Two Commentaries on the Ongoing Zacarias Moussaoui Trial

Two Nut Jobs and a Boeing 747 - Another Day in the Empire

One of the most obvious lies in the show trial of Zacarias Moussaoui came when a court-appointed physician, Dr. Raymond Patterson, declared Moussaoui was not suffering from mental illness. Patterson made the assertion after Moussaoui said he wanted to fire his lawyers and represent himself. Moussaoui’s lawyers 'became convinced that their client’s mental condition, already precarious, was deteriorating under the stress of solitary confinement, and that he was becoming increasingly paranoid,' writes Seymour Hersh for the New Yorker. In response to Patterson’s assertion that Moussaoui was sane enough to present his own defense, two 'mental-health experts retained by the defense, Dr. Xavier Amador, of Columbia University, and Dr. William Stejskal, of the University of Virginia, argued that Patterson’s conclusions were unfounded and that Moussaoui needed further evaluation.' Judge Brinkema did not agree and ruled from the bench on June 13th, 2002, without hearing testimony, 'that the defendant met the legal standard of competency.'

Fourth Night of Showbiz Tonight's Sheen 9/11 Coverage - Video Download

For those that missed the coverage tonight you can grab it via the link above. The screen grab is a shot of the final results of their poll last week.

This clip also includes the preview for the upcoming flight 93 movie as well, feel free to comment.

Thanks again to our friends at for the clip!

Reminder: Sign the Scholars for Truth Petition

For those who haven't already, please sign this petition, it has reached about 6100 signatures of its goal of 10,000 signatures:

Charlie Sheen Confronts the London Guardian

Charlie Sheen's Statement to the London Guardian -

Charlie Sheen felt compelled to respond to one of many hit-pieces against him, a column written for the London Guardian and carried by British commonwealth newspapers worldwide. Sheen sent his statement to The Australian newspaper. This is his full statement minus a phone number to his manager so that the paper could confirm its authenticity. This is a direct challenge for them to debate the facts.

Check the article for the email Sheen sent in.

Upcoming 'Demonstration of Gratitude' Rally at CNN

New Yorkers to Gather at CNN Studios Wednesday -

Wednesday, March 29th, Noon - 2pm
Time-Warner Center
10 Columbus Circle
8th Ave. between 58th & 60th St.
New York City

Last week the "Showbiz Tonight" program on CNN Headline News aired three programs we believe deserve commendation. We, of the 9/11 truth and justice movement in New York City are heartened that the network saw fit to air extensive segments giving fair coverage to Charlie Sheen's comments about September 11th - as well as a platform for spokesperson Mike Berger, uncompromising radio host Alex Jones, and Webster Tarpley, author of 911 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA. For the first time since the fateful day in September of 2001, mass-audience television broadcast alternative perspectives on what really happened.

Challenge Me On The Facts!

A German 9/11 skeptic suggested that Charlie Sheen's remarks would make a good battle cry for the 9/11 truth movement, and I think he's right. From this point forward, demand that your opponents challenge you on the facts!!! No longer will name calling or other childish antics by supporters of the official story be tolerated.

Challenge Me On The Facts!

So a new week begins, first of all, I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to Charlie Sheen for his courage last week in speaking out on the very important questions of 9/11. Charlie, if you happen to read this, a HUGE thank you from all members and contributors at!!!

Now, it is up to US at the grassroots level to support Mr. Sheen and ensure his selfless act was not in vain. How we handle and respond to these developments will dictate whether or not other celebrities choose to speak out on this crime. We MUST prove that those that do speak their mind regarding this subject WILL be supported and promoted by the Truth Movement, and they will NOT be vilified by the media, and they will NOT be risking their careers. It is up to us to make this so, so get out there and spread the Truth!!!

Lots of stuff going on in the media over the last few days, here is a quick sampling:

New York Magazine, 3/27/2006, Validates 'A Real 9/11 Commission' Two 9/11 Foundation Truths

Open Thread

Took a break to see V for Vendetta.. was definitely worth the time.

Tomorrow starts a new work week, so here is an open thread until the next update.

Have at it!

MASSIVE Weekend Grab Bag

Well, before we begin another exciting new week, we should take care of some business. If we have missed your submission, please resubmit it, things have been a little crazy lately:

Upcoming guests on the Meria Heller Internet Radio show:

Lost Its Sheen?

Like I always say, make sure you check out the credits at the end of the article (-;

When the naysayers start yelling that Charlie Sheen isn't qualified to make the statements he's been making, counter with the fact that the experts HAVE been speaking -- for years -- but nobody has been listening.

Quickly run through this list:

  • Former head of Star Wars and air force colonel, Bob Bowman
  • BYU physicist Steve Jones and Clemson engineering professor Judy Wood
  • Former high-level Reagan appointee and prominent conservative, Paul Craig Roberts
  • Former U.S. congressman Dan Hamburg
  • Former chief labor economist under George W. Bush, Morgan Reynolds
  • Former high-level intelligence analysts, Ray McGovern and Wayne Madsen (who briefed presidents and vice-presidents)

Buycott CNN

I agree completely with this, CNN must be loving these ratings, let them know that the good ratings will continue if they continue to report on this fairly. Also, let them know that their ratings will only INCREASE if they choose to actually report on this topic on their news channel.

We've been given a gift, lets use it:

Now that CNN has broken the media boycott on 9-11 information with its 3 Showbiz Tonight programs covering Charlie Sheen, Alex Jones and other 9-11 leaders, it is time to reward CNN. How?