November 2006

(For a historical archive of our old site visit

Last night's Northern California 911 Truth Alliance meeting went very well

This is a great group to work with. Go to the site and get involved.

Northern California 911 Truth Alliance

Now is the time to help push 9/11 Truth to the next level. If you're in the greater SF Bay Area, check the above web site and come to the next meeting. There's alot going on and the more people the merrier it will be. Please come join us.

If you are not in the greater SF Bay Area, look in your area for a group or start one if there isn't one already.

The 9/11 Truth movement is reaching a tipping point in the US, help work to take it over the top.

We are all brothers and sisters on this big blue ball.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

Be well.

Perps in Stripes

Another great poster from David Dees:

Credit for illustration:

Fox News Show 'Planet Mancow' to 'Rip into' 9/11 Skeptics

Planet Mancow -

Sat., November 18 at 9 p.m. ET
Hosted by Mancow

Come on a journey with Erich "Mancow" Muller to a parallel Universe he likes to call "Planet Mancow."

Mancow, best known for his syndicated radio program "Mancow's Morning Madhouse," brings a new perspective and wit to our ever-changing world.

"Planet Mancow" features a "different" kind of interview with William Shatner, who talks about playing Captain T. Kirk and how "Star Trek" impacted so many lives — even some Vietnam POWs.
Then, did our government mastermind the attacks of 9/11? Mancow rips into 9/11 conspiracy enthusiast Kevin Smith and talks with Brian Harvey, a New York City firefighter who was at Ground Zero that horrific day.

The preview for this show was apparently attempted to be posted to, but is not currently working. I am not familiar with him, but you can find out a bit on his wiki entry.

The following quote should give an idea as to what to expect:

On December 6th, 2005, Muller drew a swarm of controversy when he verbally attacked Howard Dean on Fox News Channel's Fox and Friends, antagonizing with such words as "vile", "bloodthirsty", "evil", and retaliated to Dean's opinions on the War in Iraq, calling Dean a traitor that "ought to be kicked out of America" and "tried for treason".

And a bit about his radio show:

Bob Noxious: A hilarious candid audio recording is played of a man saying offensive things on a street setting and people's shocked responses.
Drunk Chick Friday: Muller invites a group of (supposedly) attractive women to visit the studio on Friday mornings, who then become highly intoxicated and obnoxious as the show progresses.

Looks like Fox has picked up another winner.

Scratching the Surface

Writing for Spero News, Adrian Morgan scratches the surface of the CIA-supported al-Qaeda network:

"...Wahhabism was an alien ideology to the Muslims of former Yugoslavia, though in the Bosnian war of 1992 - 1995, it became imported by radical Muslims. These had been invited to the region by then-president Alija Izetbegovic. ... When the civil war began in 1992, he invited Mujahideen fighters to the region, incorporating them into the Bosnian army. ... Izetbegovic was portrayed by the Clinton administration as a moderate, though it was recently revealed that he was in the pay of a Saudi Al Qaeda operative, Yassin al-Khadi (Yassin al Qadi). Izetbegovic was also in direct communication with Osama bin Laden, according to British journalist Eve-Ann Prentice. ..."

Although it is rarely mentioned in the mainstream media, the United States did more than just portray Izetbegovic as a moderate, as the above article suggests. Izetbegovic and the Mujahideen fighters he invited to the region were the recipients of logistical, financial, and military support from the US.

As London's The Spectator has noted, "If Western intervention in Afghanistan created the mujahedin, Western intervention in Bosnia appears to have globalised it."

Indeed, several current and former top al-Qaeda militants and financers participated in the Bosnian civil war with the full support of the United States. It was, after all, for the Bosnian jihad that the 9/11 'paymaster', Omar Sheikh, was reportedly recruited to fight by the CIA and MI6.

As the above excerpt notes, it was recently revealed that Izetbegovic was "in the pay" of Yassin al-Qadi, a specially designated global terrorist and widely reported al-Qaeda financer. Izetbegovic reportedly received $195,000 from al-Qadi in 1996, the same year he earned the "International Democracy Award" from the Center for Democracy.

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Alija Izetbegovic receives the 1996 International Democracy Award during a ceremony held at the United Nations on March 25, 1997.

Al-Qadi, in addition to financing the Bosnian jihad and acting as a "chief money launderer" for Osama bin Laden, owned a company called Ptech, which provided sophisticated software to several departments and agencies of the US government, including the Army, the Air Force, Naval Air Command, Congress, the Department of Energy, the Department of Justice, Customs, the FAA, the IRS, NATO, the FBI, the Secret Service, and the White House.

The same year (1996) al-Qadi was allegedly making payments to Izetbegovic, the al-Qaeda financer began obtaining contracts from the US government.

According to US intelligence officials who spoke to 9/11 whistleblower Indira Singh, Ptech was a "CIA clandestine op on the level of Iran-Contra." More after the fold...

