Amnesty International

Bordertown clip: "The news isn't the news anymore" Martin Sheen's character

I stumbled upon this clip, and did a bit of researching into the movie. "At the Berlin International Film Festival Jennifer Lopez received the "Artists for Amnesty," award presented by Amnesty International. She won the award for her role as producer and star of a film 'examining the ongoing murders of hundreds of women in a Mexican border town.'" I lived in El Paso for a few years. In my last apartment, I could look across the border into Juarez and seen the shanties and squalor. I've also spent some time researching at trying to expose the contemporary slave trade. There is a convergence of sorts in this movie. I don't care for Hollywood as a rule, but this looks like a must see:

Amnesty International: US must begin criminal investigation of torture following Bush admission

November, 10 2010

Amnesty International today urged a criminal investigation into the role of former US President George W. Bush and other officials in the use of "enhanced interrogation techniques" against detainees held in secret US custody after the former president admitted authorizing their use.

In his memoirs, published yesterday, and in an interview on NBC News broadcast on 8 November 2010, the former President confirmed his personal involvement in authorising "water-boarding" and other techniques against "high value detainees".

"Under international law, the former President's admission to having authorized acts that amount to torture are enough to trigger the USA's obligations to investigate his admissions and if substantiated, to prosecute him," said Claudio Cordone, Senior Director at Amnesty International.

"His admissions also highlight once again the absence of accountability for the crimes under international law of torture and enforced disappearance committed by the USA."

Amnesty International Action Alert: Don't Let Congress Block Trials for the 9/11 Accused

Amnesty International is calling for people to lobby Congress to allow US trials for the 9/11 accused go forward; currently Sen. Lindsey Graham is spearheading attempts to block US trials in favor of military commissions - loose nuke

President Obama made the right decision to try Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and other alleged 9/11 conspirators in U.S. federal court, but now members of Congress are attacking the President's decision and threatening to block funding for the trial. Senator Lindsey Graham called federal trials a "dumb idea" and wants to use the kangaroo courts known as military commissions, that he and other politicians cooked up at Guantanamo, to ensure convictions and cover up evidence of torture.

Secret Policeman’s Ball 2008 Amnesty International 4 October 2008, Albert Hall London

Bonsoir ,

Last Saturday night, the 4 October, I went to the « Secret Policeman’s Ball 2008 » 15th ? given by Amnesty International at the Albert Hall, London between 7h00 and 11h00. Diffusion on canal Sunday the 5 October. I seems to have been put on youtube although I have not checked it out see

Lots of people queeing up. When I was a student usher for the proms in 1975, I never saw so many people queeing up as that week-end. Saw a lot of young people wearing a tee-shirt with the candle wrapped up in a strand barbed wire.
Looked out for tee-shirts with « Investigate 911 » , « 911 inside job » , etc but did not see a single one. I noticed that the hall was completely filled and at some moment an organiser said that there was 4000 people inside.

As was written in the program « Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand » Mark Twain this evening was giving power to the people by laughter.

Here's What Made KSM Made So... "Talkative"

Amnesty ad condemns waterboarding

Amnesty International is launching a new ad featuring a hard-hitting torture scene showing simulated "waterboarding" in a campaign to outlaw the controversial interrogation practice.



CIA Acknowledges it Has More Than 7000 Documents Relating to Secret Detention Program, Rendition, and Torture