New Hampshire Paper 'The Wire' Runs Front Page 9/11 Article

System Breakdown - The Wire

It’s been three years since the start of U.S. military operations in Iraq, and while supporters and detractors of the war continue to debate the causes of and solutions to that conflict, one fact is almost indisputable: the long, bloody journey in Iraq began on Sept. 11, 2001.
With more and more books and Web sites coming out devoted to the alternative 9/11, it seems like there’s more momentum behind the movement than ever before. Earlier this month, actor Charlie Sheen expressed his doubts about the official 9/11 story during an interview on the Alex Jones radio show (the interview is online at Coverage of the movement is also gaining traction in bigger media outlets. In the last two months, The Village Voice and New York Magazine have both run extensive stories on 9/11 truth.

Late Night Open Thread

So far this month we have sent out over 1.25 terabytes of media, and have tripled our viewership in just two months - pretty phenomenal figures. As such, I'd like to welcome our new visitors and encourage you to continue to check back in the future.

I encourage our new visitors to make yourself familiar with our rules for posting comments, what the purpose of this site is, and to visit the wealth of links on the right panel to get up to speed with subjects you may be unfamiliar with. This site is not an exclusive site only for people who hold certain opinions, all we ask is that you play nice, and be informed.

Letter to the Editor on Charlie Sheen Commentary

Sheen's Doubt Shared By Experts - Hartford Courant

In response to the March 25 Java column ["Brainless Actor Bloviates II"]:

The following, clearly not "brainless," professionals have come out publicly to express their informed belief that there was a controlled demolition of the World Trade Center towers and a government cover up of 9/11:

Col. Robert Bowman (former head of the Star Wars program during two administrations), Steven Jones (Brigham Young University physicist), Judy Wood (Clemson University professor of engineering), Paul Craig Roberts (father of "Reaganomics" and former government economist), Ray McGovern (former top CIA intelligence analyst) and Morgan Reynolds (former chief labor economist under President George W. Bush) among others. But this gets almost no news media coverage.

9-11 Truth Movement: Time for Action

I agree, the time for debate is gone. I'm all for a massive protest, but I don't want to wait till September. Lets get busy!!

Last weekend, half a million pro-illegal immigration marchers gathered on the streets of Los Angeles to protest new legislation which would supposedly toughen penalties on law-breakers from Mexico and Central/South America (as well as those who hire or aid and abet them). There were also similar events in other cities around the country, including Phoenix, Chicago, and Washington DC.

Dr. David Ray Griffin on Guns and Butter Tomorrow

Host Bonnie Faulkner will be interviewing David Ray Griffin regarding the 9/11 oral histories and eyewitness testimony to explosions in the WTC towers on 9/11.

Guns & Butter - Wednesdays 1-2p - KPFA 94.1fm
Berkeley, CA - - live stream and archived for one week.

Thanks Yarrow for the heads up!

Scholars for 9/11 Truth Member Discusses 9/11 Hijackers

Let's discuss the 9/11 hijackers - Awoken Research Group

A lot of 9/11 Truthseekers make the statement that some of the "hijackers" are 'still alive'. This is not entirely true. Well, who knows. But what we do know is there are serious anomalies and questions that need to be asked. And it involves the release of names and photo's and when and where within the timeline they were released.

It might very well appear that the 'hijackers alive' stories were plants to support the fact that there were even hijackers.

Let's start with some of the points, I've noticed and pieced together through looking at sites and analyzing the info.

Amy Goodman on 9/11

Amy Goodman was on C-Span's Washington Journal show.

She said we need a "full investigation" into 9/11, and said the 9/11 Commission "did not do a satisfactory investigation".

Video is here: rtsp://
The question comes at 1:16; the answer comes at 1:20

This is a major breakthrough -- until now, Goodman has been a major left gatekeeper.

Sound Bites

In this age of sound bites and fast-moving entertainment, many adults may have the attention-span of a child. Moreover, many people have such strong preconceptions about what happened on 9/11, that they will not listen to new information about what really happened on 9/11 if you try to engage them in a long, rational discussion (they are too good at filtering out new information which comes in through normal channels).

So what's the answer?

Hit 'em fast and hard with a one-liner which makes a winning point in a humorous or unusual way, and so slips 9/11 truth in "under the radar" before they have a chance to censor it out.

More Stars to Speak Out on 9/11?

News Flash: The Dam is Breaking on the 9/11 Cover-Up -

More Stars Go Public with Demands for 9/11 Investigation, Others to Follow

Award winning actor, director, producer, and pioneering anti-Iraq war activist Ed Asner is scheduled to appear live on the CNN Headline News program Showbiz Tonight (6pm CST). Asner is reportedly going on to support Charlie Sheen's bold and brave stance calling for a real investigation of the events on September 11th, 2001 as well as to raise his own questions.
Actor James Woods began questioning the official fable in the first weeks right after 9/11. X-Files and Lone Gunmen star Dean Haglund has already gone public on the Alex Jones Show (December 18, 2004) questioning the official story. Actor Ed Begley, Jr. hosted a 9/11 Truth Symposium in New York City several months ago.

Another Day, Another Open Thread

With the craziness of the last few days it has been near impossible to sort through everything, so post anything we have missed.

Here is a press release we missed today:
Spring Breakthrough for 9/11 Truth - Alex Jones, Webster Tarpley, and Charlie Sheen Splash on Mainstream TV - Total Print Media Blackout Continues

Also, there is a rumor that two other 9/11 folks might be on CNN tomorrow at 4pm. If this gets confirmed please let us know and we will be sure to help spread the word.

Update: Tonight, At 7pm EST On CNN Headline News' Showbiz Tonight - NY Senate Candidate and Author of "9/11: The Big Wedding" Sander Hicks, and actor Ed Asner.