May 2006

(For a historical archive of our old site visit Updates Status of FOIA Request

the new order has arrived. the judge in our case wrote a 2 page order (posted to the right). by the 26th of may the govt must respond why their argument for not releasing the CD ROM of the impact isn't moot.

my attorney says this is a good sign. i'm optimistic.

Here is a quick transcript I typed up:

Plaintiff in this FOIA case seeks disclosure of certain videotapes, believed by plaintiff to be in the FBI's possession, depicting the impact of Flight 77 on the Pentagon during the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Defendants have filed a motion for summary judgment in which they raise two arguments: First, that defendants conducted an adequate search for responsive documents; and second, that the FBI properly withheld responsive material under FOIA exemption 7(A) because "the material at issue is law enforcement evidence expected to be used during the continuing criminal prosecution of Zacarias Moussaoui" in connection with the September 11 attacks, so that public disclosure of it "could reasonably be expected to interfere" with those proceedings. According to defendant's motion, "[t]he information should not be released until the risk to the Moussaoui prosecution has passed."

Moussaoui Asks to Withdraw Guilty Plea

Moussaoui Asks to Withdraw Guilty Plea - AP

Convicted Sept. 11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui says he lied on the witness stand about being involved in the terrorist plot and wants to withdraw his guilty plea and go to trial. The judge turned him down.

Moussaoui said he was "extremely surprised" that he was sentenced to life in prison instead of execution and now believes he can get a fair trial from an American jury.

In a motion filed Friday but released Monday, Moussaoui said he testified on March 27 that he was supposed to hijack a fifth plane on Sept. 11, 2001, and fly it into the White House "even though I knew that was a complete fabrication."

Two Recent 9/11 Commentaries at Project for the Old American Century

Table Scraps and Lies - Bush’s Memorial to the 9/11 Families -

With all due respect to Ms. Breitweiser, I believe we all know that there will be no information regarding 9/11 "flowing freely" to the American people. Not now anyway nor in the near future. Everyone needs to just focus on the fact that the "20th hijacker" has been sentenced and now we can move on because we have more important things to worry about - like a Spanish version of the national anthem.

The Moussaoui trial was little more than a carrot dangled before the American people in hopes that his sentence or possible execution would take much of the heat off the government’s ineptitude when it came to matters regarding 9/11. But the truth is that Moussaoui never should have stood trial for crimes related to 9/11. Not because he was innocent but because the government had such a shoddy case against him. One federal capital defense lawyer stated that, "If this had not been 9/11, the government's theory of liability would not have passed the laugh test." So Moussaoui will spend the rest of his life in prison because he didn’t tell us that something really bad was going to happen.

Grassroots InfoMedia interviews Dr. Robert Bowman - MP3 Download

Grassroots InfoMedia interviews Dr. Robert Bowman

Notes: Progressive populist Candidate for Congress: Combat Veteran, Rocket Scientist, Businessman, College Professor, Fighter Pilot, Executive in both government and industry, family man (seven children, twenty-one grandchildren), Bishop, and Peace Activist, Member of Veterans for 911 Truth, talks 911 with Alfons, and about

Thanks Carol for the heads up!

MUJCA Griffin Film in Seattle Wednesday 5/10

The Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth will sponsor 9/11 and American Empire, a video showing of David Ray Griffin's Madison talk.

Holy Rosary School Hall, West Seattle
Wednesday May 10, 7-8:30
Presentation and discussion.
Contact: James Morgante, 206-325-7592,

Thanks Kevin for the heads up!

Youth For 9/11 Truth Site Launches

A new site titled 'Youth for 9/11 Truth' has just gone up, you can find it at

Here is some more info:
Youth for 9/11 Truth - The 9/11 Files

I have recently started my organization named "Youth for 9/11 Truth". If you are under the age of 21, and would like to join please visit our website for more information. I would like to thank everyone who supports me in getting this organization off to a good start.

To visit the website, go here:

Why Didn't The Secret Service Protect The President On 9/11?

Why Didn't The Secret Service Protect The President On 9/11? -

From the 9/11 Report, pages 38, 39:

The President and the Vice President
The President was seated in a classroom when, at 9:05, Andrew Card whispered to him: "A second plane hit the second tower. America is under attack." The President told us his instinct was to project calm, not to have the country see an excited reaction at a moment of crisis. The press was standing behind the children; he saw their phones and pagers start to ring. The President felt he should project strength and calm until he could better understand what was happening. 203

GNN Video - UA 93: The Road to Shanksville

UA 93: The Road to Shanksville -

Shot while during research for our book, True Lies, GNN’s The Road To Shanksville looks at the wider socio-political issue of how mainstream news covered the initial stages of the administration’s response to 9/11. It asks the bigger questions raised by this story, namely: are there some stories that we, as a society, would rather not know? Does that fear of knowing benefit those in power?

But it also touches down at the crash site, featuring interviews with those very eyewitnesses who’s accounts of the “second plane” and other mysterious aspects of the crash are enough to make even the most cynical viewer wonder if the official story is actually the truth.

Callers Respond to Moussaoui Verdict on CSpan

The Flight 93 forums have been shut down, 911 Truth on Wikipedia is being censored, and C-Span is being bombarded with 9/11 Truth bombs:

Keep it up everyone, 911 Truth is everywhere!!

Note: You can find the mp3 (audio) of this on 911podcasts here:

Response to Recent Hit Piece on Ray McGovern by The Weekly Standard

The 9/11 Truth Movement Is Not Anti-Semitic And Neither is Ray McGovern -

What I call, "The PNAC Newspaper (The Weekly Standard)" has decided to publish a "hit piece" against Ray McGovern. They did so because Mr. McGovern, the brave man that he is, confronted Donald Rumsfeld on the lies leading up to the Iraq War.

You would think that the Weekly Standard would be compelled to rebut what Mr. McGovern had to say with information showing he was wrong. Because such information doesn't exist, they instead decided to label him a "Conspiracy Theorist", and tried to make him appear anti-semitic by incorrectly referencing his acronym for "O.I.L.", and by referencing certain "Israel/9/11 pamphlets" handed outside of the famous "Downing Street Memo Hearings" led by Rep. John Conyers.