November 2006

(For a historical archive of our old site visit

How long have you been a 9/11 truther?

I've been a truther for a little over two years. In my family and friendships I would say that I've gotten 10 people to admit the possibility that we've been lied to about 9/11. I don't know if any are actively promoting the truth. I don't understand why people are so reluctant to take the lead on it. I've done some other things that have hopefully turned some people onto the truth. I try to discuss it with people who seem open minded every chance I get. I've been handicapped by an event in the past year that prevents me from doing as much as I would like to do. I'm interested in others posting their stories in the comments of this diary.

9/11 Truth At The Birthplace Of America - Pictures & Video Inside

Fred Weber and I went to Independence Hall today to hand out flyers for the PA 9/11 Visibility Group. It was freezing out, and some idiot forgot to send me outside with a jacket (me). Some people were very receptive to what we had to say. Others were not. I hand delivered our flyer to the offices of KYW (CBS), and unfortunately, according to the man at the front desk, no news people were there today. I would have liked to speak face to face with some of our media, and challenge them on what is considered news.

All in all, it was a productive day, and we plan to do it again, and again, and again.

Come Together

Dear 9/11 Truth Community,

I have been working hard on my website, TRUTH911.NET. I have a new video intro, which completes the look and feel of the page. The site has got a well designed and catchy layout and contains all the free movies, videos and information that i could find. My hope is that this site could serve as a central recourse for the 9/11 Truth Movement where all our hard work, research and ideas can come together in one place. The site is designed to educate both those who are totally new to 9/11 truth, as well as have all the detailed information for those looking into the facts in more detail. Up to this point, I’ve been running the site by myself. I'm hoping now, that everyone can get involved in making TRUTH911.NET a site that we can all be part of and use it to publish our research. The goal is for this site to be a complete resource for the Truth Movement. The url is easy to remember, but also has links to all the other 9/11 truth pages. There's nothing for sale on the site, no adds, i don't make any money from the site.

I'm asking for everyone's help to fill in all the stuff I’ve missed on the site. For example, i only have one source in molten metal section, and I know that new video just came out, and George Washington’s blog has a number of sources that I haven’t included on my site yet. I’m sure there are tons of sources or information that I’ve missed, so please e-mail me ( or post in the comments below and I’ll put it up on the page. This is how I want the information submitted, and I’ll use the molten metal as an example

Church publishers criticize own book

Thanks to FHB for the submission: 

Church publishers criticize own book
Author says Bush planned 9/11 terror

By Peter Smith
The Courier-Journal

In an unusual criticism of its own product, the board of the Louisville-based Presbyterian Publishing Corp. says a book fell short of its editing standards with its "spurious" claim that the Bush administration orchestrated the 9/11 terror attacks.

But the publisher will continue selling the controversial book, "Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11," by California theologian David Ray Griffin.

The book stirred controversy this summer when published by the corporation, which is the official publishing house of the Louisville-based Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

OpEdNews Story Disputing the Government's Official 9/11 Story

The New Democratic Congress Must Demolish the "American Police State" that Bush Is Erecting. -

The official 9/11 account, which has been echoed throughout the mainstream media, is full of impossibilities and improbabilities according to the 'disputers'. The Bush administration claimed it had no prior warnings. However, the 'disputers' ask why then was Attorney General Ashcroft urged to stop using commercial flights and go private and why was there a 1200% increase in orders to sell-short airline stocks during the week before 9/11. Professional pilots have commented that they themselves couldn't fly the complex, computerized 757's without extensive specialized training and practice and that it was certainly impossible for foreign terrorists with nothing more than some flight lessons for small private aircraft to perform the flight maneuvers of 9/11. With Vice President Cheney controlling NORAD on 9/11, the 'disputers' believe that insider complicity was necessary for the terrorists to hit at a time the air force was in stand-down mode for war games simulating what was actually happening for real as well as the terrorists' hijacked planes going unfettered for over an hour without interception.