Pentagon Papers - Barbara Honegger (html version)

Honegger - Pentagon Attack (non pdf)


Seven Hours in September: The Clock that Broke the LieAppendix to THE TERROR CONSPIRACY by Jim MarrsPublication date, Sept. 6, 2006by Barbara Honegger, M.S.Barbara Honegger, M.S. is Senior Military Affairs Journalist at the Naval Postgraduate School (1995-present), the Navy’s advanced science, technology and national security affairs university. This research, as all of Honegger’s research and publications on September 11, are solely in her capacity as a concerned private citizen and do not imply official endorsement. Honegger served as Special Assistant to the Assistant to the President and White House Policy Analyst (1981-83); was the pioneering Irangate author and whistleblower on the October Surprise (October Surprise, Tudor, 1989; and Iran-Contra expose documentary film "Cover-Up"); and was called as a researcher / witness at both the October 23, 2004, and August 27, 2005, Los Angeles Citizens 9/11 Grand Jury hearings held at Patriotic Hall in Los Angeles, Calif. Much of the information and analysis contained in this evidence summary was presented at the L.A. Citizens Grand Jury hearings and at the 9/11 Emergency Truth Convergence conference held at American University in Washington, D.C. in July, 2005.

The Columbine-9/11 Connection

The Columbine-9/11 Connection

posted by IT Thursday, November 16, 2006

e-mail: interestingtimes ATSYMBOL xmail PERIOD net

April 20th, 1999: The official report is that two disaffected teens, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, the more dominant of the two, armed with automatic weapons and pipe bombs, engaged in a massacre of their fellow classmates on school grounds after rigging the campus with improvised explosive devices. The carnage resulted in the deaths of about a dozen teachers and students, including the two shooters. Although no other assailants were involved, Klebold and Harris were members of a violent clique known as the "trench coat mafia" and had produced several dozen videos in which fantasies of such a massacre were expressed, rehearsed and caught on camera. Private gun ownership and rock musician Marilyn Manson were the primary scapegoats. Soon afterwards, a wide-reaching anti-crime bill was rammed through Congress under the pretense that more legislation will protect the public from such disastrous events.

September 11th, 2001: The official report is that nineteen disaffected Arabs led by fanatical Muslim Mohammed Atta, armed with box cutters, engaged in a massacre of a variety of professional people on American soil after hijacking four commercial airliners and flying them into the World Trade Center and Pentagon buildings. The carnage resulted in the death of about three thousand Civil liberties and Osama bin Laden were the primary scapegoats. Soon afterwards, a wide-reaching anti-terrorism bill was rammed through Congress under the pretense that more legislation will protect the public from such disastrous events.

San Francisco Screening - 9/11 Press for Truth - Video Inside

View the Q&A between Peter Dale Scott

and Paul Thompson following the Palo Alto Premiere


Thanks to Carol for writing this. - Jon

by Carol Brouillet ( cbrouillet [at] )
Tuesday Nov 14th, 2006 5:53 PM

Finally, the best new 9-11 documentary is being screened in San Francisco! The venue has changed. This is the film to bring the whole family to see, that crosses all boundaries, telling the story from the point of view of the families who forced a Commission on a reluctant White House, only to be betrayed by the Commission, itself.

This film really deserves a major theatrical release, particularly in San Francisco, but so far it has been premiered in large theaters in Oakland and Palo Alto, on short notice between the anniversary events and the election. The film is one to wake up those who thought the 9/11 Commission was bipartisan and thorough or who believe that there really is a “War on Terrorism” and not massive war profiteering, extension of the American Empire, and lining the coffers of the new “Surveillance Industry” moguls.

Controlled Demolition Theories

Most people are seeing 2 possible alternative theories, but I am seeing three.

1. The most popular CD theory, where explosives were placed throughout the building and detonated by a series of precisely sequenced radio signals OR possibly pressure sensitive triggers or possibly some combination of both (RF arming mechanisms with motion/vibration-sensing triggers, etc).

2. Some type of sci-fi beam weapon (heh) was placed in the sub-basement of each tower. When activated, it scrambled the molecular structure of the steel and the concrete (and superheated all the water in the building), which rapidly weakened the entire structure to the point where it crumbled. The collapse would have naturally began at the building's lateral weak point--the impact site, AND the collapse would have appeared somewhat explosive due to the superheated water and its reaction with the concrete.

3. Some type of thermite-based explosive was detonated deep in the basements of the towers, causing all vertical support for the buildings to fail, which in turn caused the building to begin collapsing at its lateral weak point--the impact site.I believe this theory has the most supporting evidence, and the least amount of contradictory evidence. (both theories 1 and 2 have a great deal of contradictory evidence.) I think it is possible that the buildings could have totally crumbled from the top down, WITHOUT the use of any explosives above ground level, IF the support columns were ONLY cut near the bedrock.

Popular Mechanics caught in a lie?

PM "Researchers" Benjamin Chertoff & Davin Coburn can't agree on what the term "Pull it" means


From the link above:

Benjamin Chertoff, Researcher for Popular Mechanics, on Coast to Coast AM - March 5, 2005:

I'm glad somebody brought up the Larry Silverstein comment, because we certainly looked at that... What he says is "they decided to pull" which is referring to the fire department. And of course in some circles of the controlled demolition industry "Pull" is used to mean that you actually demolish a building.

Just over a year later, Popular Mechanics changes their story...

Davin Coburn, Researcher for Popular Mechanics, on The Charles Goyette Show - August 23, 2006:

Having spoken to any number of large controlled demolition firms... the term "Pull it" is not a demolition term... We have never heard it used that way and neither actually have the people who do this professionally that we spoke to.(More after jump...)

Funniest 9/11 Poster

This is the funniest 9/11 poster I've ever seen :

The link is here:

Credit for illustration: