
9/11 Truth: The Fight Stage - Don't Get Hit by the Sucker Punch!

In my view the three most powerful Main Stream Media mantra's used against the 9/11 Truth Movement have been;

1. We support the Jews/Israel did it theory.

2. We support the no planes were used or were swapped theory.

3. We are paranoid conspiracy theorists who hate our country and seek to create violence in our communities.

WE MUST if we are to prevail over these presstitutes in the MSM be resistant to speaking in public for these two theories in any way shape or form. If we do speak in support of these theories we better make sure we can back up our accusations in the real world with hard evidence.

Being patriotic and absolutely peaceful in word, deed and voice will see us stronger by the day.

This is the "fight stage" and I plan to win!

Kind regards John

Soon Coming: "Jewish Voices of Conscience for Truth, Justice and Peace"

In honor of the 1st night of Chanukah, a celebration of light, I am announcing the imminent formation of a group tentatively titled- "Jewish Voices of Conscience for Truth, Justice and Peace." The intention of this group will be to summon the intellectual, social and spiritual power of Jewish peoples of conscience across the diaspora to vocalize silenced truth in order to push for justice and provide for the possibilities of peace. Although not solely dedicated to speaking about the attacks of 9-11-01, seeking and speaking the truth about this crucial event will be a lynchpin around which our focus can and must turn.

alex jones funny quotes of the day

Im not sure if this will be well recieved but i am a huge alex jones fan but i find myself periodically cracking up at his little fake soutern accent imitations and colorful insults. Very good comedy all under the shadow of depressing times. but here check out some good quotes from him today

"and youve got a bunch of zombies who think they're conservative and they're listening to you, and im just sad for you, you took so much oxycontin one of the symptoms is... that it ate the nerve endings in your ears, so you got big ole wires sticking out of your head like a robot... DARTH VADAR!" (in reference to limbaugh)

mp3 link -

"oh no that aint it, its the jew, the devil spirit of the jew flys with bat wings into the chinaman to make him do it"

mp3 link -

if people like this i will try to post a few good/funny quotes every day, ocassionally i will post good hearted well spoken freedom rants by aj as well.

Lets scrutinize some shall We?

I may be a bit off subject here, but in order for those who do dirty deeds and the means by which they circumvent the truth to remove the spotlight from themselves, it must be known what kind of people they are. The truth is bizarre and incredible, enough for people to not believe it at first, but as one goes deeper to find more bits of evidence to answer questions they may have, while remaining skeptical about possible misinformation/disinformation, the pieces come together. To Me they are a frightening picture because the motive for 9/11 was to subject the world into chaos, starting with the strongest Empire to bring down its power in order to shift it's financial power into the hands of different nations(notably China and Japan). This then would shift power onto the corporate entities with regard to taking down the manufacturing base of the US, creating lower wages in this nation as well as keeping those in China low(where most of the manufacturing jobs have relocated), thereby making this country a security state.