state crimes against democracy

9/11 Free Fall 7/18/13: Dr. deHaven-Smith and "conspiracy theory"

Dr. Lance deHaven-Smith is a professor in the Reubin O'D. Askew School of Public Administration and Policy at Florida State University. He received his B.A. degree from the University of Georgia, summa cum laude, and his M.A. and Ph.D. from the Ohio State University.

In a 2006 peer-reviewed journal article, he coined the term "state crimes against democracy" (SCAD) to delineate a crime category for Watergate, Iran-Contra, Plame-gate, and other conspiracies in high office. SCAD research has been highlighted in special issues of American Behavioral Scientist (February 2010) and Public Integrity (June 2011). Dr. deHaven-Smith's new book, Conspiracy Theory in America, was published in April 2013 by the University of Texas Press.

In this episode of 9/11 Free Fall he talks with Andy Steele about the term "conspiracy theory" and how it's been used by the intelligence and media establishment to attack skeptical inquiries from the public into major events like 9/11.

State Crimes Against Democracy (SCAD) Petition

Truthers are encouraged to sign this petition composed by Professor Matthew Witt of University of La Verne, California:

To: U.S. State Legislators and Congress

A Testament and Proclamation

Democracy and popular control of government require public officials who speak truthfully about their intentions and actions; who respect, obey, and execute the nation's laws and treaties without deference to wealth and power and certainly without exceptions for themselves; and who openly and thoroughly investigate defense failures, financial crises, environmental disasters, and other national tragedies. To abrogate any of these responsibilities is to abuse the public trust and attack democracy itself.

We the Undersigned find, based on substantial available evidence, that the United States Government, including the Office of the President, Congress and ancillary agencies, have intentionally, systematically and serially defrauded the American people in what we find to be State Crimes Against Democracy (SCAD): actions undertaken in direct violation of sworn oaths of office to circumvent, exploit, undermine or subvert laws, the constitutional order, or the public awareness essential to popular control of government.

Most recently, these State Crimes Against Democracy have included:

Prof. Griffin Requests Focus on WTC 7 (SCAD) Running up to the Tenth Anniversary of 9/11!

Please read the whole article here:

SCAD: State Crimes Against Democracy

Conclusion and Proposal of Prof. Griffin's Paper "Building What? How SCADs Can Be Hidden in Plain Sight"

Through these and related means, the truth about the collapse of WTC 7 has been effectively hidden, even though it has existed in plain sight all these years. Even the bare fact of the collapse itself has been so effectively hidden that in 2006 over 40 percent of the American public did not know about it, and in 2009 a judge in New York City, upon hearing a reference to Building 7, asked: “Building what?”

SCAD Article by Elizabeth Woodworth on Op Ed News and on COTO Report Now

The article by Elizabeth Woodworth on State Crimes Against Democracy and The February 2010 issue of the American Behavioral Scientist is now on Op Ed News. I have reproduced the text of the article in this post for those who are new to the conversation, but comments would be best left on the referenced sites, if you are so inclined. Again, please note that the whole journal issue may be purchased for $24. Our cause might be better served by supporting the publishers. From Elizabeth Woodworth I have this:

"It's now confirmed that the February edition is available in print, and can be ordered for $24 for the whole issue.

Contact SAGE Journals Customer Service department via e-mail at or phone 1-800-818-7243 then hit #2, then #0 for operator, then ask for "Journals", and they will mail a copy.

Otherwise individual papers cost $25 to be viewed for one day, on the journal's website, and cannot be downloaded from it. (Because the pdf could be freely circulated if it were downloadable)."

Entire February 2010 Issue of the American Behavioral Scientist Devoted to State Crimes Against Democracy: The Case of 9/11/2001

By Elizabeth Woodworth, Professional Librarian

For 50 years the American Behavioral Scientist has been a leading source of behavioral research for the academic world. Its influence is shown by the fact that it is indexed by an extraordinary 67 major database services, causing its papers to be widely exposed on the international scene.

The publisher, Sage, is headquartered in Los Angeles, with offices in London, New Delhi, Singapore, and Washington DC.

Each issue offers comprehensive analysis of a single topic.

The six papers in the February 2010 issue are devoted to the recent concept of "State Crimes Against Democracy (SCAD's)," with emphasis on 9/11 and on how human behavior has failed to recognize its reality. [Ref. ]

Original article at