9/11 Widow Writes Scathing Article Regarding Upcoming Giuliani Court Appearance

The following article is from Kristen Breitweiser in response to the recent news that Rudy Giuliani would be testifying in the upcoming sentencing phase of the Moussaoui trial.

Giuliani's Deadly Impact? - huffingtonpost.com

Can someone please explain to me why Rudy Giuliani gets to give a victim's impact statement at the Moussaoui penalty phase hearing? Which family member did Guiliani lose in the attacks?

Forgive me, but Giuliani is the person responsible for deciding to locate NYC's emergency command center in the World Trade Center along with a diesal fuel tank (against the advice of certain FDNY officials) before 9/11.

Full Transcript of Recent Griffin Speech '9/11: The Myth and the Reality'

9/11: The Myth and the Reality - 911truth.org

NOTE: This lecture was delivered March 30, 2006, at Grand Lake Theater in Oakland for Progressive Democrats of the East Bay. Abbreviated versions of it were given in San Francisco for the Democratic World Federalists on April 2 and the Commonwealth Club on April 3.
Myth Number 1: Our political and military leaders simply would not do such a thing.
Myth Number 2: Our political and military leaders would have had no motive for orchestrating the 9/11 attacks.

New Details on Moussaoui Sentencing Trial

Moussaoui Judge OKs Playing Plane Tapes - AP

The cockpit recording from the hijacked jetliner that passengers tried to retake on Sept. 11 will be played in public for the first time — at the sentencing trial of al-Qaida conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui — the judge ruled Wednesday.

U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema said the jury considering whether to execute Moussaoui could hear the recording from United Airlines Flight 93 and see a transcript of it.
Prosecutors asked the judge to order the tape and transcript kept sealed from the general public after it is played in open court, but Brinkema did not decide that question immediately.

Who provided protective coverage for 9/11 operation?


On October 26, 1999, the famous golfer Payne Stewart boarded a private Learjet in Florida and left for Texas. Shortly after takeoff, Stewart's jet veered sharply off course and began heading northwest. All contact with air controllers was lost. Within 15 minutes of having gone off course, US fighter jets had already intercepted the jet.

These fighter jets were dispatched by NORAD, the branch of the US air force whose job is to monitor and defend US airspace 24 hours a day. NORAD maintains a huge array of land based radar systems and has fighter jets on alert 24 hours a day so that they can respond to any crisis.

Webster Tarpley TV Interview on 9/11 Truth Breakthru Airs in Manhattan, on Internet, Wed. April 5th

Anyone know the viewership of this channel? It was an interview from March 29th, has anyone heard that interview?


An interview with Webster Tarpley will be aired on the Public Access Network in New York City on Wed. April 5th on MNN (Manhattan Neighborhood Network) on 9 to 10 a.m. EDT on Channel 67 and will be simulcast on www.MNN.org at the same hour.

To watch the simulcast you only need a broadband internet connection. Just click on Channel 34 once you are on the MNN.org website.

Early Bird Open Thread

Open thread, have at it.

Release of 911 Emergency Calls on 9/11

Audio, Transcripts Of Sept. 11 911 Calls

This CD contains written transcripts of telephone conversations between operators of the New York City Fire Department, and persons who called the 911 system on September 11, 2001, about the attack on the World Trade Center. Operators from the New York City Police Department often participated in these conversations as well. If the speaker is designated in a transcript as “CRO” or “DISPATCHER” that is a New York City Fire Department operator. If the speaker is designated as “OPERATOR” that is a New York City Police Department operator.

Oprah911.com - Petition Oprah to Discuss 9/11

I just got a heads up about a new 9/11 related site: www.oprah911.com.

Recently Jesse at TV News Lies suggested the idea of contacting Oprah to cover the issues of 9/11. This new website has that same idea in mind, and is a pretty impressive new site. You can contact the Oprah show through the site, comment in their forums, post your submissions, and find an extensive list of 9/11 sites as well.

Here is a submission from the user that forwarded the site to us:

Oprah, would you please help us? There are so many problems that are piling up on us, especially since GWB took office. But there is a growing group of us, many thousands of us, who are convinced that the 'Mother of ALL Lies', The 911 Caper, is so obvious and so notable for the sheer audacity of it, that exposing it could be the transformational event that wakes the nation up and alerts the general public to the grave danger that we are facing. There are not many openings left through which we can cast our desires as a people and get our voices heard. Surveys show that an overwhelming majority of us are against the war, in favor of free choice for women, in favor of a national health plan – yet neither political party in this stacked game of winner takes all represents us! We the people have been forsaken and the corporate globalists in control are destroying our environment, launching us into world war, and preparing an economic collapse before our very eyes. You have always been a caring and loving presence and we need you to bring 9/11 truth to the American people and help the country look at the deceit and the madness and change course urgently. Will you please hear us and be our representative? The country needs the truth and you can do it!

Thomas Kean, 9/11 Commission Chairman, Gets Confronted

Chairman of 9/11 Whitewash Commission sets stage for Al Qaeda Nuke Attack - jonesreport.com

The press conference before the speech was turned out to be a great opportunity, because literally half of the questions were hostile, and I was able to ask Mr. Kean a question about why the 9/11 Commission, on page 172 of their report, stated that the question of who bankrolled the September 11th attacks was "of little practical significance." He replied that the job cost so little money and that it was too hard to trace. So I got from Mr. Kean an admission that following the money trail in a crime that took the lives of 3000 people was "of little practical significance" because it only cost about $166 per murder and was too much of a bother to pursue. This was an astonishing red flag screaming "cover-up".

New Podcasts for your enjoyment

Here are a few more for you, spread them around and let me know if you have any trouble with them: