VIDEO - Central Florida Street Action 2/21/09

More than 30 9/11 Truth Activist from across central Florida (and a few from Boston) combined their forces for a successful street action in Orlando Florida, the first of many multi-city actions to come.

Security Without Empire National Organizing Conference on Foreign Military Bases American University, Washington, D.C.

Security Without Empire

National Organizing Conference on Foreign Military Bases
American University, Washington, D.C.
Feb. 27–Mar. 2, 2009

(Continued below the fold.)

William Rodriguez Vindicated by Newly Released 9/11 Commission Notes

For several years now, self-styled "debunkers" have been claiming that William Rodriguez has been lying about the testimony he gave to the 9/11 Commission in 2004. For example, on Mark Roberts' website, Roberts mocks Rodriguez;

"January, 2009: As promised, many of the 9/11 Commission investigation records have been made public. There is a wealth of material online, with more to come. I'm sure William Rodriguez will want to get the copies of the notes made by two investigators who interviewed him, to prove his claim that his story hasn't changed from the start and that the Commission attempted to cover it up. (Don't hold your breath for Rodriguez to publish those notes.)"

Not only have Mr. Rodriguez's basic claims remained unchanged, the cover-up continues; his actual testimony remains "restricted". One can only imagine why that would be. The wiser JREFers who have been holding their collective breath may now exhale, as Mr. Rodriguez has supplied us with copies of the 9/11 Commission Investigator notes in PDF form, which read in part;

"Rodriguez said on September 11, 2001 he reported late to work which was unusual for him. He said he was in the B1 sublevel ABM office speaking to Anthony Saltamachia when the plane struck the North Tower (WTC 1). He immediately thought the explosion was caused by a generator. Shortly after the first explosion a second explosion rocked the building and caused the office's false ceiling to collapse. Following these explosions Felipe David, who was severely burned, ran into the office. Rodriguez said there was a third explosion and he believed then the explosions were caused by an earthquake."

Clearly, Rodriguez was indeed talking about "explosions" from the very start.

Download investigator notes here:

(2/23/2009 - Clarification: these are two separate sets of notes by two separate investigators.)

PDF 1.

PDF 2.

Copenhagen Truth Action

The second month of Eleventh actions in Copenhagen, Denmark

Christina reports:

We have a courageous professor of chemistry from the University who lectures about WTC7 so this time we've been out with flyers spreading the word. Our group on (where people demand a REAL investigation and stand forth with a photograph of themselves and their name) is growing day by day!

Action at Town Hall square:


Stop US Occupations & Torture for Empire!

U.S. Out of Iraq & Afghanistan!
No Wars on Iran, Pakistan, Gaza!
The world can’t wait!

Come OUT to the first national protest of the wars under President Obama.

THURSDAY March 19 leave work & school to PROTEST the 6th anniversary of the Iraq War.

SATURDAY March 21 at the Pentagon.

Barack Obama says he will:

* leave 80,000 troops, thousands of private contractors, and 17 permanent bases in Iraq;
* send 30,000 more troops into Afghanistan, leading to more killings of civilians;
* keep sending robot drones over Pakistan, killing more civilians;
* deploy nuclear carriers with enough firepower to annihilate any country in the Mideast;
* support the Israeli siege on Gaza;
* keep in place the “secret rendition” program which Bush used to torture detainees;
* keep the government spying on citizens and continue Bush’s “state secrets” justification;
* increase the U.S. military by 92,000 troops, sending more to die for empire;
* refuse to investigate & prosecute the war and torture crimes of the Bush regime.

The election of the first black president is effectively re-branding preemptive and illegal wars of aggression to make us feel good about them, enlisting us to “serve and sacrifice” for horrors we have no good reason to support.

Daniele Ganser - part 3: The two sides of secret armies

In the comming days, I will post several german-speaking interviews with Dr. Daniele Ganser, an academic historian from Switzerland who has researched false flag terrorism in Europe. Besides his publicity around the 9/11 truth movement, I think also his historical work about the so-called "secret armies" is extremly interesting. Here is the third video of several in a row. I'll try to translate about one segment each weekend after work and post them here:

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic

Watch other parts here.

Barack Obama Administration Continues US Military Global Dominance

By Peter Phillips

The Barack Obama administration is continuing the neo-conservative agenda of US military domination of the world— albeit with perhaps a kinder-gentler face. While overt torture is now forbidden for the CIA and Pentagon, and symbolic gestures like the closing of the Guantanamo prison are in evidence, a unilateral military dominance policy, expanding military budget, and wars of occupation and aggression will likely continue unabated.

The military expansionists from within the Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Clinton, G. W. Bush administrations put into place solid support for increased military spending. Clinton’s model of supporting the US military industrial complex held steady defense spending and increased foreign weapons sales from 16% of global orders to over 63% by the end of his administration.

The neo-conservatives, who dominated the most recent Bush administration, amplified this trend of increased military spending. The neo-cons laid out their agenda for military global dominance in the 2000 Project for a New American Century (PNAC) report Rebuilding America’s Defenses. The report called for the protection of the American Homeland, the ability to wage simultaneous theater wars, to perform global constabulary roles, and to control space and cyberspace. The report claimed that in order to maintain a Pax Americana, potential rivals — such as China, Iran, Iraq, and North Korea — needed to be held in check. This military global dominance agenda required forward deployment of US forces worldwide and increasing defense/war spending well into the 21st century. The result was a doubling of the US military budget to over $700 billion in the last eight years. The US now spends as much on war/defense as the rest of the world combined, making Americans the highest war-tax payers in the world.

Daniele Ganser - part 2: How much do politicians really know?

In the comming days, I will post several german-speaking interviews with Dr. Daniele Ganser, an academic historian from Switzerland who has researched false flag terrorism in Europe. Besides his publicity around the 9/11 truth movement, I think also his historical work about the so-called "secret armies" is extremly interesting. Here is the second video of several in a row. I'll try to translate about one segment each weekend after work and post them here:

Original Video- More videos at TinyPic

9/11 Aircraft Records Case: Federal Judge Grants FBI Motion For Summary Judgment

The following is a February 12, 2009 order of Nevada District judge Robert C. Jones, granting a Federal Bureau of Investigation motion for Summary Judgment, regarding a Freedom of Information Act civil complaint seeking records pertaining to the recovery and identification of wreckage generated by the four aircraft destroyed during the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

Pew Poll on Obama, Terror, Torture and Warrantless Spying

Obama Faces Familiar Divisions Over Anti-Terror Policies - No Change in Views of Torture, Warrantless Wiretaps

Excerpts, Fair Use:

By a wide margin (59% to 25%), the public says that his administration’s policies will make the chance of another major terrorist attack on the United States less likely rather than more likely. However, while majorities of Democrats (76%) and independents (62%) say that the Obama administration’s policies will make another terrorist attack less likely, just 29% of Republicans agree. Nearly half of Republicans (47%) say Obama’s policies will make another attack more likely.
Similarly, views have remained stable about whether the use of torture is justified in order to gain important information from suspected terrorists. More than four-in-ten say such tactics are often (16%) or sometimes (28%) justified; a majority says torture is rarely (20%) or never (31%) justified. Public attitudes regarding the use of torture against suspected terrorists have been largely unchanged since 2004.