Hannity & Colmes Attack Cynthia McKinney


Click Here to listen

There are so many things wrong with this coverage I don't know where to begin. First of all, she's done A LOT more than tell reporters that she revealed the truth about 9/11. Unless you're forgetting, she's held three Commission's in order to FIND the truth about 9/11.

Calling her a "Piece Of Work", and a "Character" after playing the audio regarding her 9/11 questions, makes her out to be what they want everyone to regard her as, a "Nut". To describe her efforts as "Antics", and to blatently LIE about how many people are "Fed Up" with her, AGAIN leads people to believe that she is, a "Nut".

The NY Observer: "Conspiracy Theorists" at United93 premiere

...and every kind of '9/11 truthseekers' or 9/11 truthlings are still invading the messageboard of Universal Pictures:


Well done everyone!! Thanks to Nico for sending this in:


Mid Week Grab Bag

9/11 Research Flight 93 Flyers

Top 15 [Reasons] to boycott/leaflet "United 93"

The 9/11 Conspiracy: A Skeptic's View - Democratic Underground

This essay is certain to make many readers very angry with me. But ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

Last month I was a guest on a progressive radio talk show. About half-way through the hour-long program, the conversation was going well, until I expressed some doubts about the 'controlled demolition' hypotheses of the collapse of the World Trade Center. That comment sealed the fate of the remainder of the hour, as it prompted an unvarying succession of angry rebuttals and a deluge of alleged 'facts' supporting the view that the WTC towers were brought down by pre-set demolition charges, and that the Pentagon was not struck by a Boeing 747. And so I felt obliged to take a closer look at the theories and evidence regarding the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

EVIDENCE - Thermite Residue on Core Column


This is clear evidence of the crime of mass murder of our fellow Americans.

Patriotic Americans awake!

The "official" version of 9-11 is a pack of lies. The government has been taken over by a foreign power, the "Gadianton robbers" have taken complete control of our nation.

A Time Comes When Silence Is Betrayal

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" - These words are just as relevant today as when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. first spoke them 39 years ago. At first glance they might be overlooked as just a simple protest against the war in Vietnam, but the relevance of this entire speech to the modern world we live in today, particularly issues like the truth of 9/11, can be heard in almost every inspiring point made. MLK mentions how "conformist thought" can end up preventing people from challenging their government sufficiently, especially in times of war, and how those who do speak out often then find it a "vocation of agony" because the current political climate deems it controversial or unpatriotic - nevertheless he says, "We must speak".

9/11 Truth L.A. Hosts Fundraiser Dinner & Lecture With Dr. David Ray Griffin

911TruthLA.us Invites you to join us for a Fundraiser Dinner & Lecture with Dr. David Ray Griffin

"9/11 The Myth and the Reality"

Wednesday, May 3rd
6:30 pm - Dinner & Drinks
8:00 pm - Lecture/Feature Presentation followed by Documentary Film

Matteo's Restaurant
legendary haunt of Sinatra, presidents, and gourmands
2321 Westwood Blvd., West Los Angeles, 90064

Limited Seating Available RSVP is required:
$50 - Dinner, Lecture & Film
$25 - David Ray Griffin Lecture & Film
Press Inquiries: 310-927-5966

911TruthLA.us is the convener of the historic "Citizen's Grand Jury on the Crimes of 9/11"

9/11 Truth Action Items

Here is a list of action items we can all participate in to try to keep the momentum building. Maybe the Blogger Brigade would consider blasting this information out:

We have had a few requests to repost the following petition so newcomers can sign it.

This petition is something that the Scholars For 9/11 Truth intend to bring to congress and they are about 2000 signatures away from reaching their goal of 10,000. If you haven't signed it yet, please do so.


New Book on How the Taliban Were Setup For Invasion

Afghanistan: The Genesis of the Final Crusade
By Abid ullah jan

Quote from Editor's Note:

This book gives the first and only clearest and most persuasive explanation of how Osama bin Laden was set up for shouldering the blame of 9/11 attacks, why the Taliban become a prime target of Islamophobes and why perpetrators of 9/11 felt the need to commit this heinous crime.

Written with great clarity and precision, this book exposes the extra ordinary religious motivation and political hypocrisy behind the march to war on Afghanistan.

Quick Survey of Six PhD Civil Engineers on 9/11 Collapses

A mini-survey of Ph.D. civil engineers - physorg.com

I finally got a day off, wherein I didn't sleep until 3 pm, and so I took the opportunity to speak to 5 civil engineers at Rutgers University today. I basically asked for a few minutes of their time, to ask them 2 questions:

1) Have you read the NISt Summary Report?
2) Are you aware of and have you read Professor Jones' paper on the collapses?
Apparently, 6 out of 6 Ph.D. civil engineers that I have talked to have neither read the NIST summary report, nor have they read Professor Jones' paper. Only 1 of them has definitely even heard of Professor Jones' paper. (One of the six may have read the NIST summary, and even Jones' paper, but forgotten. However, I find it far more likely that she did not read either, and this seemed to me to be the thrust of her comments.)

Career Intelligence Officer Blames Cheney

Keep President & SecDef, Fire the VP, DNI, and DCI

Robert David STEELE Vivas, a career intelligence officer who went on to found the Marine Corps Intelligence Command and then the international Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) movement, spoke today in praise of Mary McCarthy, and simultaneously called for the resignation of Vice President Dick Cheney, Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Negroponte, and Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) Porter Goss.

"This is a no-brainer. Dick Cheney personally destroyed the Boren-McCurdy National Security Act of 1992. Dick Cheney personally blew off the warnings on 9-11 and chose to focus on secret deals with Enron and Exxon, and missile defense, as well as a war on Iraq where the only winners are Halliburton and other friends of the Vice President who have looted tens of billions from the U.S. taxpayer. Dick Cheney, more than any other single individual, personally sidelined Secretary of State Colin Powell, gave the accommodating Secretary of Defense his marching orders, and single-handedly destroyed the entire U.S. policy process across all topics, from Defense to Diplomacy to Economy to Treasury.