jkeogh's blog

ic911.org Membership Drive

From Kevin Ryan:
Dear friends and colleagues.

As you may know, this year marked the birth of a new organization
dedicated to 9/11 truth research and justice. The International Center
for 9/11 Justice has already made some significant contributions in
raising awareness via alternative media appearances, pursuing justice
with the Campbell family inquest, and planning for future research. The
Center has also produced the film Peace, War, and 9/11 featuring the
late, great Graeme MacQueen.

We're holding our fall membership drive at the moment and would be
grateful if you would consider becoming a supporting member. Please
see the link below for more information.

Thanks, and happy holidays!



Remembering Graeme MacQueen

From Kevin Ryan


Remembering Graeme MacQueen

Dear friends and colleagues,

I received a message from Graeme MacQueen's wife this morning. Graeme
passed away peacefully at his home yesterday.


Expecting this, I wrote a short article of remembrance.



Remembering Graeme MacQueen
In the summer of 2006, at the newly formed Journal of 9/11 Studies, we
received a submission from a Canadian professor named Graeme MacQueen.
The paper was entitled “118 Witnesses: The Firefighter's...



Downtime / Fundraising

Friends, 911blogger.com is one of the longest running 9/11/2001 news sites on the net. In Sept of 2024, it will pass the 20 year mark from dz's original site: http://911blogger.com/faq


It's not going anywhere, but we need a few more monthly donors. Currently, our expenses are $39.00/mo for the 2x servers (the site is split into separate http and a sql servers for reliability) plus $6.00/mo for DNS hosting. Our recurring monthly donations from two long time donors (thank you NL and MM!) currently amount to $19.11/mo.


Please consider becoming a monthly donor. We are $4.89/mo (as of Jun 24th) from breaking even.

SEVEN: Explosive 9/11 Documentary Trailer Begins Airing This Month

from: https://thewashingtonstandard.com/seven-explosive-9-11-documentary-trailer-begins-airing-this-month-video/

trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL9CCZFuDFY

A new 9/11 documentary titled SEVEN is soon to be released, but in the meantime, a five-minute version of it began airing on Public Broadcasting System on Thursday. Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth released the information.
PBS affiliates across the country today will begin airing a five-minute version of the new documentary SEVEN directed by Loose Change creator Dylan Avery about the explosive findings of the recently completed University of Alaska Fairbanks study on the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7. The short film, titled Spotlight On: SEVEN, will run for a minimum of three months on up to 200 local PBS stations, reaching at least three million viewers.

Seven Questions to Evaluate Nineteen 9/11 Suspects

By Kevin Ryan 09/08/19

Who could have committed the crimes of September 11, 2001? Answering that question requires understanding the details of 1) what happened that should not have happened and 2) what did not happen that should have happened. Additionally, it requires asking specific, well-formulated questions and seeking answers that are evidence-based to assess potential suspects in terms of means, motive, and opportunity.

Continued: https://digwithin.net/2019/09/08/seven-questions/

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