Beginning of the Week Open Thread

The 'upcoming events' panel is getting thin, anyone have anything to add to it?

Have at it!

'Improbable Collapse' DVD Preview - Video Download

I got my DVD copy of Steven Jones's February 1st lecture the other night and noticed that it included a preview for an upcoming film entitled 'Improbable Collapse'.

While I haven't received any details on the movie yet, you can find it's teaser page at The sub-title of the movie is 'a film that explores the puzzling collapses of the Twin Towers and WTC Building 7'. This preview includes clips of Jim Hoffman, Dr. David Ray Griffin, and professor Steven Jones.

Sunday Grab Bag

Scholars for 9/11 Truth petition for release of information
This petition includes demands for release of all information related to 11 specific topics surrounding 9/11. Print it out, fax it in.
(Hat tip to

Dutch News Channel hit piece on 9/11 skeptics
Click 'Wie zit achter 11 september?', includes brief clips of Jesse from, Loose Change, and ground zero rallies, with a primary focus on an interview with Ben Chertoff of Popular Mechanics.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich States That Bush Administration Let 9/11 Happen

(1 min 14 seconds - 1MB ASF)

(From March 2nd, 2006)

I want to call to the attention of the House the juxtaposition of two news stories. One [..] relating to 9/11. It says 'Federal officials where repeatedly warned in the months before the September 11, 2001 terror attacks that Osama bin Laden and Al-Queda were planning aircraft hijacking suicide attempts according to a new report that the Bush administration had been repressing'. And this from the front page of the Washington post, 'a newly leaked video recording the high level government deliberation the day before Katrina hit shows disaster officials infatically warning President bush that the storm posed a catastrophic threat to new Orleans and the gulf coast, and a grim faced bush personally assuring state leaders that his administration was fully prepared [..] to help'.

Lookin' for the 911 Truth

Lookin' for the 911 Truth - The Bush administration lied about everything except... - TPM Cafe

We all know about the Bush administrations strained relationship with the truth. Recently we learned that they lied to us about the warnings of Levy failures before Katrina. Before that we learned they lied to us about Bush ties to Abramoff. Before that it was lies about progress in Iraq ("the insurgency is in its last days"). Before that it was… NSA domestic wiretaps of Americans… No one at the WH released Plame's identity… The Medicare drug benefit cost… "We do not torture"… Pat Tillman's death… intelligence fixed… Jessica Lynch… armor for the troops… "There can be no doubt that Iraq has reconstituted its nuclear program"… Saddam has links to al Qaeda… Ground zero air is safe to breathe… and on, and on.

TVNewsLies Asks Is the UAE Blackmailing Bush Over 9/11?

Is the UAE Blackmailing Bush Over 9/11?

The ties between the UAE and Bin Laden are well established. We were told that the Clinton administration hesitated to “take out” Bin Laden because there was a chance that they would harm members of the UAE ruling family who were visiting with Bin Laden at the time. Why would they be visiting him? Hmmm… Then connect all the dots between the Bush and Bin Laden families, and between the CIA and Bin Laden, and between the Bush family and the UAE, and what you are left with is a picture that is starting to become clear through the fog. It is highly possible, and even probable that the UAE is somehow connected to the events of 9/11 by either direct involvement or by their silence. It could be that their role to refrain from disclaiming any portions of the official story. After all, if they were really as involved as we have been told, don’t you think they would have been a more logical target for our war on terror than Iraq? In fact, the UAE is guilty of most of the crimes of which the US accused Iraq: human rights violations, political oppression, direct ties to Al Qaeda, direct ties to the Taliban, funding of the 9/11 hijackers (according to legend), and involvement in illegal nuclear proliferation. Then again, the US is guilty of those things too!

FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Ready To Talk

Regarding this story, please sign this petition and ask a few friends to do the same.

She's fought her case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. It was the very same day that the façade cracked on the front of the building and a chunk of marble -- just above an allegorical statue representing "Order" and just below the words "Equal Justice" -- came crashing to the ground. The highest court in the land refused to hear her case.

Bob McIlvaine Interview on 9/11 Coverup - Video Download

Can You Imagine?

Have you ever thought of the anger? The anger that we feel from everything that's going on in the world in our name? The anger that we feel towards what's happening in this country, and the direction we're headed? The anger that we feel when we see the smug expressions of the "Powers That Be" making decisions that no longer benefit us, but benefit the 1%? The anger that we feel when we KNOW we were lied to about 9/11, and that the Government was complicit? The anger that we feel when we think about the fact that there are elected officials in Government today who know the truth, and don't speak it? The anger that we feel when we think about how the media is WELL AWARE of the deception, and don't bother to cover it? Now think about that anger. Focus on it until it gnaws at you. REMEMBER that anger.

Latest News on Able Danger

"Mystery Woman" Told Military of Atta Long Before Sept. 11
This article is quite lengthy, so be sure to check out the whole thing for the full scoop on the latest chapter in the Able Danger saga.

In the latest news, blog reporter Rory O'Connor (Mar 1, archived below) says a Pentagon inspector general's investigation has identified the person who provided Able Danger with Atta's name and photo. The photo was incorporated into Able Danger's organizational chart of alleged al Qaeda activities in the United States. The brass who later shut down surveillance of Atta and Co. ordered the Able Danger operatives to cover the photo with a yellow stickie, and finally had the chart and the data that went into it destroyed altogether.

New '9/11 Guilt' DVD Released by

Here are a few clips from the site, be sure to check out the link above for the full details and ordering info.

A 78-minute DVD with five Parts, 60 chapters, and 256 illustrations.
The DVD's five Parts are:

  • 'Proving Controlled Demolition of World Trade Center Building 7 and the Twin Towers' --Jim Hoffman
  • 'Indicting Financiers Behind the Crimes of 9/11/01' --Don Paul
  • 'What We Can Do'
  • 'On the Ground: Testimony of New York Fire Department and Emergency Medical Responders' --Jim Hoffman
  • 'Hidden Means of Theft: The Federal Reserve System and the Council on Foreign Relations' --Don Paul