Film Review: "Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime"

The following is a review by Northern Lights of the upcoming film "Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime". You can find more about this film at

The Most Dangerous Film in America

An Unauthorized Review of “Everybody’s Gotta Learn Sometime”
By: Northern Lights

Spoiler alert. This film is slated to premier on May 8th. (see: There is a substantial amount of secrecy surrounding this film, and for those of you who would prefer to wait to view this film yourself, stop reading now.

The Hidden History Of 9-11-2001

Editor: Paul Zarembka, State University of New York at Buffalo

This comprehensive work brings together rigorous scholarship on the events of 9-11-2001, and assesses whether the truth has been told by the U.S. government. The volume can be seen as a definitive, scholarly explanation of 9-11 as a world-changing event. The lead chapter demonstrates that eleven of the FBI-named Arabic hijackers could not have been on the planes and that the Dulles airport videotape -- essentially being the case that hijackers boarded flights -- has very serious authentication problems. Part II consists of three chapters, beginning with an examination of the 9-11 flights themselves as well as insider trading beforehand. The following chapter reviews extensive evidence -- based partly upon newly-released reports by more than 500 firefighters -- permitting a conclusion that three WTC buildings were brought down by demolition. The next discusses military drills which were scheduled and served to confuse standard defensive operating procedures.

Open Thread...

Plus these little tidbits...

Another ongoing 'Ask Congress' from
Here are the two congresspersons:
Jack Kingston (R-GA)
Gwen Moore (D-WI)

In case you missed it, in Rawstory's last 'Ask Congress' segment three different congresspersons addressed 9/11 questions, you can find that article here. So, get over there and ask these representatives some reasonable questions.

Letter to the Editor: 9/11 was staged

Another one, keep em coming:

I've just recently seen film footage of the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings that took place on 9/11 and footage of typical skyscraper demolition.


They're exactly alike.

I, for one, no longer have any doubts that 9/11 was staged. The following are just a few quotations that came to me that I would like you all to keep in mind as events continue to unfold:

"I'm the decider, and I decide what's best." -- George W. Bush, 43rd president of the United States.

My fellow Citizens for 9/11 Truth

Here is a subset of something that was posted by Ahern29 in the Comments section below that is worthy of its own thread. The time for Activism is now...

We had another breakthrough day for the movement. 9/11 truth was covered by both USA Today and CNN in one 24 hour period. What this shows is how much the movement has grown. It also indicates that people in high places are trembling at what we say. So now they send their media lynch-mobs to do hit pieces against our cause.

The truth movement has grown because so many courageous Americans (Edit: And Others) put their reputations on the line. We have stood up for something that has been labeled Un-American, by our government, media and society as a whole. We have been called Conspiracy Theorist, Conspiracy Nuts, Nut Jobs, Con-Artists along with many other undesirable labels. But through it all we have endured.

Big screen too small for 9/11 story

Some argue that it's not only too soon to Hollywoodize the events of that day, it's too soon to accept the official line. Some find that 93's passengers' "let's roll" was too easily adopted as the battle cry for the war on terror. Scholars for 9/11 Truth say there is evidence suggesting the twin towers were brought down by controlled explosions and that the official line is a hoax. (Maybe they could answer a nagging question -- if the passenger jet did not crash into the Pentagon, where are its passengers?)

May 3rd event in Worcester, MA

What Really Happened on 9/11?

What: September 11, 2001. Through theatre, film and discussion, Theater Professor, Raymond Munro and his students, will consider the many questions that still surround the worst terrorist attack this nation has ever experienced.

When: Wednesday, May 3, 2006 1:00 PM-5:00 PM
Where: Clark University: Traina Center for the Arts
Razzo Hall
950 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01610
Cost: Free

Questions include:
What did our government know and when did they know it?
Were the Twin Towers and WTC 7 brought down by explosives?

New Ministry Album Featuring Clips From Loose Change in Stores Now

Ministry - Rio Grande Blood -
Just got a reminder that Ministry's new album 'Rio Grande Blood' featuring the song titled 'Lies Lies Lies', which contains various clips from Loose Change, is being released Tuesday.

You can find more 9/11 related m

Hare Krishna Devotee in the Middle East Sees Through 9/11

A Distant View of 9/11 -

When it all happened on 9/11, I was away from the United States - in the Middle East, to be more precise. I didn't watch the catastrophe on television; I didn't have one. (I almost never watch tv, and rarely read newspapers.) And I can tell you that from my detached and distant vantage point the events looked very different than to my friends in America.

So different, in fact, that I ought to begin by telling you that what I write here does not represent the official views of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, nor even the unofficial views of more than perhaps a scattered handful of its members. And with that disclaimer I can now say whatever I want, however strange and radical it might appear.

Online Journal Member Comments on Flight 93

"Flight 93" the movie, why? -

Why would anyone make a 9/11 movie based on a number of cell and air phone calls that might have been scientifically impossible on September 11, 2001, simply because the technology couldn’t handle calls of that distance, six to seven miles up.

Well, they made Flight 93 because the calls were used as spin-evidence that a band of brave Americans fought off a smaller vicious band of terrorists, when in fact the entire event is surrounded in a mire of questions? Like the once-quarried bog that supposedly swallowed Flight 93’s 757 in a grassy field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, leaving a smoking hole, grave deep, some 20 by 10 feet wide, and little else.