New Ads Start Tonight

Now that we are hitting a new month and have another 2 Terrabytes worth of bandwidth to use up we are going to run new ads hopefully starting tonight. We have right around $820 to spend, and will be advertising via blogads again.

To advertise on rawstory again we will need about $130 more (due to increases in their rates), otherwise we will run ads on other sites like bartcop, bradblog, etc. If you have a few dollars to donate in the next 4 hours or so please do so, and if you have any suggestions for other blogs to run ads on post 'em in the comments.


Cease and Desist

If you receive a letter claiming that you have infringed some mainstream media company's copyrighted works (I've heard of several such letters received by 9/11 truthers recently), read this.

In case of fire, break glass.

Creator of "Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime" Asks for a Little Help

A Call for Support
Be careful what you wish for - you just might get it.

I am approaching the 1 month anniversary of the release (or should I say "unleashing") of my independent film "Everybody’s Gotta Learn Sometime." In these short 23 days since the release I have seen my film proliferate from coast to coast, translated into Dutch, and most recently cited by Congressman Curt Weldon in a Press Release entitled "New Able Danger Video."

Additionally, my twin websites and have each exceeded their permissible bandwidth by hundreds of gigabytes each. I am unsure by what spit and glue administrative miracle these websites continue to be allowed to stay alive and functional. I would like to think that my webmaster is tuned in - and turned on.

Summary of 9/11 Whistleblower Andrew Grove's Recent Statements

9/11 Whistleblower Andrew Grove Comes Forward - deconstructing a false-flag operation

Grove’s claims are similar to those of Indira Singh [..] and others that propose that a “PROMIS” type software system was used to facilitate crimes related to the 9/11 attacks. However, Grove appears to have more knowledge, especially regarding the technical aspects.
Year 2000: Grove hired in sales at Silverstream Software
Marsh Mclennon - Silverstream’s largest client

Explosion Sounds at the Twin Towers

Valis found this archive of explosion sounds at the Twin Towers.

I don't know who the guy is who compiled this collection, but it appears to have alot of data.

Any sound engineers want to analyze this information and see what it shows?

Transcript of Whistleblower Andrew Grove

Regarding the explosive Andrew Grove audio we posted here:

A transcript is now available in M$ Word format here:

Update: Some were having trouble with the MS Word format, it is now available in PDF format here:

Loose Change vs. The Naudets

From the Loose Change forum here:

we've spoken with the naudets.

everything is being worked out.

to our enemies: sorry, turn those smiles upside down
to our friends: told ya.

btw, not everyhing is a conspiracy, guys. the naudets had an exclusive agreement with the firefighters to not release the footage to ANYONE, they only allowed the first plane strike to be licensed out to people.

therefore, i was treading on the firefighters and their families toes', not just the naudets.

Osama Tape Appears Fake, Experts Conclude

Here's the newest press release from Scholars for 9/11 Truth.

The latest audio tape attributed to Osama bin Laden appears to be one more installment in a succession of evidence fabricated by the US government to deceive the American people, according to Scholars for 9/11 Truth. "This tape is only the latest in a series of fabrications intended to mislead the American people," said James H. Fetzer, the society's founder. "The closer we get to revealing the truth about 9/11, the more furiously the government fights to conceal it!" He said members of Scholars and other experts had detected evidence of fakery.

Hijacking the Truth on 9/11

Canada's "Maclean's" magazine posted a cautionary article about those pesky 9/11 truthseekers, the Scholars for 9/11 Truth in the May 15th, 2006 issue.

The article is now viewable online; "Hijacking the Truth on 9/11"

Framed as a hit piece by the magazine editor, (the online version doesn't even extend the courtesy of a hyperlink to ST911), the writer, Jonathon Gatehouse still manages to allow some of the alternative theories to see the light of day.

Read it and form your own conclusions, and of course, write the editor(s);

Explore truth about 9/11

Have questions about the official 9/11 conspiracy theory? Come to “9/11 Revealing the Truth, Reclaiming Our Future,” the international educational and strategy conference, on June 2-4 at Embassy Suites Hotel, Rosemont.

The 9/11 truth movement has gained enormous credibility and momentum in 2006. It offers the greatest opportunity in modern history for courageous, ethical people to positively influence the future of humanity.