April 2007

(For a historical archive of our old site visit http://911blogger.com/archive)

The Declaration Of Independence Of The Thirteen Colonies

It occurred to me tonight that it's possible not everyone has actually read this. Please take the time. Tell me if you see anything familiar. I know this is not 9/11 related, but I think the words are very revealing. - Jon

The Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies

Source: law.indiana.edu

In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

sounded like gunshots going off i heard 3 big explosions, then the building came down

a clip i recently came across when going through archived footage from archive.org. matt lauer interviews three abm employees from wtc 2. all three experienced the chaos in the sub levels. make your own conclusions.

NBC, 12:28 pm, september 13

http://www.archive.org/details/nbc200109131203-1245 (@ 25 minutes)



high quality


more from arthur


other reference to 3 explosions


thanks to aria from LCF for locating and uploading the high quality versions

Rodriguez/Barrett Midwest Tour Launched

William Rodriguez and Kevin Barrett will be the featured duo at the upcoming 9/11 Midwest Speaking Tour.

WHO: William Rodriguez, world-famous 9/11 rescue hero and the last man out of the North Tower, will be the featured speaker for the September 11th Midwest Speaking Tour. Rodriguez saved countless lives on 9/11, and sprinted out of the building to dive under a fire truck as the Tower came down. He has electrified audiences in Europe, Asia, and South America with his message of heroism and uncompromising truth. You can hear him live and in person on the weekend of April 19 – 21, 2007. For more information on Mr. Rodriguez, go to www.911keymaster.com.

William Rodriguez decided to interrupt his worldwide speaking tours and come to the Midwest to defend Dr. Kevin Barrett against cheap shots by local Republicans. Dr. Barrett, co-founder of MUJCA.COM will be discussing his new book Truth Jihad as well as 9/11 and American Empire, Christians, Jews and Muslims Speak Out.


Heavy drinking in Shuckums

Two men came in, drank heavily and then refused to pay the bill"

NBC, september 12, 6:41pm

XVID: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3710I85N
archive.org: http://www.archive.org/details/nbc200109121841-1922

17 Questions About 9/11

Source: http://911proof.com/FactSheet.html

1. Don't all the high-level officials agree on what happened on 9/11?

No. Numerous present and former high-level military leaders and politicians have questioned the administration's version of 9/11.

2. Isn't 9/11 a partisan political issue, where extremists in one party are simply trying to smear the other party for political gain?

No, credible people from across the political spectrum question 9/11, including prominent conservatives, prominent liberals, and prominent centrists.

Guns and Butter 1pm Today - Loren Goldner: Fictitious Capital, Real Retrogression

Guns & Butter

Wednesday April 4, 1:00pm

Fictitious Capital, Real Retrogression

Interview with independent writer and activist, Loren Goldner. Loren Goldner is author of numerous articles on political economy including "International Liquidity Crisis and Class Struggle"; "The Dollar Crisis and Us"; "1973 Redux: Continuity and Discontinuity in the Decline of Dollar-Centered World Accumulation"; "Two Short Texts on Economic Crisis and War"; and "Fictitious Capital and the Transition Out of Capitalism", among many other essays. Visit his website, Break Their Haughty Power, at http://home.earthlink.net/~lrgoldner.

The underlying economic forces and dynamics of the forward-flight of capitalism behind US aggression abroad. The US as a hegemony in decline creating chaos and dissension among rivals in order to strengthen a sinking hand.

KPFA 94.1 FM Berkeley 1pm PST, and streaming and archived at www.kpfa.org


The 'queen of nice' goes nuts


The 'queen of nice' goes nuts
Rosie O'Donnell's wacky 9/11 conspiracy theories should get her kicked off 'The View.'
April 3, 2007

RENOWNED metallurgist Rosie O'Donnell proclaimed on TV on Thursday that Sept. 11, 2001, was a more significant date than most of us realized. It was, in her words, "the first time in history that fire has ever melted steel."

This, of course, came as news to steelworkers, blacksmiths, firefighters, manufacturers of samurai swords and other fools who hadn't realized that steel is forged in magic furnaces using dragon breath and pixie dust.

O'Donnell made this and other profoundly stupid comments on the daytime talk show "The View," ABC's update of the ancient practice of women chattering around the village well.

Truth Stage 2 in Columbus

It's official. C911T has reached stage 2. We may have only started this endeavor 3 months ago but people are talking.

Take this site for example:

9/11 "Truth"

I think this just about sums up everything I would have said. And it shows why the "9/11 was an Inside Job" folks make me sick

Here is the video that is included.


"We show you the cover so if you ever see anyone carrying it, push them down a flight of stairs"

This is from a member of the "progressive" community here in Columbus.

But fear not, It's not just "progressives".