Webster Tarpley Interview on The Zeph Report


Webster Tarpley discusses the situation with Iran, state of the dollar, and continues his discussion with the second edition of 911 synthetic terror.

Hunger Strike for 911 Truth

Cathy Garger from Maryland writes:

I saw this article and thought: If the 9/11 families can fast, why not 9/11 Inside Job Truth Activists? It would certainly draw great national - heck, worldwide - media attention if 9/11 Truth Activists all over the nation fasted in DC and in every state capital, all on the same date.
We've got to step up our efforts quickly - and dramatically.

Our Psychopaths In Power are looking to soon nuke the living daylights out of Iran. And I hear word that North Korea is not far behind.

Mechanical Engineering Professor From Clemson Speaks Up About WTC 'Collapses'

Judy Wood, a professor of Mechanical Engineering at Clemson University, has recently published a website in which she discusses 'The Case for Controlled Demolition'.

Wood points out her concerns with the official story of a 'progressive collapse', or 'pancake collapse', by showing how much time such a chain reaction might take using a billiard ball model as an example. This segment of her analysis has one rather generous caveat in that it 'assumes pulverization is instantaneous and does not slow down the process' (a.k.a it ignores resistance), however even with this very generous 'gimme' her example still takes much longer than the approximately 10-15 second long collapse of the south tower. Keep in mind that she is not modeling the collapse itself, but instead using her example to compare to the tower's actual collapse.

Political Cartoonist Asks Real Questions About Flight 93

Ted Rall: 'Knee-jerk liars: The legend of United Flight 93' - SmirkingChimp.com
(original article)

The first indication that government officials were covering up the truth about United 93 came with their refusal to make public the cockpit voice recording (CVR). Releasing CVRs after a crash has long been standard practice; pilots' last, usually profane, utterances have become a cliché. Yet the FBI stonewalled victims' relatives for months after 9/11.

OpEd on 9/11 Coverup

The Big, Big Lie Is The 9/11 Coverup - OpEdNews.com

"All this was inspired by the principle that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the (public) more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation:" Adolph Hitler / Mein Kampf

FBI Agent Admits Hints Of 9/11 At Moussaoui Trial

FBI Agent Admits Hints Of 9/11 At Moussaoui Trial

In cross-examination, a defense lawyer got FBI agent Michael Anticev to admit that the FBI was aware years before Nine-Eleven that al Qaida planned to slam planes into prominent buildings.
Moussaoui's mother also suggests she's concerned about her son's demeanor, saying he appears to be someone else. She says she thinks her son is on medication to calm him.

This Moussaoui trial is already turning into a media circus calling for blood. Then again half of the American public would find Saddam Hussein guilty of 9/11 if given the chance, or at least most of the troops would. Any chance we might see some real coverage on Moussaoui?

Taboo Topics

If you're in Carol's riding, please vote for her. Also, please sign this petition.


The latest encounter between activist Carol Brouillet, and Congresswoman Anna Eshoo, highlighting the resistance to "information" that many people don't want to acknowledge.

“You avoid answering my questions.” I said, matter of factly. My Congresswoman Anna Eshoo responded, again, very irritably, “Oh, you are so disrespectful.” Her overreaction, I believe was not to my statements, but to who I am and what I am doing. I am challenging her at the ballot box next November, as a Green Party Candidate for California’s 14th Congressional District. We disagree on key issues; and I am tired of marching on her office, press in tow, to force my issues into the public arena.

Loose Change Audio Clips Featured on New Ministry Album - Audio Download

The new album by Ministry entitled 'Rio Grande Blood', scheduled for release on May 2nd, includes audio samples which appear to be taken from the 9/11 film Loose Change.

At first I thought this may have just been a remix, but after doing some snooping this is almost certainly the final cut of the track which will appear on their upcoming album.

Scholars for 9/11 Truth - Official Petition

Scholars Call for Release of 9/11 Information
We posted this yesterday in a grab bag, but at the time it wasn't a petition you could sign on the web. You can find a text copy of the petition as well as a copy to print out and fax to your representatives here.

Here is a clip:

1. Immediate release of the full Pentagon surveillance tapes, of which five frames (only) have been released via the official ASCE report, as Judicial Watch has also requested. We further demand release of the video tape seized by FBI agents minutes after the Pentagon hit, from the fuel service station near the Pentagon, as well as any other videotape which shows the 9/11 strike on the Pentagon.

Article Comparing PTECH with UAE Port Scandal

Port Deal Pales In Comparison To Ptech

While Congress and the media focus on the potential dangers of a UAE-owned company running American port operations, any possible threat is dwarfed by the current insecurity of the US government's computer infrastructure, which has been compromised by a company with multiple connections to terrorist financing.

The company, once known as Ptech (now GoAgile), has been contracted to provide sophisticated computer software to several government agencies, including the Army, the Air Force, Naval Air Command, Congress, the Department of Energy, the Department of Justice, Customs, the FAA, the IRS, NATO, the FBI, the Secret Service, and the White House.