
Com 8- 14 Points- 25 People- 5 Minutes

Fourteen Points of Agreement with Official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction

In one of my Communications classes, today we gave 5 minute speeches on a “memorable experience”. I used the occasion to talk about last Friday, April 18, 2008 when the Fourteen Points paper was posted on It went something like this:

“Do you still think that jet fuel brought down the World Trade Center?”

Last Friday, I was thinking that today I would be talking to ya’ll about the first time I saw Loose Change, the online DVD that quote is from, which a lot of you have probably heard of. However, last Friday night something happened, that, imho, is just as memorable and is more immediately significant.

Iridium, Hasan Bin Laden, and the Saudi Bin Laden Group

i was doing a little research on Iridium satellite system.

Iridium was supposed to offer communications to anyone anywhere
even remote areas, because it was a satellite system and not land towers.

As an RF (cellular - radio) engineer for SPINT PCS, i first became interested in 9/11
when i heard about those cell phone calls.
They didnt happen, at least NOT at 35,000ft
We now have a video of Deana Burnette saying that she saw Tom's phone # on her caller ID.
This goes directly against what the GOV said, that only FELT, and CeeCee Lyles
were using cell phones.
Ill post more about cell phones later,
but now, back to Iridium...

This is pretty old, i think FEMA already does use them.
"DOD reserves gateway to Iridium's global satellite service; other agencies mayfollow
The Defense Department is the largest single customer for Iridium LLC’s financially troubled global satellite communications service.
DOD has reserved one of the consortium’s 12 ground gateways capable of serving up to 120,000 users and 1,000 simultaneous calls. The Army, Navy and Air Force are testing ways to integrate the Iridium satellite network into their communications plans.

'Deaf, Dumb, and Blind': Were Communications Sabotaged on 9/11?

On September 12, 2001, the commander in chief of the Russian air force, General Anatoly Kornukov, offered his thoughts on the previous day's events: "Generally it is impossible to carry out an act of terror on the scenario which was used in the USA yesterday. ... The notification and control system for the air transport in Russia does not allow uncontrolled flights and leads to immediate reaction of the anti-missile defense. As soon as something like that happens here, I am reported about that right away and in a minute we are all up." [1] One would assume the defenses of the United States should have been more effective than those of Russia. Yet the 9/11 attacks seem to have proceeded with ease, and America's air defenses appear to have been almost non-existent at the time they were most needed.

Framing aided by repetition, psychologists report

Framing aided by repetition, psychologists report

Better to refute adversaries' slogans with different, positive statements than to repeat them in an attempt to disprove

Psychologist Norbert Schwarz has found it reinforces untruths to repeat them, even when refuting.ANN ARBOUR, MI, Sept. 27, 2007: New research confirms that repetition of "myths" and slogans helps lodge them in the minds of the public and that refuting them often leads only to the public remembering falsehoods better. Instead, they tell us that "education campaigns with an 'affirmative' message," even if it is a negative message, are far more effective in defeating an adversary's frame.

University of Michigan social psychologist Norbert Schwarz has done experiments showing that people remember things they hear repeated often enough, regardless of its source, and even if it's from a single source.

There is more of interest in the article at:

Mike Zimmer