Stories From Firemen Who Survived North Tower Collapse Suggest Demolition

Survival of Firemen in North Tower Collapse Corroborates Use of Demolition Charges -

A dozen firemen, a civilian, and a police officer, who were on Stairway B between floors 1 and 6, survived the collapse of the 110-floor north World Trade Center tower on September 11, 2001.

Their story is documented in the book Report from Ground Zero: The Story of the Rescue Efforts at the World Trade Center by Dennis Smith, which contains testimonies of several of the survivors from this pocket of life in a tower that plummeted to destruction.

Propping Up the War on Terror: Lies about the WTC by NIST and UL

Quite a lengthy article that discusses the coverup of the controlled demolition. A few of the finer points are listed here, please follow the link for the whole article. Thank you to Sitting-Bull for this submission:

"Already there is near-consensus as to the sequence of events that led to the collapse of the World Trade Center."--Shankar Nair, as quoted in the Chicago Tribune, September 19, 2001
Selling the Official Story: Some Key Players

Shankar Nair, whose statement quoted above is quite telling, was one of those "experts" on whom the government depended to support what turned out to be an ever-changing, but always flimsy, story. Many of the scientists involved in the investigation were asked to examine ancillary issues, like escape routes and other emergency response factors. But those few who attempted to explain what really needed explaining, the unique events of fire-induced collapse, appear to have engaged in what can only be called anti-science. That is, they started with their conclusions and worked backward to some "leading hypotheses."

9/11 Truth Calling Oprah!

I was on the fence about posting this, I just did not think Oprah would ever speak out about the events of 9/11, and it would be a waste of time and effort for all of us. However, I was talking to Reprehensor and he made the statement that a year ago, nobody every thought CNN would ever step up to the plate. So, without further adieu:

An Appeal from

For more than five years now, the entire mainstream corporate news media apparatus has been controlled by a handful of behind-the-scene power brokers. In all that time there has been a total blackout on any mention, never mind discussion, of the truth behind the events of 9/11.

Bravo Charlie!!!

Thank you Mike for this submission. Drop Charlie Sheen a line here:

Charlie, like his father Martin Sheen is a free thinker and now at great risk to himself and his career is speaking freely as well. Bravo Charlie. The intent of this hastily built web site is to give Charlie Sheen the support he so deserves, it's also hoped that the sentiments expressed here will encourage others to step into the light as well. Click on the "Say Bravo Charlie" link to the right to let Charlie Sheen know he has support.

User Submission: The Failure of the Reichstag Fire Truth Movement

A great write up by frequent 911blogger contributer BB:

On February 27, 1933, a fire swept through the building housing the German Parliament, the Reichstag. The fire apparently began in several places around the building, and a large explosion accelerated destruction just before police and firefighters arrived.

Adolph Hitler and fellow Nazi leaders quickly blamed and arrested communists. Hitler had been appointed Chancellor in January by Weimar Republic President Paul von Hindenburg. Hitler and his colleagues persuaded von Hindenburg to invoke Article 48 of the Weimar constitution the day after the fire, declaring a state of national emergency, cementing extraordinary authority in the central government, establishing power to make laws by decree without legislative involvement, and suspending fundamental civil liberties.

Open Thread

What's new?

Open thread, have at it!

Recording of Today's Dr. Griffin Appearance on Guns and Butter - Audio Download

Dr. David Ray Griffin's appearance on Guns and Butter today is available for streaming via KPFA here.

Thanks a bunch to Guns and Butter for having Dr. Griffin on!

We have archived the show locally here as well.

Thanks again to Yarrow for letting us know about the show!

Details on Upcoming Maryland Loose Change 2 Screening

Got this a few days ago via email, if you are in the area be sure to check it out:

Thursday April 6, 2006 at 7PM
Screening of "Loose Change II"
Sangha 7014 Westmoreland Ave, Takoma Park, Md.
3 blocks from Takoma Park Metro, adjacent to Carroll Ave gazebo stage.

This event is intended to kick off organizing of a DC area 9/11 truth group.

Midweek Grab Bag

We've received many submissions asking us to promote the Charlie Sheen interviews CNN far and wide. So.. not that I need to tell anyone here that, but spread the word!!! Continue to bombard CNN, plus use the CNN interviews as leverage to get other news organizations to report on the Sheen interviews. After all, if CNN will report on this story, then every news organization should be willing.

A little light reading for you here, thanks to everyone who submitted news, its coming fast and furious, keep it coming:

Let's not lose the 9/11 Truth momentum

San Francisco Chronicle Talks About 9/11

Long Live The 9/11 Conspiracy! (archive) -

Here it is: an absolutely exceptional inside scoop on the white-hot world of Sept. 11 conspiracy theories, writ large and smart by Mark Jacobson over at New York magazine, and it's mandatory reading for anyone and everyone who's ever entertained the nagging thought that something -- or rather, far more than one something -- is deeply wrong with the official line on what actually happened on Sept. 11.