
MI6 documents: Libyan extremist was link to al-Qaeda in Iran

Daily Telegraph, 5 September 2011




WikiLeaks: London is a hub of al-Qaeda’s global terrorism network

Daily Telegraph, 26 April 2011





Daily Telegraph, 28 April 2011





The Guardian, 26 April 2011





Sunday Express, 17 April 2011





The Spy Who Hated Wikileaks

Richard Dearlove is the former head of the British foreign intelligence service. This is the intelligence department dramatized in James Bond films, and Dearlove could be described as the "real version" of "M" although in actuality the head of MI6 is referred to as "C".[1]

In July 2002, Dearlove reportedly said that "intelligence was being fixed around the policy", in reference to the run-up to the Iraq War.[2] The source for this remarkable observation is the now infamous "Downing Street Memo".

Dearlove recently held a talk at Cambridge, and insisted no recordings were to be made. Topic of the talk was "principally in relation to Wikileaks". In yet another twist of beautiful irony, the presentation was leaked.

Please do not assume this video to remain on Youtube.[3] Send it far and wide.

19th August 1953 - Anglo-American military coup in Iran: "Operation Ajax"











Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, accompanied by CIA Director Allen Dulles, 
returns from exile to Tehran on 22 August 1953.

MI5 officer visited Morocco three times while Binyam Mohamed was tortured

(Updated with further developments from Democracy Now. Essentially, the Obama administration is threatening the security of British citizens to prevent disclosure of torture crimes; a less roundabout way to describe it would be that the White House is "threatening with increased risk of mass murder by ending intelligence sharing" -- SnowCrash)

British Lawmaker David Davis Challenges US Threats to Suppress Evidence of CIA Torture

Democracy Now, August 5, 2009

A British court heard evidence last week that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tried to prevent the disclosure of details regarding the CIA’s role in the alleged torture of former Guantanamo Bay prisoner Binyam Mohamed. We hear from conservative British parliamentarian David Davis about the Obama administration’s attempts to suppress evidence in this case.

MI5 officer visited Morocco three times while Binyam Mohamed was 'tortured'


7:00 pm, Sunday May 24th
Alix Goolden Performance Hall
907 Pandora St., Victoria
Tickets: $10.00

Former Intelligence Officer, a Cambridge Graduate, is on a Cross Canada Tour

Chris Hedges "was there" and saw Building 7 "go down" and "it does" look like a controlled demolition, but he's not sure it was.

On February 4, 2009, Chris Hedges was on hand at the Hammer Museum in Westwood, CA, to participate on a panel entitled "Homegrown Hatred."
(Watch the whole discussion here: http://hammer.ucla.edu/watchlisten/watchlisten/show_id/70452/show_type/video?browse=none&category=0&search= )
While much of the discussion was fear-mongering and highly propagandistic, some of Hedges deeper insights made it more than bearable, despite being personally singled out by moderator Ian Masters to not be allowed to ask a question. An aside on Ian Masters: Mr. Masters considers having had Matt Taibbi on his show on KPFK to childishly impugn the 9-11 truth movement to be his journalistic contribution to uncovering the darker truths of 9/11. However, Masters is to be commended for directing me to ask Hedges about his take on the destruction of Building 7.

At about 3:30 into the video, Hedges responds to the question of
Jeremy Rothe-Kushel: "Ian said I should get your take on Building 7, because you were there."

We Are Change UK wastes Sir Richard Dearlove, ex head of MI6

We Are Change UK/The Elephant in the Room confronts Sir Richard Dearlove, former head of MI6, famous for the quote "The intelligence and the facts are being fixed around the policy" of invading Iraq, and a 2007 Bilderberg attendee.

He maintains that Iraq had WMD's, and gets treated accordingly:

David Cameron answers this weeks questions..

Well Cameron has answered last weeks questions.

Every week he spends the least amount of time on the highest ranked questions, wonder whether that is because they are not the sort of Q's he gets asked in his normal politcal/media circles.

Totally failed to recognise what I was asking him in the first question, and then does an even better job of skirting the second on MI5/MI6 training extremists.

Please go vote this weeks good Q's up: the current top rated is on 911, and mine regarding whether or not he would be prepared to meet an eye witness to 77 (suspicious plain clothed police filming him and the bus that just exploded) is just outside top 5 :-)

Operation 9/11 and General Musharraf's Half Truth

Operation 9/11 and General Musharraf's Half Truth

By Abid Ullah Jan

Al-Jazeerah, January 22, 2007


General Pervez Musharraf has partially admitted to some facts in his book. For example he admitted that Omar Saeed Sheikh, who was trapped in the case of kidnapping and murder of American journalist Daniel Pearl, was actually the British secret Agency MI6’s agent and had executed certain missions on their behest before coming to Pakistan and visiting Afghanistan to meet Osama and Mullah Omar.

What General Musharraf tries to evade here is the role Omar Saeed Sheikh has played for the ISI, and more importantly the role he knowingly or unknowingly played in part of the complex operation 9/11. Omar Saeed Sheikh was used to frame the Taliban and particularly Arabs in Afghanistan or the impending 9/11 tragedy.

9/11 Perp Omar Sheikh was an MI6 Agent

Pakistani president Musharraf allegedly said today that Omar Sheikh was an MI6 (British intelligence services) agent. The article covering Musharraf's statement says "At some point, he probably became a rogue or double agent."

This is interesting, because Mr. Sheikh is claimed to be one of the masterminds, trainers and/or funders of 9/11.

Did Mr. Sheikh in fact become a rogue or double agent? Or was he still working for MI6 when he played his role in the 9/11 attacks?