2011 War on Libya

“End of a tyrant”: The Independent and The Guardian jubilant over the assassination of Libya’s deposed President Gaddafi

The Independent, 21 October 2011




The Guardian, 21 October 2011




The Independent, 21 October 2011




The Independent, 28 August 2011




The Observer, 20 March 2011

(The Observer is the Sunday edition of The Guardian)



MI6 documents: Libyan extremist was link to al-Qaeda in Iran

Daily Telegraph, 5 September 2011




Robert Fisk’s anti-Syria propaganda

The Indepedent, 31 March 2011


Robert Fisk’s anti-Syria propaganda


Propaganda alert

Obama: Yes for Predator drones in Libya


Obama: Yes for Predator drones in Libya.

According to the Washington Times "terrorism scholars think Osama bin Laden" is "likeliest to be" in “mountainous regions” of Pakistan. This dubious speculation is part of the false "justification" for drone attacks on Pakistan.

Now President Barack Obama has sanctioned Defense Secretary Robert Gates to authorize the use Predator drones in Libya.

It is a fact that the drone operations in Pakistan and Afghanistan are headed and controlled by the CIA. An important and less reported aspect of these drone attacks is that the CIA relies on the private military/mercenary company Blackwater/Xe for its drone operations in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The act of using drone attacks in the "humanitarian" war in Libya is an admission by the US Administration that it is subservient to the goals of the CIA and the private mercenary company Blackwater/Xe.

UK Prime Minister: There is no question of an invasion or occupation of Libya

The Times, 20 April 2011




The Independent, 20 April 2011




UK: Bombers who killed a policeman in Northern Ireland may have used explosives from Libya

Daily Telegraph, 4 April 2011




Sunday Times, 3 April 2011




Wall Street Journal Europe, 5 April 2011




UK: Bombers who killed a policeman in Northern Ireland may have used explosives from Libya


NATO commander: Al-Qaeda among Libya rebels

Metro, 30 March 2011




Daily Telegraph, 30 March 2011




NATO commander: Al-Qaeda among Libya rebels

[propaganda alert]

compiled by Cem Ertür

30 March 2011



The wars on Iraq and Libya: Front pages from 2003 and 2011

Los Angeles Times, 20 March 2003 and 20 March 2011

Los Angeles Times, 20 March 2003 and Los Angeles Times, 20 March 2011

New York Times, 20 March 2003 and 20 March 2011

New York Times, 20 March 2003 and New York Times 20 March 2011

Daily Telegraph, 21 March 2003 and Sunday Telegraph, 20 March 2011

Daily Telegraph, 21 March 2003 and Sunday Telegraph, 20 March 2011