showbiz Tonight's Sheen 9/11 Coverage - Video Download

(41MB WMV)

(streaming flash version)
(Jacobson Segment - 14MB WMV)

(please link directly to this thread (like this), or give credit to 911blogger.com when hotlinking)

Upcoming Radio Shows Tonight and Tomorrow

Tonight on the Alex Jones Radio Program
Charlie Sheen and Webster Tarpley Discuss the Current Turning Point in the Struggle for 9/11 Truth
10 PM TO 1 AM EST, 9 PM TO 12 AM CST

Tomorrow on World Crisis Radio
Webster Tarpley interviews Dr. Jeff King (aka PlaguePuppy) and Nico Haupt

Action Alert-Charlie Sheen Blows the Lid off the 9/11 Coverup

Well all, I trust we are all invigorated with the spectacular happenings occurring all week long. I see Jon Gold is busy organizing a campaign targeting all the news organizations, if you can help out, by all means throw your hat in the ring.

If you have friends or relatives in the media, call them up and tell them they owe you a favor. If you are the media, now is your chance to get 9/11 truth past your editor. If CNN will spend a whole week on this topic, then it MUST be newsworthy, and it SHOULD be on the front page of every paper in the country. If Charlie Sheen was arrested for something, it would be front page news, so why not this?

Open Thread

The 3rd night of coverage on CNN Headline News' Showbiz Tonight is about to start. I know we have been missing out on other announcements or news, so please post them in this thread so we can throw up a grab bag later this evening after we post the next video footage.

Oh, and feel free to discuss the show too.

Note: Sander Hicks is on Fox News radio now, you can listen here.

Follow Up Letter to 700 Structural Engineering Professors

In January we posted about a campaign to email information on the 3 collapses on 9/11 to 700 Structural Engineering Professors. These efforts have been headed up by CB and Stallion4.

They have just sent out the following email to these same 700 professors as a follow up in response to the recent lectures by Dr. Steven Jones.

BYU Physics Professor Steven Jones wrote an academic paper detailing 13 specific reasons to consider a new investigation of the World Trade Center collapses on 9/11. His hypothesis, available at BYU’s website, suggests pre-positioned explosives may have been used.