
Four 9/11 Ads Online in 14 Texas Newspapers for 3 Months

Fourteen suburban newspapers in the Dallas/Ft Worth area contain online 9/11 Truth Ads which are running for three months. The 14 papers have a combined readership above 243,000.

There are a total of four ads comprised of animated graphics which link to YouTube videos. The individual ads randomly rotate to each of the 14 suburban newspapers.

Is America Any Safer 15 Years After 9/11? - The Atlantic & CBS

Published on Aug 9, 2016 "CBS This Morning"
As we approach the 15th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, fear remains.
A CBS News poll taken in June after the shooting rampage in Orlando found two-thirds of Americans think a terror attack is very or somewhat likely in the next few months.
Author Steven Brill spent a year investigating the estimated trillion-dollar security state, built since 9/11. Brill joins "CBS This Morning" to discuss his latest cover story in The Atlantic, titled, "Are we any safer?"


The Science of Healthy Scepticism


9/11 Tower 7 - A Firefighter's Analysis
Let’s first define why this is so important. In terms of political history, this is probably the most important building collapse ever to have occurred; not just from an architectural perspective, not only because it raises very significant questions about the safety of high-rise occupiers and their rescuers should a similar building be involved in fire but because of what it represents in terms of what happened geopolitically and militarily as a result of its collapse. However, the primary purpose of this assessment is to establish what level of risk the report of this collapse identifies for Firefighters.

Full PDF Report

We Were Lied To About 9/11 - 4 Part Interview With Paul Thompson

Paul Thompson is the author of The Terror Timeline, a compilation of over 5,000 reports and articles concerning the September 11, 2001 attacks. The book was based on research conducted by himself and other contributors to the History Commons website. Thompson's research in the field has garnered over 100 radio interviews, along with TV interviews on Fox News and Air America and interviews in print, such as for Buzz Magazine. Articles about himself, his research and its reception by the 9/11 Truth Movement have appeared in The Village Voice and Esquire Magazine's "Genius Issue,” and recognition as "an authority on terrorism", even though, "He never studied, trained", as noted by Esquire. In 2005, Thompson was asked to speak at a congressional briefing on the 9/11 Commission’s final report, he addressed what he defined as failures by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).

The withholding of info related to al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar

Recently former FBI agent Mark Rossini and former counterterrorism czar Richard Clarke have raised the issue of CIA withholding in relation to al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar. This is an aspect of 9/11 that the 9/11 Commission failed to investigate. Despite this failure the mainstream media still loves to pretend the 9/11 Commission did a super job. This endorsement is probably based in part on the fact that the mainstream media has done a horrible, horrible job of investigating this aspect of 9/11. Basically the media hides their own lack of investigation by pretending the 9/11 Commission did a thorough job. The withholding is not a small detail that has little import. The truth about the withholding will likely change the entire context of the war on terror. It is that important.

Clarke and Rossini have both obscured the conduct of the FBI in the withholding:


Dina did not know at all about the recruitment effort. Dina just knew that the methodology by which the CIA knew about these terrorists was via an “intelligence method”, (which Dina erroneously and innocently thought was protected then by the “wall”).



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The Truth about the 28 Pages and its Enduring Cover-up

Written by Barry Kissin

The lead sponsors of the legislation to uncover the 28 pages of the Congressional report (link is external) on the attacks of 9-11 were Representative Walter Jones and Senator Rand Paul, two Republicans in fact, both practically unique in their unabashed opposition to our constant wars of intervention. The release of the 28 pages is a victory for Americans who yearn for peace. It comes at a desperate moment in human history. It is imperative and urgent that peace activists take full advantage of the released 28 pages.

The essential truth about the 28 pages is that our own government, (Bush administrations followed by Obama administrations), ever since 9-11, has covered up Saudi Government complicity in 9-11. All the while, our government has continued to maintain very close relations, especially with the Saudi Intelligence Agency and the Saudi military.

Revelations About Prince Bandar And Osama Bassnan?

Jon Gold


Hopefully you’ve heard about the partial release of the 28 redacted pages from the Joint Congressional Inquiry Into 9/11. There are still many redactions throughout the pages.

Here is an excerpt from the pages:

“A CIA report also indicates that Bassnan traveled to Houston in 2002 and met with an individual who was (redacted). The report states that during that trip a member of the Saudi Royal Family provided Bassnan with a significant amount of cash. FBI information indicates that Bassnan is an extremist and supporter of Usama Bin Laden, and has been connected to the Eritrean Islamic Jihad and the Blind Shayk;” - pg. 417

Here is the entry from www.historycommons.org about this incident which is more descriptive, along with an excerpt from that entry: