Flight 93 Marketed Towards Conservatives Via Blogads

United Flight 93 - mydd.com

I am the manager of the Liberal Blog Advertising Network, which has 86 member blogs that combine for 17.78 million page views per week. It is the second largest advertising network at Blogads. From what I can tell, not a single blog in that network features the Untied 93 advertisement that apparently was purchased on all 103 members of the Conservative Blog Advertising Network. That network was 4.37 million page views per week, just under 25% of our traffic.

Why did the marketers of United Flight 93 decide to only advertise on conservative political blogs? The Liberal Blog Advertising Network is four times as large, and is even a 20-30% better deal per page view (or CPM, to use the relevant industry term). Do they think that attack is only relevant to red America? Do they think that only Republicans were attacked on 9/11? Do they think that only conservatives remember that day? Do they think that the only people who took action on United Flight 93 had voted for George Bush one year earlier?

CNN Cover's 9/11 Skeptics and Misrepresents 911Truth.org

CNN's The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer briefly covered 9/11 'conspiracy theory' websites this evening including references to Loose Change Second Edition, Reopen911.org, and 911truth.org. Unfortunately they managed to mischaracterize 911truth.org.

Stating '..they want the government to release pentagon surveillance videos saying they think a cruise missile hit the pentagon instead of a plane', CNN misrepresented 911truth.org. In fact, 911truth.org has never advocated such a position regarding the Pentagon, and I am not quite sure where they came across the idea actually, asside from confusing them for another website or 9/11 organization.

Bill Kristol Blushes After Confronted on PNAC Agenda - Video Download

Bill Kristol, member of PNAC and editor of The Weekly Standard, was on the Colbert Report last night. This was only the second time I have ever seen the Project For A New American Century (PNAC) mentioned on TV (here was the first).

For those who are unfamiliar, here are some lovely quotes from their document Rebuilding Americas Defenses:

The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer Covers Loose Change Tonight

This should be interesting - loosechange911.com

Ok, this deserves it's own post.

CNN, The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer, 7 PM tonight.

I believe we have a 45 second "Internet Spotlight" segment, or something to that effect. Jackie the producer chatted with me for a half hour, and just called to ask permission to show clips of the movie.

So we shall see. I asked her straight up if it was a hit piece (meanwhile voicing my disdain for the USA Today article's "debunking" efforts), and she said, "Oh no, I'm a reporter, first and foremost."

The Lingering Questions of Flight 93

Many questions linger - phillynews.com

But while Greengrass tackled everything known about the flight - which the government believes was purposely crashed by its four al Qaeda hijackers because of the uprising by passengers who'd learned of the World Trade Center crashes - there were things the movie could not address.

Those are the unknowns of Flight 93.

Today, few but the most radical skeptics about 9/11 would question the events at the core of "United 93," the struggle with heroic passengers that was captured on the cockpit voice recording played in a Virginia courtroom earlier this month.

USAToday Talks About Loose Change

Conspiracy film rewrites Sept. 11 - usatoday.com

Called Loose Change, it is being downloaded from the Internet and shown in small screenings here and overseas. It is not alone in the genre, and it is not unusual in American history either to offer simplistic explanations or demonize opponents. Presidents from Andrew Jackson to Lyndon Johnson were accused by their contemporaries of massive government conspiracies.
Professors and researchers of film and politics say the Internet is making it far easier to spread such theories because the traditional media are losing their hold on the news. The immense coverage of controversies and accusations surrounding the war on terror has created fertile ground for people who assign their own interpretations to photos, footage, eyewitnesses, investigations and newspaper accounts of what happened, they say.

911Truth.org Urges Nationwide Response to United 93

The dramatization of United 93 is presented like a documentary, striving for the "you are there" effect. And therein lies the real problem: most of the plot is borrowed uncritically from the claims of the US administration and of The 9/11 Commission Report. The film never hints that these official narratives are under serious dispute.

United 93 is writing its own chapter in the Hollywood textbook on how to convert controversy into box office. The predictable revulsion at a movie that commercializes September 11th has served the filmmakers as an opportunity to gain sympathy by displaying a calculated compassion and thoughtfulness.

Twin towers of lies


What really brought down the World Trade Center Twin Towers and Building 7 on Sept. 11, 2001?

To listen to the official government version, you would have to believe that each building's internal steel frame was compromised by thousands of gallons of burning jet fuel after each building was hit by speeding airliners. You would also have to believe that roughly 45 minutes and a little more than an hour, respectively, was enough time for the steel infrastructure of each tower to basically melt, causing each of the towers to fall into themselves, eerily reminiscent of a controlled demolition. You would also have to believe that World Trade Center 7, a building across the street from the Twin Towers, inexplicably collapsed due to "uncontrollable fires" that were allowed to burn for almost seven hours.

U.S. seeks to keep evidence from 9/11 families


Prosecutors asked a judge to rethink granting 9/11 families suing airlines access to evidence gathered for the criminal case against al Qaeda terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui.

U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema's April 7 order requires prosecutors to provide copies of all unclassified aviation security documents to attorneys representing September 11 families in a civil lawsuit pending in New York.

Prosecutors called the order "unprecedented" and urged Brinkema to withdraw it. The motion was filed by Chuck Rosenberg, the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia.

Upcoming Events Reminder

Just a heads up on a few upcoming events..

April 29th, 2006 - New York, NY
East Coast 9/11 Truth Summit - ny911truth.org

June 2nd - 4th, 2006 - Chicago, IL
9/11: Revealing the Truth - Reclaiming Our Future - 911truth.org
Please note that the early registration ends in 4 days on May 1st, and that reservations for bulk lodging should be made before the local Hilton sells out.

You can find a listing of the other upcoming events in the 'Upcoming Events' panel on the right.