The 'disputers' say the facts don't support the government's official 9/11 story that the WTC towers collapsed because their steel super structures were softened by the jet fuel fires resulting from the plane crashes. Instead, the 'disputers' cite evidence that points to controlled-explosive demolitions set by government insiders as the real cause.


The above was just a small portion of the extensive and extraordinary evidence maintained by the growing ranks of Americans disputing the government's official 9/11 story. This evidence is made up of hard facts, not conspiracy theories as characterized by government apologists, and must be truly investigated by the new Democratic Congress.

Check out the link for the full article.

Some Thoughts on Disinfo

People seem to be extra-sensitive these days, perhaps because of recent news that (GASP!) the Pentagon is hiring people to infiltrate public discussions, to the problem of disinformation within the movement. It's an issue that is important to take seriously, and the more we understand how disinfo works the better equipped we are to identify and counter it. So....

What is disinfo?

That's a loaded question, and most people who have been doing even a little research into 9/11 or other "conspiracy" type issues have probably heard of the basic forms it takes--straw men, limited hangout, agents provocateurs, etc. Enough time engaging others in the movement and most will begin to harbor suspicions about potential disinfo elements currently in the mix. This is not a bad thing, if kept in perspective. In fact, it is the first important element in countering it, that is, identifying it.

I hear a lot of people (not in the movement) say with no small amount of exasperation and even hopelessness that "so much out there is lies, how can we possibly know who's telling the truth, now that we know we can't trust our 'trusted' media icons?" or something to that effect. While I sympathize, I've also come to feel that attitudes like that represent a kind of intellectual laziness. Kind of like "You mean I have to think for MYSELF? Thinking's is hard!"

"Marketing" the Truth! and Passive Activism?

After watching John Conner's video from UCSD I had a few ideas that may help in DVD distribution.

Marketing research shows that people are generally skeptical of things that are given away for free. Either they presume the item is junk or they are wary of some sort of hidden catch. One idea might be for activists to station themselves on a campus and offer "FREE DVD WITH SURVEY". This will create an opportunity to get responses from students, speak to them one-on-one and hand out DVDs. And, because people will feel like they did something in exchange for the DVD, this may resolve some of the "free stuff must be junk" mentality.

The style in which John Conner is presenting the truth is attention getting, but it is also loud and aggressive. A more passive presentation might enable a different group of activists to participate in distrubution and it might also welcome people who are quietly, curious about 911 information.

Everyone who knows the truth is an activist, but each of us must find our own unique style and method of spreading information.

Keep-up the good work John!

FALSE FLAG NEWS' exposes 9/11 "SPACE BEAM" disinformation being promoted at

False Flag News
Friday, November 17, 2006 Broadcast

Show download:

Partial transcript...

A: The Pentagon is boosting their war unit.

We know that through OPERATION MOCKING BIRD the CIA and intelligent agencies have collaborated, worked with and owned many of the editors and publishing houses and news paper outlets in this country.

We know that at the Bilderberg meeting top level people from NEWSWEEK, TIME -- the major media outlets go there and never tell their readers… People from THE NEW YORK TIMES -- all of them going to the Bilderberg and never reporting it. This is where the world’s elite meet and argue and set up the agenda for the way the world will be shaped.

John Conner Crashes ANOTHER College (UCSD) With 9/11 Truth

John Conner's college campus tour continues at the University of California San Diego.

COPA Regional Meeting Coverage

I'm attending this year's COPA (Coalition on Political Assassinations) meeting in Dallas, TX, and will be video blogging the event. Last night we were supposed to have a keynote from Cynthia McKinney, but she had to cancel at the last minute.

Below is footage of opening statements by Peter Dale Scott, John Judge, RFK archivist Pat Sikora and Summer Reese, who is acting as Sirhan Sirhan's current legal representative.

The footage features a short tribute to McKinney and Phillip Melanson by Scott, a long tribute to Melanson by John Judge, an award received by Pat Sikora on behalf of the Melanson family and news about Sirhan Sirhan's current status.

Scott talked briefly about 9/11, and will give a detailed talk on 9/11 and JFK today that I will hopefully upload tonight.