"Conspiracy Theory in America" by Lance deHaven-Smith (University of Texas Press)

Professor Lance deHaven-Smith's solid scholarship continues to make breakthroughs in examining high crimes. He coined the term
“state crimes against democracy” (SCAD) in the notable peer-reviewed journal, American Behavioral Scientist, and now he is taking on the "conspiracy theory" label in his new book, Conspiracy Theory in America, published by the University of Texas Press.

In a letter to the Journal of 9/11 Studies (http://www.journalof911studies.com/resources/2013LettersAprilde-HavenSmith.pdf), Prof. deHaven-Smith provides an excellent introduction to his book.

New Paper at Scientific Method 9/11 Examines Steel Structure Collapses

Other Collapses in Perspective: An Examination of Steel Structures Collapsing due to Fire and their Relation to the WTC by Adam Taylor.

This paper discusses the failure due to fires of a number of steel-framed buildings and other structures that have been cited as evidence that the World Trade Center buildings that “collapsed” on 9/11 could well have done so because of damage and fire alone. Of the buildings cited by those who adhere to the official story of 9/11, almost none are high-rise skyscrapers, a point brought out by the author. This paper provides a solid basis and a photographic reference for rebutting the claims of the official story of fire and damage-induced collapse of the World Trade Center buildings. You can read and comment on this paper at:


John D. Wyndham

April 28, 2013

The War On Terror Is Over.


Published on Apr 24, 2013

TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=7320

It has often been observed that the war on terror is unwinnable. After all, how could a war on an abstract noun ever have its "Mission Accomplished" moment? It is, according to this wisdom, meant to drag on forever. Just because a war can't be won, however, doesn't mean it can't be lost. The truth is that the war on terror is over. And America has lost.

War on Whistleblowers- New Film by Robert Greenwald

War on Whistleblowers Trailer



Whistleblowers are champions of our society. Though often cast as pariahs, the fact is that Whistleblowers have helped us move forward in a variety of ways. From Galileo to Daniel Ellsberg to Frank Serpico to Karen Silkwood these whistleblowers worked through their fears and personal sacrifices to help the greater good.

We are premiering our new documentary War on Whistleblowers: Free Press and the National Security State tonight in Los Angeles and we want you to have a copy!

The film highlights 4 cases where whistleblowers noticed government wrong-doing and had to turn to the media in order to expose the fraud and abuse. The film shines a light on the worsening reality for whistleblowers who are being persecuted for exposing the truth. Click here to get a free DVD of the film and all we ask is that you have a house screening to share the film with your friends. Be sure to send us a picture of the screening.

Volunteers Needed to Help Staff a 9/11 Information Table at the Dane County Farmer's Market in Madison Wisconsin

Volunteers Needed in Madison, Wisconsin

We're a small group of volunteers beginning our SIXTH year of staffing a 9/11 information table at the Dane County Farmers Market every Saturday during the season. The event draws about 20,000 every Saturday and is held on the State Capital Square across from the Wisconsin Veterans Museum. We need some additional volunteers to hand out information, DVDs and talk with people. Please contact us:


Ken - 911truth@revolutionearth.com

Terror Attack Kills 3 and Injures Dozens in Boston … Further Losses of Liberty and More War On The Way?

Will Brutal Terror Attack Be Used to Justify Martial Law and More War?

A horrific terror attack in Boston today killed 3 and injured dozens.

5 unexploded bombs have also been found.

As such, it is definitely a terror attack.

Our prayers go out to the families of those hurt, and to the people of Boston.

Digital Archiving

Posts change, videos disappear, tweets are deleted. Links rot:

There are tools to combat this. Please post your own tips and techniques.

General page archiving: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/shelve/
Shelve can be configured to automatically save every page you visit. Each version is saved in a timestamped folder under the domain name (in your Firefox profile folder).
Recommended file name template: %{shelvedir}%/%B%/%Y-%M-%D-%h-%m-%s-%l%/%[ctF]%e

Also see: http://webcitation.org

Youtube Archiving:
Youtube-dl: http://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/
Recommended command line:
youtube-dl --verbose --write-description --write-info-json --output "%(uploader)s__%(uploader_id)s__%(upload_date)s__%(title)s__%(extractor)s__%(id)s.%(ext)s" [URL]

Interest In “False Flag” Terrorism at All-Time High

Interest In False Flag Terrorism Goes Through the Roof

We have no idea whether or not the Boston bombings were false flag terrorism … the trick which governments from around the world have admitted they use to justify war or consolidate power.

But interest in false flag terrorism is at an all-time high.

Specifically, here’s the interest in the phrase “false flag” between 2004 – when Google Trends was launched – and today: