Video Clip: Firefighter Say Bombs in WTC

This very short clip shows firefighters talking about bombs and secondary devices in the World Trade Center on 9/11.

Check out this webpage for alot more eyewitness testimony of bombs in the World Trade Center on 9/11.

Thanks to Eric for the heads-up.

What's the Truth - Full Length Video Download

A few months back we posted a preview of a video by Dem Bruce Lee Styles. A bit after that I got my first glance at the current full length version, and even had my fiance proofread it. Shortly after that I got word that he had decided to abandon the idea of doing a quick ~30 minute video and had instead decided to take the time to do it right, and make a full length movie. What's the Truth - How Indeed Did the Twin Towers Collapse was definitely worth the wait.

CNN Playing Games with 9/11 Skeptics?

Updated: CNN Shopping For Guests To Attack Charlie Sheen -

CNN is trying to bait 9/11 truth activists to appear as guests on its programs and attack Charlie Sheen. William Rodriguez and Philip Berg appeared on the Alex Jones Show today to expose a smear campaign that seeks to poison the well of the 9/11 truth movement.

WTC survivor and truth activist William Rodriguez was contacted by the Anderson Cooper 360 show and asked if he would go on record as saying the new Pentagon footage dispelled all 9/11 questions. They also requested that he attack Charlie Sheen's public stance on 9/11.

Michael Wolsey on the Trevor Carey Show

Michael Wolsey of Colorado 911 Visibility Project was interviewed Tuesday night on the Trevor Carey Show. I haven't had a chance to listen yet, but you can find the download link above.

OMNI TV's Prime Time Program 'The Standard' to Host Barry Zwicker Interview

Omni Television - The Standard

Saturday, May 20 - 9PM
9/11 conspiracy theorist Barrie Zwicker; author & NBC's "Today" correspondent Michael Leonard; and commentary by broadcaster Rafe Mair

Zwicker will be discussing his upcoming book 'Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-Up of 9/11'. This episode already aired Wednesday of this week and is running this Saturday as well.

Tune in if you can, and if you can grab it please let us know!

Thanks Elizabeth for the heads up!

Join Veterans for 911 Truth

To promote our cause we are offering a free v911t Bumper Sticker when you join.

Anyone can join; we have 2 kinds of members, Veterans and non-veteran Auxiliary, so anyone can join, vet and non-vet alike. Join us today in our fight for Truth, and Justice.

Resist. Fight. Win. Never Quit,

Dylan Avery on Canadian television regarding "new" 911 video

Dylan was on CBC Television Wednesday at 8 PM EST, on The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos:

Good job!! Also, Loose Change 2nd Edition is #1 on Google Video.

Randi Rhodes Has 9/11 Questions

Randi Rhodes has questions. Lots and lots of questions! Yesterday, she dedicated a significant part of her show examining the various anomalies surrounding the Pentagon hit, Hani Hanjour's wicked awesome flying skills, the lack of NORAD response and had several clips from recent media coverage.

She invited her listeners to take a hard look at the "5 frames" and assess what they saw. She spent a solid hour of Air America prime time radio raising the questions that so many of us have had.

Drop by her Message Board and say thanks!

Also, drop Paul Thompson a dime or two, I do believe that Randi relies on his incredible timeline quite a bit: Cooperative Research

BBC "Newsnight" Covers Pentagon Video

In a segment broadcast on BBC2's "Newsnight", reporter Mark Urban presents Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton and Dave Von Kleist on the recently released Pentagon sequence.

Look for the "Pentagon 9/11 Theories" link under the "Newsnight Player" section at the Newsnight main page (straight link to the video doesn't seem to work consistently):

Fitton and Urban seem to have made up their minds that the video cinches the official story. Von Kleist remains defiant.

Former NY Times reporter Judith Miller to assert she was warned of large scale attack before 9/11

Raw Story is reporting that Miller got a tip off from a White House source anonymous White House source told her in July 2001 that an NSA intelligence report predicted a large al Qaeda attack, possibly on the continental United States


'I think everybody knew that an attack was coming -- everyone who followed this.'"