
Government Hid and Destroyed 9/11 Evidence


Presumption of a Cover-Up …

Judges and lawyers know that – if someone intentionally destroys evidence – he’s probably trying to hide his crime. American law has long recognized that destruction of evidence raises a presumption of guilt for the person who destroyed the evidence.

So what does it mean when the US government intentionally destroyed massive amounts of evidence related to 9/11?

Judge and Prosecutor Destroy Evidence

For example, it was revealed in May that the judge overseeing the trial of surviving 9/11 suspects conspired with the prosecution to destroy evidence relevant to a key suspect’s defense. And see this.

(The Defense Department has also farmed out most of the work of both prosecuting and defending the surviving 9/11 suspects to the same private company. And the heads of the military tribunal prosecuting the 9/11 suspects said that the trials must be rigged so that there are no acquittals.)

Destruction of Videotapes

The CIA videotaped the interrogation of 9/11 suspects, falsely told the 9/11 Commission that there were no videotapes or other records of the interrogations, and then illegally destroyed all of the tapes and transcripts of the interrogations.

9/11 Commission co-chairs Thomas Keane and Lee Hamilton wrote:

Those who knew about those videotapes — and did not tell us about them — obstructed our investigation.

9/11 Suspects: General Ralph Eberhart by CorbettReport

Published on Sep 9, 2016
TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=19707

The official story of 9/11 is a lie. But Eberhart's story is a lie within that lie, designed to absolve himself and other members of the US military charged with defending American airspace that morning from the most catastrophic failure in that mission in their history. And not only did Eberhart survive with his career intact, he was praised as a "9/11 hero" and moved into the private sector after leaving NORAD in 2004, as chairman and board member of a number of companies that directly benefited from the post-9/11 police state and the post-9/11 war on terror.

Experts Sought: The Great 9/11 Building Debate WhoWhatWhy


Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from World Trade Center (9/11 Photos - CC BY 2.0) and profile (Gage Skidmore / Flickr - CC BY-SA 2.0)

Experts Sought: The Great 9/11 Building Debate

This September 11 will mark the 15th anniversary of the terror attacks on New York and Washington. These were events unlike any other in history, and they changed America and our world in profound ways — some of which have yet to become apparent.

WhoWhatWhy believes it is the mandate of journalism to not only report news as it happens, but to dig deep, and to stay on important stories for the long haul.

We also believe the public should hear all sides of critical issues, including those considered highly controversial, and, at least by traditional media, too “ludicrous” or too “hot” to address.

One such issue is the ongoing debate on whether airplanes alone could bring down the twin towers.

9/11 Suspects: Philip Zelikow


In January of 2003, just weeks after Kissinger stepped down, it was quietly announced that Philip D. Zelikow would take on the role of executive director. As executive director, Zelikow picked "the areas of investigation, the briefing materials, the topics for hearings, the witnesses, and the lines of questioning for witnesses." In effect, this was the man in charge of running the investigation itself.

TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: https://www.corbettreport.com/911-suspects-philip-zelikow/

Recovery Workers Reportedly Found the Black Boxes From the Planes That Hit the WTC on 9/11, but Authorities Covered This Up

A poster depicting a plane's black boxes

The black boxes from the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, were found and retrieved in the weeks after the 9/11 attacks, a significant amount of evidence indicates. And yet government officials and the official investigation into the attacks have asserted that these devices were never recovered.

A plane's two black boxes record important information about a flight. The black boxes from American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175--the planes that hit the World Trade Center--could therefore have helped investigators determine what happened on these aircraft before they crashed on September 11.

2000-2001: Official Reports of Unexplained Airliner Transponder Jamming, Military Exercises A Suspected Cause

Just prior to the September 11 attacks - between November 2000 and April 2001 - French aviation authorities noted and investigated repeated instances of unexplained commercial airliner Mode S transponder jamming resulting in the loss of secondary radar data to Air Traffic Control (ATC). Affected aircraft included Air France Boeing 767s.


Three of the four reportedly hijacked September 11 flights also stopped providing secondary radar data to ATC via Mode S transponders during their flights. These Mode S transponder data losses were officially attributed to manual deactivations by alleged hijackers, although evidence to confirm this claim was never cited by the 9/11 Commission Report. September 11 flight transponder data losses contributed significantly to a circumstantial impression of alleged hijacker flight deck takeovers and also coincided with significant nationwide US military exercises that day.


What A Real 9/11 Investigation Would Reveal - Beyond the 28 Pages

After 15 years of meticulous research and analysis into the events and theories surrounding 9/11, this is a collection of all the best facts and evidence proving who had the means, motive, and opportunity to commit the crimes we witnessed on September 11th, and who ought to be investigated if we ever hope to get to the bottom of it.



An Expert's Guide to the 9/11 Conspiracy

Major Physics Magazine, Europhysics News, Publishes 9/11 Article by Steven Jones, Robert Korol, Tony Szamboti, and Ted Walter

Major Physics Magazine, Europhysics News, Publishes 9/11 Article by Steven Jones, Robert Korol, Tony Szamboti, and Ted Walter

Read It Now! >> http://www.europhysicsnews.org/

Earlier this week, the magazine of the European Physical Society, Europhysics News, published a 3,000-word feature article by Dr. Steven Jones, Dr. Robert Korol, Tony Szamboti, and Ted Walter, entitled 15 years later: on the physics of high-rise building collapses.

Europhysics News bills itself as the magazine of the European physics community. That sounds about right — given their circulation of around 25,000 copies per issue!

It is with great enthusiasm that we invite you to read the online version of the article, which can be accessed for free at EurophysicsNews.org. The hard copy will be distributed to the magazine’s 25,000 subscribers in mid-September.

60,000 and Counting!

That brings to a staggering 60,000 the number of engineers and scientists who will be exposed to our literature in the coming weeks — 35,000 who will receive a copy of World Trade Center Physics and 25,000 who will receive the current issue of Europhysics News.

You can help grow that number by purchasing copies of World Trade Center Physics in bulk — virtually at cost — and distributing them on your own, either by popping them in the mail or by handing them out.

Nearly 2,500 copies have been sold since World Trade Center Physics went on sale two days ago. We’ve got 7,500 left in stock waiting to be distributed around the 15th anniversary of 9/11.

Place your bulk order by Monday, August 29,  http://www.shop.ae911truth.org/WTC-Physics-Mailer_c25.htm   and you’ll receive the package by Saturday, September 10 (this applies to U.S. residents only).

See PDF page 21



---Steven Jones, Robert Korol, Anthony Szamboti and Ted Walter
